Astapenkov Sergey
Faculty: Mechanical
Speciality: Technology of machine-building
Theme of master's work:
Improvement of the structural and technological support for process of shoulder-blades manufacturing for guide vanes of GTE under conditions of Snezhnyanskiy machine-building plant
Short resume
I have finished DonNTU with specialisation in “Engineering mechanics” in 2008 and I have got the bachelor degree with honours (average grade – 4.82). I have an experience with the following programm packages: Microsoft Office, Compass, Paskal', Delphi, SolidWorks, CosmosWorks, Autoproject, T-FlexCAD, MathCAD, ANSYS, WinMàchine, and Adobe Photoshop. I know Ukrainian, Russian, I know English in a base level, I have superficial knowledges of German.
I take interest in football, basket-ball, cars, billiards, snuker.
Short biography
I was born on December, 28, 1986 in Donetsk. I was born in working family. My mother is Àstapenkova Ljudmila. She works on plant “Donetskgormàsh”. My father is Àstapenkov Gennàdiy. He works on plant “Donetskstàl”.
I went to the first class of the school #37 in Donetsk in 1994. I got gratitudes at school for good studies. I got deeds at school for excellent studies in the third and seventh classes. I entered Donetsk technical lyceum in 2000. I took part in olympiads in ukràiniàn language and geography during studying in lyceum. In an eighth class I took second place in a city olympiad in geography. I was a competitor of mathematical international competition “Kangaroo–2001” and “Kangaroo–2002” on which showed a good result. In eleventh class I got a deed in physical training for victory in football championship in lyceum. In 2004 I finished the Donetsk technical lyceum with the gold medal.
I entered Donetsk national technical university on speciality “Technology of machine-building” in according to ratings results in 2004. I took part in olympiads in “resistance of materials”, “radio engineering”, I participated in a conference of technology machine-building, I participated in a conference of a labour protection in Kharkov, where took second place. On the second course after passing of educational practice at high professional school #67 I have got a profession of turner. I have finished DonNTU with specialisation in “Engineering mechanics” in 2008 and I have got the bachelor degree with honours (average grade – 4.82).
Scientific adviser of my work “Improvement of the structural and technological support for process of shoulder-blades manufacturing for guide vanes of GTE under conditions of Snezhnyanskiy machine-building plant” is a professor, doctor of engineering sciences Ìykhaylov Alexander Nickolàevich. I think that this theme is very important and interesting, because the results of researches are important from theoretical and practical sides. Ìykhaylov Alexander Nickolàevich has a rich teaching experience and scientific activity, he is an author of such direction, as the functionally-oriented technologies. I think that under his guidance I will write good work which will have practical value.
I have a user experience in the Internet by technologies.
In the future I want to be a good professional of technology of machine-building and I want to help development of native town Donetsk particulary and Ukraine in general.