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Master Ahmad Nabeel

Ahmad Nabeel

Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automation Faculty

Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks

The name of master's work: «Designing of a network of city Amman on technology АТМ»

Scientific director: Chervinskiy Vladimir Vladimirovich

E-mail: nabeel.ahmad15@yahoo.com

Реферат | Библиотека | Ссылки | Отчет о поиске | Индивидуальное задание


    • Date of a birth: 26 april 1982
    • Education: 1988-2001 scholl №1 in Zarqa, 2003-2004 Kharkov zooveterinary Academy (rates of Russian), since 2004 i trained in Donetsk National Technical University, a speciality telecommunication systems and networks, the bachelor, i receive a degree of the master
    • Professional skills: freely know Russian, Arabian and French languages; has studied programming languages Pascal, C/C ++, Borland C ++ Builder 6, HTML, PHP. I have an operational experience with programs MathCad, Visio, the Compass 5/11, MatLAB, SystemView, LabView, Packet Tracer, Opnet.
    • Personal qualities: skill to communicate, purposefulness, high work capacity, sense of duty, ability to training


The childhood

My name is Ahmed Nabil. I was born on April, 26, 1982 in the city of Zarka, in Jordan. In school I have gone to 6 years, studied there the Arabian and English languages, and now I know Russian. My parents - school teachers. Mum teaches the Arabian language, father - geography. I the senior son in family. Also I have two brothers and two sisters. My childhood has passed also, as well as at the majority of children. I was the quiet and timid boy, with bright imagination, frequently spent time with friends. My hobbies were: football and reading of fairy tales.

School days

I go to school since 1988. It was one of the best schools in my country, and time which I have lead at school, was the best in my life. It was interesting to me to spend time at school, there I have found new good friends. All our programs of training and the book were in the Arabian language. My favourite subjects were: a history, geography and the English language; the exact sciences, such as mathematics and physics, I did not like. After leaving school I two years played football in a professional team.


In 2003 I have arrived to Ukraine, in the city of Kharkov where in zooveterinary academie one year studied Russian. My choice of Ukraine as the countries of training was casual. In 2004 I have arrived in Donetsk national technical university on faculty computer both information technologies and automatics.

Plans for the future

In the near future I plan to protect the master work in Ukraine, then I will back to my home, and I shall work in the chosen sphere to receive good experience. I am confident, that the expert with diplom of DonNTU will be claimed in my country.

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