![]() Movshuk Sergey VladimirovichFaculty: MechanicalSpeciality: Metal-cutting machine-tools and systemsTheme of masters works: «Development and explanation of adaptive technological tool set system for bore grinding»Supervisor: Ph.D. technical sciences, assistant professor Poltavets Valery Vasilevich |
Shortly about itself:
AUTOBIOGRAPHYTHE FAMILYI was born on October, 2nd, 1983 in republic Uzbekistan in the city of Almalyk. Daddy Movshuk Vladimir Evdokimovich works on mine «Kaul'dy» as the miner Mum Movshuk Lydia Aleksandrovna worked as the bookkeeper, now the housewife. Brother Knjazhishchev Andrey Jurevich. Brother Movshuk Victor Vladimirovich. Wife Movshuk Julduz Abdurajimovna. Has finished Almalyksky it is mountain metallurgical technical school on a speciality «book keeping and audit». THE CHILDHOODAs well as at many my childhood began standardly – a day nursery a kindergarten, there I have got acquainted with the first friends with whom and now I maintain close friendly relations, just now I understand that it was the most remarkable. the childhood I am surrounded by attention and caress as parents and the big brothers. THE SCHOOL.On September, 2nd, 1990 in a celebratory school uniform I the first time has entered into walls of the school - ¹17 cities of Almalyk. The class at me has stolen up cheerful, amicable and sports, in the fifth class us have disbanded but, despite it, all of us time were together, went to the cinema, theatres parks of the teacher were simply professionals of the business. Throughout all training I participated in various cultural actions and went in for sports. The ninth class has passed quickly and imperceptibly in cares of receipt in Technical school THE TECHNICAL SCHOOLIn 1999 I have arrived in Almalyksky mountain-technical technical school on a speciality «the technician the electrician». The speciality for me was very interesting, I have started to study in electricity subtleties. As early as four years I studied and on the study termination have received the diploma of the technician of the electrician. THE UNIVERSITYIn 2003 the offer has arrived to fill up luggage of knowledge abroad – in Ukraine, under the intergovernmental agreement. This offer has interested me. Without thinking twice, I have passed corresponding examinations and have arrived in Donetsk National Technical University on a speciality «Technology of mechanical engineering». Has received the bachelor's degree on corresponding speciality and in the summer on a vacation has gone home to Uzbekistan and married favourite my girl who waited for me the whole four years. We had the most remarkable wedding. Now I the master of chair «Metal-cutting machine tools and tools». Training in a magistracy was one of my problems. In the decision of this problem the invaluable help the senior lecturer of chair «renders Metal-cutting machine tools and tools», Cand.Tech.Sci. Poltavets Valery Vasilyevich. It proffesional the business, the highly skilled head. Valery Vasilevich always can explain any interesting problem simply and well. Requirements to the modern production are such, that require introduction of new decisions and technologies. I am sure therefore, that direction to my master's degree dissertation will not only have research character but also will find the reflection in an industrial complex. In Ukraine I a sixth year, training decline. In this time I have got acquainted with considerable quantity of people, at me it is a lot of friends, companions. Donetsk very beautiful city, its inhabitants are friendly and hospitable. Life experience which I have got being trained in DonNtU, says that knowledge with which the qualified teachers have allocated me, will help me to take a worthy place in a society and to apply them to the decision of new, interesting, very difficult problems which are put before us by a modern life. |