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Materials on the topic of final work:
Autobiography |
of the qualification master’s work "The elaboration of models and program methods for analysis of Internet units functioning"
Supervisor of the Scientific Work: Ph.D., prof. Lazdyn' Sergey Donetsk National Technical University associate professor of Automated Control Systems department 1. Introduction 2. Theme’s actuality 3. Work communication with scientific programs, plans and themes 4. Aim and research tasks 4.1. Aim of work 4.2. Idea of work 4.3. Main research tasks 4.4. Subject of researches 4.5. Object of researches 4.6. Methods of researches 5. The probable scientific novelty 6. Practical importance of work 7. Work approbation 8. Review of research and development 8.1. on the local level 8.2. on the national level 8.3. on the global level 9. The basic content of master’s work 10. Conclusions 11. References
1. Introduction
Nowadays the effectiveness of construction and using of corporative informational modeling systems is become a very relevant task, especially when financing of informational technologies is not enough. A high-level modeling using allows guarantee the completeness and accuracy of customer determined function execution by an informational system. In other words a constructed model has perfect functionality. The modeling as a method is used on all phases of work with computing system: from designing to exploitation. 2. Theme’s actuality Nowadays no one of large network projects with complicated topology can do without settled modeling of future network. The aim of modeling is to define an optimal topology, to choose an appropriate network equipment, to determine network characteristic and possible phases of future development. A model allows to test broadcasting query splash influence or to realize collapse mode that hardly can do in working network [1]. 3. Work communication with scientific programs, plans and themes Qualification master’s work was carried out during 2008-2009 years according to scientific directions of the chair «Automated control systems» of Donetsk National Technical University. This work is bond with scientific program of informational systems work optimization and network, Internet-providers and large traffic-exchange units work modeling. 4. Aim and research tasks 4.1. Aim of work An aim of construction of work modeling and Internet-nodes analysis is the creation of program methods complex that allows to design work of a large network and to analyze the results of its functioning on the phase of projecting before constructing physical model or the whole system. 4.2. Idea of work An idea of work consists in creation of system, which allows to project and model the work of an Internet-node or a part of informational network before the moment of physical node construction. It allows to save much time and money while creating mistaken, inaccurate, and ineffective application results. 4.3. Main research tasks The main research task is to create program model of Internet-node, which should reflect such parameters as:
4.4. Subject of researches A subject of researches is computed system of Internet-nodes work modeling, which allows to get data about quality and efficiency projecting node and its main parameters. Thanks to previously worked out and analyzed models we can construct or modernize Internet-nodes with supposed work mode and service quality. 4.5. Object of researches An object of researches in this work is an Internet-node modeling process, which consists of several interconnected phases: topology projecting, setting parameters of used components, setting system charging and modeling results estimation. These phases are interconnected between each other and repeat till a determined level is mounted to. 4.6. Methods of researches As a main research method we decided to use an objective-oriented modeling. This approach lets quite easy describe system components, their interaction and a handling process with incoming data by these components that makes the model similar to real one. 5. The probable scientific novelty The probable scientific novelty consists in using an objective-oriented approach to Internet-node modeling that allows to do more simple and delicate tuning of used components characteristics. The main idea of objective method consists in enclosing data and procedures bond with them in some structures (objects), united by inheritance mechanism. The objective-oriented approach to modeling and projecting of program systems best fits to solution of problems that need detailed submission of real world objects and dynamic relations between them. 6. Practical importance of work In the result of modeling Internet-node creators get data about how their planned equipment complex is going to work in real. These data will consists of the most important parameters, which help to plan business-process and business development strategy to a high degree of accuracy. 7. Work approbation This work was not representing to wide scientific audience yet. But I am going to take part in several student conferences during the 11th term. 8. Review of research and development 8.1. on the local level The question of Internet-node modeling in frames of studying process is examineв in DonNTU for the first time. There masters’ works, which themes are similar to mine, but there is no exactly like mine work. The themes of masters’ work of masters Tereshenko Valeriy “Models and programs development for work parameters analysis and determination of Web-nodes in Internet” and Lavrov Aleksey “Modeling and calculation of main parameters for corporative informational systems” (2005) are quite similar [2]. 8.2. on the national level Odessa National Academy of Connection named by O. Popov is the only place in Ukraine where conducts researches in theme of modeling and optimization of informational flows, informational connection systems and device providing complex. Colleagues and students of this university constantly publish abstracts and articles in similar themes [3]. 