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Sartibaev Dilshod YulbarsovichThe abstract of the master's thesis on the theme:"Optimization of parameters of process for the flat polishing of construction ceramics"Scientific Leader: Ph.D. technical sciences Molchanov Aleksandr Dmitrievich |
Performance parts, along with working conditions (pressure adjoin table surfaces, the speed of their relative movement, a kind of friction and lubrication, etc.) and parameters characterizing the composition, structure and mechanical properties of interacting surfaces, defined by the parameters characterizing the state of the surface layer of parts to evaluate the quality of the surface layer used: geometric parameters (deviations from a given geometric shape, waviness parameters, characteristics of roughness, the direction of the traces of processing). From the geometric parameters of the details of the most studied impact on its performance indicators of surface roughness, which is simple and reliable criterion for assessing the state of the technological process of machining and operating conditions. The recommended parameters of working surfaces of machine parts is the arithmetical mean deviation of roughness profile, Ra, smoothing height profile from the height of a small projection Rr, the average step roughness profile Sm, relative bearing length profile tp and greatest height Rmax. The amount of wear parts for the period of bedding depends on the initial roughness is different from the optimal, and can reach 20-30% of the limit of its wear. The significance of intensity of wear depends on the initial roughness, on how it differs from the equilibrium. Therefore, the details of working in the hospital, it is important to decrease and the decrease in their bedding. Thus, it is necessary to ensure a technologically optimal structure of surface layer of working surfaces of friction pairs. The use of mathematical models to calculate the parameters of micro relief surface allows, without lengthy and expensive experimental studies to choose good from the standpoint of operation characteristic of the diamond range of products and modes of processing of structural ceramics.
Fig. 1. The surface of the ceramic sample (Al2O3) after diamond grinding. Flat grinding the periphery of the circle FINDINGS
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