Average mark during studying in the Bachelor of ENE degree on the speciality “Electrical systems and networks’ is 5.
Average mark in the period of study in the Bachelor of ENE (Institute of Continuing Education) degree is 4,85.
I fluent Russian and Ukrainian languages. I know English at a conversational level.
I have job skills with MS Office, OpenOffice, Visio, AutoCAD, MathCAD, the Compass, C++, Visual C++, Access, Internet Explorer, HTML.
I’m continuing to improve the knowledge and job skills with databases, in programming, to study English language.
My hobby is design of interiors.
I’m responsible, vigorous, industrious, purposeful, sociable and a creative person. I am learned easily and with pleasure.
My name is Allagulova Helen. I was born in December, 9, 1988 in the capital of Mongolia – Ulan Bator. Place of our residence changed several times. I moved to Makeyevka (the city of Donetsk region) with my parents in 1993. I was as “a wind in a field” in the childhood by stories of parents. I was very inquisitive person, knew a lot of Pushkin’s poems, I liked to draw. I took the best character traits from my family: father (engineer-builder) inculcated a liking to exact sciences; mother (a doctor) trained to accuracy and responsibility; my sister (chief of advertising department.) brought up creative abilities in me.
I went to the general school ¹ 50 in Makeyevka during 1994 to 2005 years. It was really unforgettable time. The teacher command of our school is unique. Here teachers not only do one’s professional duty diligently, but try to inculcate moral values in pupils also. I remember physics lessons (my favorite subject) and the favorite teacher of physics Nelya Surkova Vasiljevna with the heart warmth emotions. She has learned diligence and discipline, to be not afraid a difficulties, has given deep understanding of discipline, it has predetermined a choice of university in the future. As to the school program, I have chosen group with physical and mathematical directing in 10-th class. I visited so-called “mathematical school” too. I liked labor lessons very much, there we learnt to embroider with “cross” (especially I remembered Ukrainian national shirt) and sewed a clothes. And certainly cookery was the most interest. My creative and design abilities began to display at this time. I participated in various school actions, school and town Olympiads by many subjects. I finished school with a silver medal.
In 2005 by results of the 2-nd rating test I have got the best results (55 point) and entered to electrotechnical faculty of Donetsk national technical university. The choice of a specialty was not difficult task, because I wanted to get technical education, and I have stopped on a speciality “Power plants”. The first course passed very quickly, like the following years of study. During this time in practice we have visited power plant in Uglegorsk and I understood what is power engineering at last.
I have rethought the representations and the purposes a little. I changed my speciality to speciality “Electric networks and systems’ on the second course. I entered to the English group, understanding necessity the studying of language. I was not mistaken in my choice. Studying on English language was so interesting despite of all complexity. Also on the second course I understood all importance of understanding economic processes and an entrepreneur business. And I entered to the second education in ICE by a specialty “Finance”. I opened a new world for myself and even my thinking style was changed a little.
I have received the bachelor degree at direction of “electrical engineering” and “Finance”.
Currently I’m doing research work at first direction (electrical engineering) with the purpose to receive master’s degree. The theme of my work is “Improvement of information and mathematical software of SR CAD overhead transmission lines with voltage 35-750 kV”. The assistant professor, specialist in this field Gorin Valentine Yakovlevich supervises over my work.
I’m very ambitious and I easily build grandiose plans for the future as well as all young people of my age. I set the big hopes at my education and obtained work skills. I really want to apply my knowledge in practice, be the first-class specialist in the field of power engineering. During studying in our university I received translation skills of English technical texts, and also of organization and administrating an enterprise business. And I would really like to see this knowledge is useful for me. I consider that job should bring the pleasure both moral and worthy material reward. I wait the day when I shall begin the professional work with impatience and I shall subjugate new tops, to improve my knowledge and my personality.
I would like to thank all teachers who taught me. Each of them has played very important role in my life: has introduced something unique, whether has shown any new opportunity, whether has opened new knowledge for me, has learned some personal feature. I would like to associate with teachers and fellow-students farther. It is the whole world I don’t want to lose it.