Faculty: Computer information technologies and automation
Speciality: Information control systems and technologies
    Forecasting demand is the identification of possible future demand for goods and services in order to better adapt to the evolving economic entities market. The forecast of demand - it is theoretically sound indicator of a further unknown quantity and composition of demand. Anticipation links on past experience, the level and composition of demand in predicting the future of their state. Projected demand is seen as a forecast of the physical volume of sales of goods (services). It can be differentiated by consumer categories and regions. Forecasting can be done in any period of notice. The main focus in the short-term outlook is on quantitative, qualitative and cost estimates for changes in volume and structure of demand accounted for time and random factors. Long-term projections of demand is determined primarily by the possible volume of sales of goods (services) and the dynamics of price changes. Demand is projected to remain a separate product or product group. This forecast gives an idea about the real level of demand for goods in the future for a specified period. Moreover, the shorter the period, the better prognosis. The forecast of demand (sales) is the foundation for all other planning and economic calculations.
    Prediction - this is a responsibility that in the form of explicit or implicit necessarily must comply with all organizations. In addition to possible future evaluations of various parameters studied, the purpose of forecasting is also an encouragement to reflect on what might happen in the external environment and what implications this will lead the company. Anticipation increases the vigilance of managers and, consequently, their ability to respond to change.
    To ensure effective operation and increased competitiveness in the market, it is necessary to correctly use this tool as a prediction based on analysis and evaluation of the status and prospects of the demand, supply, pricing, competition in the market, where potential partners and where the operation of the enterprise.
    Managing demand forecasting products is particularly relevant and important task that requires immediate attention and solutions.
    This work is carried out during 2008-2009, under the direction of the department of ASU. The work is related to
scientific program for optimizing the processes of forecasting and planning at the enterprise.
    The aim of this work is to develop a computer subsystem of forecasting the demand for equipment for the cable TV networks in terms of the company OOO «Beta TV com», the development of practical recommendations for the management of forecasting demand, taking into account the specifics of its functioning in the face of rising competition. To solve this task, the following tasks:
    - Review the activities of the company;
    - To explore the specificities and peculiarities of the process of forecasting, as well as methods and means of forecasting demand for products of the company;
    - Analysis of existing computer systems and software tools for forecasting demand for products;
    - Justify the main directions of improving the management of forecasting circuit management system by using modern computer technology;
    - Formalize the task.
    The company Ltd «Beta TV com» have not yet developed a computer subsystem of forecasting demand for products. Software products using traditional forecasting methods have a number of significant shortcomings. These include: a greater error, as well as the need to use for calculations of all previous values of input variables.
    Planned novelty lies in the creation of such an algorithm that will use modern methods (neural networks) that are adapted to any changes in external and internal environment (seasonality, consumer needs, loading equipment, material, labor, financial resources, instability in the country's economy and other ).
    The practical significance of the work is to create a sub-decision support in the allocation of funds under the insurance company UASK «ASKA». This subsystem will be taken into account seasonality, the dynamics of changes in market automotive products, the average wage population, the demand for automobiles and other factors.
    Igor V. Ponomarenko «Development of a computer subsystem of decision support in the marketing activities of the company» researched marketing activities, planning and forecasting in companies in his master's work.
    Effective forecasting of demand (Comments: Irina Marchenkova, a member of the Association of production logistics, CPIM) / / "Logistic & system. --
2007. - May 5.
    The system of models to predict demand for services (comments: Egorova N., Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, CEMI, Russian Academy of Sciences, Mudunov A., Professor, Distinguished Economist RD Moscow State Industrial University) // Corporate Management. - 2007.
    Evaluation and forecasting of demand through marketing research panel. Source: www.willbe.ru.
    Medium-term forecasting of demand for strategic management. Source: www.logistpro.ru
    The human brain works more efficiently and the other way, than any computer. That led scientists to study the brain, and in particular the work of a neuron of the brain - the smallest particle of human brain.
