Kusov Ruslan
Faculty: Computer information technologies and automation
Department of Automation and Telecommunication
Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks
Theme of master's work:
"Research and development of transmission access radio channel for modern telecommunications networks on basis of broadband wireless technology WiMAX"
Scientific adviser: Professor Vorontsov Alexander Grigorevich
Resume |
My average mark for the period of studies in the university is 4,99. Russian and Ukrainian are native languages. And I have good skills in English in a volume sufficient for speaking and reading of technical literature on speciality. I have an experience with the software products MatLab, Net Cracker, Microsoft Visio, Compass 3D, Electronics Workbench, Photoshop, System View, Microwave Office, Cisco Packet Tracer, Algorithm Builder, LabView. I have skills of programming in the Pascal, Borland C++ and Builder Ñ++. I am keen on football, aquarium.
Childhood |
I was born on January, 21, 1987 in glorious city Donetsk, in family of students of the Donetsk polytechnic institute. But already at the first year of my life, I had to move on education to the grandmother in Debal'tsevo, because my parents were students. There I went to the kindergarten at the first time. Few years later my parents finished the university and moved from Donetsk to Severodonetsk. I liked this city right away and for today saved only pleasant flashbacks about Severodonetsk.
| Child's interests & School |
There at the age of 3 years I stand on ice, beginning to study in the section of figure-skating in a local ice palace, that is good known within the limits of our Motherland. It was my first time on ice. At the age of 6,5 years I went to school. It was city’s school ¹9. From this time I changed the figure-skating on more rough and dynamic hockey. It was children sports school of the local command "Chymik" in the same ice palace.
In 1997, just then when I passed to a 5 class, my parents and I had again to move. This time it was the Debal'tsevo – town Donetsk region, where my mother Kusova Lilya, lives and works for today.
There I went to school ¹5, in a class with Ukrainian language of teaching. School years were bright, merry and unforgettable. I want to say thanks to my all teachers who taught me in different years and directed me in a fair way of further life.
During my studies at the school I participated in different cultural and educational actions, beginning with competition of readers and concluding with regional scientist competitions on different disciplines. I took active part in work of ethnography section in the Minor academy of sciences, where I successfully protected at regional level the advanced study on the theme "Traditions of Donbass population in a winter period of holidays". From 9 to 11 forms I was selected on the president post of school sciences academy three times. Exactly at school I began to take a great interest in football and aquarium.
At the 11 class I have already knew firmly, that will continue the way of my parents in the Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU) on the speciality "Telecommunication systems and networks". After this time I began to visit weekly courses at DonNTU and increased prepare to the introductory ratings.
| University |
At last, from September, 1, 2004, successfully handing over the rating tests, I began studies in the TSN-04v group. Here, in the university, a lot of new friends and acquaintances appeared at me.
First four courses passed unnoticed. From especially going down in memory events it is possible to select preparation and participation in competition of MTC "Professionals of the future 2008". I was included in the command of the Donetsk national technical university, consisting of 5 persons. Together we about half-year worked above the project "Development of convergence multifunction network on the NGN platform and its integration with the existent mobile and fixed networks in Ukraine". The decision of this problem will allow to the mobile operators to multiply a number and improve quality provided services, opening up them for subscribers. The finale of competition took place on May, 23, 2008 in Kiev. Our command deservingly took the 3 place and as prizes was the recipient of an award by the diplomas of winners and modern mobile phones. After it there was a month of internship in the Eastern Ukrainian regional department of MTC company.
And here I want also to say thanks to all teachers, who teaching me to different disciplines at different times, to those, which promoted my level both specialist in my sector and to those, which developed me as personality.
In 2008 I entered MA course, because I know, that I need something greater, than Bachelor diploma. It is possible even and continuation of further scientific activity. I appeared in the TSN-08m group.
Professor Professor Vorontsov Alexander Grigorevich is my scientific adviser. He is a man who knows his work. He is fairly of principle and demanding. It is indeed possible to learn many things at him. By virtue of these reasons and my realized choice of scientific adviser of master's degree work was done. And as my fascinations in the university always touched modern technologies, for further work I have chosen project: "Research and development of transmission access radio channel for modern telecommunications networks on basis of broadband wireless technology WiMAX".
| Future plans |
In future, I plan to graduated MA course, find prestige and deservingly paid job on speciality, if certainly will not continue the way in science.
Also I have the desire to learn computer technologies further and perfection my knowledge in English. At last somewhere nearer to old age and sunset of the creative activity I have a dream to open the family restaurant chain, the first from which necessarily will appear in Donetsk.