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Dolliner Pavel

Dolliner Pavel

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automation

Chair: Electronic technics

Speciality: Electronic systems

Theme of master's work:

Research of electronic system to water layers detection

Scientific adviser: Senko Victor Fyodorovich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

The resume

During training at university my score was 4.15;

Freely I know Russian also an Ukrainian language. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English;

I have skills of work in packages EWB, Mathcad, P-CAD, Microsoft Office, Stratum, Visio etc.;

There is a programming experience in languages Pascal, Si, the Assembler;

The autobiography:

The childhood

        I, Dolliner Paul Jakovlevich, was born on May 5ve 1986 (in a year of the Tiger on the Chinese calendar) in the city of Donetsk in 24th city hospital.

        I too have visited a kindergarten. Since a kindergarten parents tried to impart to me love to music, therefore me have given to a piano musical class which was in my court yard, to this business I has devoted four years.


        Before enter to school I have passed spring and autumn test then me took in the first class with the main Ukrainian language. In the fifth class I visited pool of a sports complex "Dynamo". Since the seventh class, I have started to take a great interest in badminton, these graceful sports have absorbed me completely. I am engaged in these sports till now and even I protect honour of university. In the ninth class I visited preliminary courses in lycée. After the termination of the ninth class our class, with a profile of the Ukrainian language, have disbanded. Also there was a choice, in what class to pass? The desire enter to lycée at me was beaten off by the mathematics teacher, which advised to me to pass in a class with an informatiko-mathematical profile where it was the class teacher. To this person I am obliged by the further choice of a speciality. Separate thanks of Shevchenko Tatyana Stepanovne, the teacher of higher mathematics which has considerably improved my knowledge and skills.

        Already in the beginning of the eleventh class there was a problem of the further training. For that time (the next stage of a dawn of computer technologies) I had an interest to computers. Interest to programming was huge, but before the second stage of ratings in DonNTU (Donetsk national technical university) I have sharply changed the choice towards electronics. And me has carried – I have entered.


        Has entered the university in 2003 on chair of electronic technics on a speciality «Electronic systems». I was faced with heavy, but an interesting course of electronics and, as a result, have not regretted about the made choice of a speciality. Except study I visit badminton section. There are senior teacher of chair of descriptive geometry senior lecturer Jurchenko Ivan Kuzmich. I consist in a university national team. After I have received the bachelor's degree, I have decided to deepen knowledge in electronics and have continued study in a magistracy, and also very much for a long time I would like will learn to solder and touch a practical side of electronics. And here to me has carried, Konstantin (my schoolmate) has helped me will be arranged in mobile service. Now I am able to roll microcircuits and slightly to read schemes of mobile phones.

The Diploma theme has been chosen on a place of passage of practice (UkrNeMe). The theme sounds as follows: «Research of electronic system of detection water layers».

Plans for the future

        Now the one problem: to write and protect diploma. To expand the outlook in electronics world. Still I wish to fly in space, I do not joke (Well this very far the future :))). After a magistracy it would be desirable it will be arranged on interesting, for electronics sphere, work.

        It is all.

        Thanks that have visited my page.

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