    The first to reveal the secret of the high efficiency of the brain can be attributed Ramon-and-cajal (1911) [1], in his work, he suggested as a neuron structural unit of the brain, but research on the neuron is 5-6 orders of magnitude less than the speed of operation than a semiconductor logic gate. High performance achieved by a large number of neurons and connections between them.
    The network of neurons, forming the human brain, is a highly efficient, integrated, non-linear, essentially parallel system Information processing [2]. It can organize its neurons in a manner to realize the perception of the image, the recognition or traffic management, many times faster than these problems will be solved-the-art Computers [3].
    Artificial neural network is a simplified model of the brain. It is based on the artificial neurons, which have a plasticity. Plasticity allows the artificial neural network to become a universal information processing system. In general, artificial neural network - this machine simulating the way the brain. Usually iskusttvennaya neural network realized in the form of electronic devices or computer programs. Among the many can be the definition of an artificial neural network as adaptive machine given in [4]: artificial neural network - this is essentially parallel distributed processor that has a natural tendency to maintain an experienced knowledge and opportunity Provide it to us. It is similar to the brain in two aspects: knowledge acquired the network in the learning process, to preserve the knowledge is power mezhneyronnyh compounds, also known as synaptic weights.
    The procedure used for the implementation of the learning process is called Learning algorithm. Its function is to modify the synaptic weights artificial neural network in some way so that it has acquired Necessary properties. The modification of weights is a traditional way of learning artificial neural network. This approach close to the theory of adaptive linear filters, which have a long and successful Applied to management. However, the artificial neural networks, there even the possibility of modifying its topology based on the fact that in living neurons in the brain may appear to die and change their relationships with other neurons.
    It can be concluded that neural networks have the widely disseminated and opportunities because of their ability to Learning (Knowledge), as well as through its distributed Structure.
Neuron is the basic functional modules, which is analogous to the transformation of functions (actions) of the neuron Brain. There are various models of neurons, among which three main: logical, continuous and pulsed. In the structure of a neuron can be divided into three main parts:
![]() Figure 1 - Neuron td> |
    Neuron implements the function provided below.
![]() |
(1) |
    Neurons are united in a group or layer. One layer or more form the neural network. Input layer neurons receive signals, convert them and then transmit the hidden layer neurons. Further work next layer until the weekend. The output layer gives the signals to the user. Each conclusion of neurons of any layer is fed to the input of all neurons of the next layer. The number of neurons in the layer can be anything. Scheme of the neural network is presented in Figure 2. p>
![]() Figure 2 - The transfer function td> |
    ANNs can be trained, that is, to improve their work under the influence of environmental environment, modifying its parameters. There are many definitions of "training", but for the most suitable ANN follows, the Mendel and Maklarenom [5]: Learning - a process in which free parameters of the neural network being adapted as a result of its continuous stimulation external environment. Type of training is determined by the way, which made changes. P>
In addition to the recent literature the term "training" is also used equitable concept of "Training Network" and "network settings". P>
In addressing control problems commonly used supervised learning ANN which implies the existence of "teacher" who is watching the reaction of the network and sends a change in its parameters. P>
There are two types of supervised learning: a direct-controlled teaching and learning driven. Since the first appearance came before the second and more common, they usually refer to it simply as a controlled teaching. P>
    ANN originally did not have any knowledge. In the process of learning "teacher" and network are exposed from the external environment, ie, their inputs received training signal, coinciding with one of the input patterns. "Teacher" tells the network what should be the correct (desired) response to standing the impact of issuing the corresponding output pattern. On the basis of magnitude error between the actual and desired outputs of the network by a particular rule a setting of its parameters. Repeat this process can be iteratively adjust the ANN so that it will emulate the "teacher", that is, his knowledge of the external environment will shift to it. P>
Typical tasks using direct instruction are approximation of unknown function, described by a set of data, and identification dynamic object. These problems are known input signals and the correct reaction to them, that is a training set of patterns. P>
The best known method of directly supervised learning layer pryamonapravlennyh ANN algorithm is back propagation of errors (backpropagation algorithm), which is a generalization of the method least squares. P>