8.3. on the global level Researches in this theme abroad especially in Europe are quite plentiful and are very detailed scientifically well-grounded. There are the most prominent scientists of this area of knowledge: Srinivas Shakkottai R. Srikant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign[4]; R.Deepakl, Timothy A., Gonsalves and Hema A. Murthy, TeNeT Group, IIT Madras Chennai[5]. There are several foreign systems of computer network modeling. The most convenient and accurate of them is COMNET III by CACIProducts, which is the one of leaders in market of simulation modeling network systems[6]. 9. The basic content of master’s work First part. The aim of the master’s thesis is improvement of Internet-node work modeling algorithm and development of IBM networks characteristics analysis method, as the networks with heterogeneous traffic by network decomposition to nodes and heterogeneous flow decomposition. For model decomposition on the average values level and time entrance and servicing of requests dispersion there are no accurate methods. Application the modern methods of objective-oriented modeling allows to realize such methods of system analysis as creation conceptions hierarchy, conceptions generalization, properties inheritance, variety describing models of subject area etc. Second part. Modeling of all network components (PC, routers, switches, connection canals etc.) and requests handling with objective-oriented methods allows to construct easy scaled, simple and convenient system for modeling and analyzing Internet-nodes[7]. For modeling densities probabilities of packages entrance intensity in the network we use the following calculation method: 1. Internet-provider has a pass band 2. We suppose that momentary transfer speed is accidental value with equal probability density on a segment 3. For determination of total function of density distribution accidental values we use the method of distinctive functions; 4. Density distribution of sum The results are on figure 9.1 which show that the more users are in the network of Internet-provider, the more curve of density distribution function aspire to normal law, that theoretically improve by central limit theorem. ![]() Figure 9.1 - Dependence of amount of users and distributing closeness 5. With found density we calculate intension Third part. A system work model development for checking described modeling methods. Research and analysis modeling method. An accuracy valuation of effectiveness of chosen informational systems modeling methods and their processes based on comparison with real data. Fourth part. The informational and program software development for Internet-unit work modeling. This part consist an informational software program realization of described system functioning algorithm. This system consists of several modules: input module, solution module and output module for representation of received results. Algorithm of work design of Internet-units with the use of the developed software it is possible to present as a sequence of executions, by visual presented on a figure 9.3 ![]() Figure 9.3 - Algorithm of work design and analysis of work of Internet-units (animation: a volume is 36,762 KB; size – 610x466; amount of shots – 5; delay between shots – 200 ms; delay between the last and first shots – 1000 ms; an amount of cycles of reiteration is a continuous cycle of reiteration) The design of this system consists of five basic stages: 1. Choice of equipment for the designed system; 2. Association of equipment in an informational network; 3. Task of parameters of workload of equipment; 4. Modernization of network structure; 5. Final verification of the designed system. 10. Conclusions During the writing of this master thesis we solve all the determined tasks about analysis and improvement of Internet-nodes development methods. The results of this work could be used for system constructing or improvement by large firms. The elaborated network model allows to validate its productivity taking into account all the characteristics changing of input heterogeneous flows. The objective-oriented modeling is not a new one, but a very prospective scientific course and is the method, which allows essentially increase the accuracy of modeling by the detailed system describing. 11. References 1. Сетевое моделирование. [Electronic Resource] / Семенов Ю.А. (ГНЦ ИТЭФ). Mode of access: http://book.itep.ru/4/45/modl4517.htm 2. Разработка моделей и программных средств для анализа и определение параметров работы Web-узлов в Интернете. [Electronic Resource] / Терещенко Валерий Витальевич. Mode of access: http://www.masters.donntu.ru/2005/kita/tereschenko/index.htm 3. Одеська Національна Академія Зв'язку. ім. О.С.Попова / [Electronic Resource]. Mode of access: http://onat.edu.ua 4. Economics of Network Pricing with Multiple ISPs. [Electronic Resource] / Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Srinivas Shakkottai R. Srikant. Mode of access: (sshakkot,rsrikant)@uiuc.edu 5. Network Security Management for a National ISP. [Electronic Resource] / TeNeT Group, IIT Madras Chennai – 600 036. R.Deepakl, Timothy A., Gonsalves and Hema A. Murthy. Mode of access: rdeepak@tenet.res.in, tag@tenet.res.in, hema@tenet.res.in 6. Збірник «Наукові праці» ОНАЗ. /[Electronic Resource]. Mode of access: http://sbornik.onat.edu.ua 7. Моделирование при создании и оптимизации ЦОД. [Electronic Resource] / По материалам корпорации Dell. Mode of access: http://www.bytemag.ru/articles/detail.php?ID=14121 8. Моделирование сетевого трафика с использованием контекстных методов. [Electronic Resource] / Добровольский Е.В., Нечипорук О.Л. Mode of access: http://sbornik.onat.edu.ua/?art=41 Important remark: during the writing this abstract the master's work wasn’t finished yet. The final ending is planning on December, 2009. The complete text of work and all the information about work you can receive from the author or her scientific adviser after the mentioned date. Materials on the topic of final work: Autobiography | Abstract |