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Master of DonNTU Linkova Olga Vladimirovna

Linkova Olga Vladimirovna

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics

Department: Automation and Telecommunication

Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks

Theme of master's work:Research of features of telecommunications industry in a coal mine

Scientific adviser: Voropaeva Viktoriya Yakovlevna

Material about theme of master's work: |Abstract |


I have received bachelor diploma in area “Telecommunication systems and nets”, average degree of which comprises 4,75. I have got work experience in university for four years with such programs as: SystemView, Microwave office, Packet Tracer 4.1 (Cisco), Algorithm Builder, NetCracker, Boson NetSim, MathCad, MatLab, LabView, MS Visio, Êîìïàñ 3D 5.11. Pascal and C++ were learned during the time of education. I speak fluently Russian and Ukrainian as well as English – enough for reading and translating. I was graduated from music school in 2001, also have two-year teacher work experience.

My hobby is professional dance.

Short biography:


I was born in the year of Dragon and by Taurus constellation by the break of day (27 April 1988). My father – Linkov Vladimir and mother - Linkova Tatyana were very glad by my bearing. I can expect help from my parents in any time. In the childhood I have never been bored because My mindful, funny and wonderful brother Evgeniy was near me. I was lowly, obedient and friendly child in kindergarten but I was not in a shadow because it prevents from my leadership and my desire to be the first in all. I acquired reading, writing and counting very fast. Because of this I was redirected from middle group to prepare group. So, when I entered to the school I was younger for a year than my classmates.


My first bell jingled for me on the 1st September 1994 in the Donetsk’s school 83, by the way I were sitting on the shoulder of graduate during the bell jingled. I didn’t feel the difference between the kindergarten and school because I was acquainted with my classmates from the kindergarten. Because of this my first steps in school was not so terrible. I was in the most friendly 1-B class. Name of my first teacher was Zhelyaeva Nina Ivanovna very qualified teacher, very kind, justified and the good person.

Behind the school my mother directed me to the music school, folk dancing and calisthenics. So I had not time to bore. In the third class I had understood that I like entertainment dancing and made decision to go to another dancing group. I was graduated from music school ¹3 in 2001, I have received first category in calisthenics. In this period of time I had to make a decision whether calisthenics or dancing. All my pains were concentrated on dancing. I don’t sorry about this decision before these days because dancing is essential part of my life.

I am having aptitude to exact sciences since first class. I took part in chemistry district Olympiad and was a prize-winner economy district Olympiad. I had learning in the mathematic college of Donetsk National University since 8 class of school and was graduated from it in 2004. I was graduated from school with gold medal and it helped me to pass interview to Donetsk National Technical University. I entered to the specialization “Telecommunication systems and nets” – to the budgetary mode of study. I have chosen this specialization because it is one of the most perspective engineer area and it is interesting for me.


First time of education in the University was imperceptible. I entered to the group TKS-04v. We immediately become friends and solved all problems together. But my first session went soon and I felt my own first sleepless nights. I get rid of this problem and made good results. On the beginning of the third course our group was reform, because of this circumstance we become friendly closely all over the stream TKS-04. The theme of my research work “Features of industrial telecommunications in the conditions of mines”. The supervisor of research work is docent of chair AT Voropaeva V.Ya who helped me to choose the theme of this work.

Plans for the future:

I want to graduate my master work with the grade 5 as well as I want to find highly paid work that would match to my soul.

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