    Driven instruction does not use the knowledge of "teacher" on the desired output of ANN instead, training is conducted on the evaluation of the network transformation of input-output. Score is the external environment after filing for login network of training impact. At the same settings ANN conducted so as to maximize the scalar index of this evaluation, called stimulus (reinforcement signal). P>
The idea of this method is based on a real learning process, passing from living beings. In psychology it is known as a law action Thorndike. With respect to the stimulated train the ANN, this law can be rephrased as follows: if the action taken by the system of education, leads a satisfactory result, the tendency of the system to carry out this operation increases (the system is stimulated). Otherwise, the tendency to produce such action is reduced. P>
The most typical example of a system driven learning is adaptive control system. It is the learning part of the controller, and facility management, external influences and tones of his foreign assignments were environment. As a result, the impact of that environment, the controller generates a certain control signal, which translates into a new facility management state. In doing so, the quality of governance can be assessed only on the signal output object. As required by the reaction of the controller to achieve state of the object is not known in advance, you can not create a training set of templates, and, therefore, to apply a direct-controlled study. In this case can only be stimulated by learning controller for the quality of work whole management system as a whole, ie to assess the state of the environment. P>
There are two implementation driven learning: the direct incentives and encouragement to the prisoner. In the first case, the assessment work and corresponding settings INS conducted at each step of the learning systems. In the second case, when detained stimulating setting network is performed so as to maximize a cumulative assessment of the system in a certain sequence of steps. P>
Although direct stimulation of a typical classical schemes adaptive management, in recent years much attention is being paid to detainee stimulation. For the convergence of the method of direct incentive needed for each subsequent position of the external environment identifies only its previous position and previous exposure rendered ANN. When detained teaching such a restriction is removed. On the other hand, is much easier to formulate a criterion for determining the optimal behavior management system as a whole, the results of any actions, than criteria guide its movement at each step. In general, you will notice that system, learning only as a result of its interaction with the external environment, is more intellectual than using additional information "teacher". P>
There are many versions of a classical algorithm common mistake to use it as a method of direct or driven learning ANN. However, significant problems with its use and other methods of setting parameters ANN-based method of least squares and steepest descent, is their locality. In However, the target function (total error on the training set of templates or a cumulative assessment of the effectiveness of the learning system) is not unimodal. The number of local optimum for most practical problems of education millions in the dimension of the search space of the order of 100-1000. Consequently, the outcome of studies depends on the correct start point, and it is necessary to often-repeated procedure of setting ANN parameters. P>
These problems can be solved with the use of global optimization. The most effective of these is a genetic algorithm (GA). Considering ANNs as a single set of parameters, the GA is able to carry out its optimum setting when the dimension of the search space enough to most of the practical tasks. In this range of consideration applications far exceeds the ability of algorithm back propagation of error. P>
In the past ten years, developed many ways to controlled
training ANN using GA. The results obtained prove the great potential
this symbiosis. Sharing the ANN and the GA algorithm has
ideological advantage because they relate to the methods of evolutionary
model and develop within a paradigm of drawing techniques
natural methods and tools as the most optimal. P>
   As a result of the work, after the task was to analyze existing software packages that work in this direction, methods for forecasting in the context of the enterprise, their weaknesses. After a detailed analysis has been chosen method prognozmrovaniya based on neural networks, which gives the most accurate and optimal forecasts. Development subsystem forecasting the demand for equipment for the cable TV networks should take into account the set of the following factors:
    - Seasonality;
    - The needs of consumers;
    - Loading equipment;
    - Material resources;
    - Human resources;
    - Financial resources;
    - Instability in the country's economy.
    After a detailed analysis is the approximate structure of the neural network to solve the task. Thus providing the basic input and output variables were the neural network in Figure 3.
Figure 3 - Structure of neural networks (Animation: The volume of -17.5 in size, size - 854x317, number of frames - 4, the delay between frames - 1000 ms, the delay between the last and first frames - 1000 ms, number of cycles of recurrence - a continuous cycle of recurrence) td> |
At writing of this abstract of thesis master's degree work is not yet completed. Final completion: December 1, 2009. Complete text of work and materials on the topic can be got for an author or his leader after the indicated date.