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Master's portal of DonNTU
Horoshih Sergey
Faculty: Electrotechnical
Speciality: Electromechanical automation systems and electric drive
Theme of master's work:
Research and development of energy-efficient algorithms for frequency controlled induction motor
Scientific adviser: Chekvskii Gleb
About author
- Topicality
- Aims
- Scientific novelty and practical value
A review of research
- In DonNTU
- In Ukraine
- In the World
Main part
Extensive use of controlled electric drives has led to the modern-day electric drive is not only energy-power base capable of supporting production mechanisms necessary mechanical energy, but also a means of process control, since the task of implementing quality production processes currently in most cases are assigned to the control system adjustable electric drives in combination with systems technology automation. In connection with the increase in energy prices, particularly electricity, and limited scope for increasing capacity of power plant energy conservation, including reducing power consumption, is particularly relevant.
Energy conservation has become a priority and topical trends and technology policy in all developed countries. This is due with the the limited and nevozobnovlyaemostyu major energy, the ever-increasing complexity of their production and value and with global environmental problems.
Aims is investigate the dependence of basic electromagnetic losses in asynchronous motor (AM) on the mode.
The objective are:
- development of structural schemes, taking into account variable nature of the parameters of AM;
- calculation using the model of the main types of electromagnetic losses;
- analysis of the losses depending on the mode of AM.
Scientific novelty and practical value
Today, not enough work that would fully disclose all matters relating to the definition of electromagnetic losses and incorporate them into the design of energy-efficient control algorithm AM.
A review of research
The survey revealed that there is a lot of research in the field of electric drive control systems AC [1-3], and also addresses issues of modeling of these systems [4].
In Ukraine
Ukraine scientists consider the following issues in modern AC drive:
- Study the current issues of energy efficient industrial electric control means [5].
- Study general management of AD converters with PWM [6].
- Research and development of systems of vector control are optimized for power consumption [7].
In the World
Outside of Ukraine are the following issues that relate to the theme of master's work:
- Basic information about the most common classes modern systems of controlled asynchronous electric drives and their energy performance [8].
- General principles, methods and means of energy and resource conservation in the electric drive and electric facilities in the serviced their manufacturing processes [9].
- Review modes of pump and blower systems, ways of their regulation, and especially power consumption [10].
- Principles of automatic control systems for electric drives [11,12].
- Main issues associated with modeling electromechanical systems [13,14].
Main part
The object of study is considered asynchronous motor with cage rotor (AM), which currently has a wide distribution in the unregulated and regulated electric.
This work focuses on the electromagnetic losses in the engine.
Traditional mathematical models of AD, based on the equations of the Park - Goreva are unsuitable for evaluation with their help most types of electromagnetic losses as it does not take into account the losses in the steel, the effects of saturation of the magnetic system and the displacement current in the bars of the rotor, that in general (especially when electric drive high-power) can lead to significant errors in calculating performance.
Known mathematical models or consider only a portion of these effects, such as saturation magnetization of the chain, or so complex that it ill-suited for use in analysis and synthesis of dynamic processes in asynchronous electric drive for frequency regulation.
In this paper, taken as a basic mathematical description given in [15], which allows you to adequately take into account all the main types of electromagnetic losses in AM in steady and in transient regimes of the electric drive.
The scheme of AM is shown in Figure 1
Figure 1 - The equivalent circuit of AM
where Rs, Rr=f(fr), Lsσ=f(Is), Lrσ=f(Is, fr),
Lm;=f(Ψm), Rec, Lec - active phase resistances of stator and rotor; inductance of stator and rotor; inductance mutual induction, the equivalent resistance and inductance losses in the steel from the eddy currents, respectively. Losses from the hysteresis are determine additional component Ih.
Develop a model and study of certain types of losses in AD are made in the environment of a software package Matlab / Simulink for example AD-type 4A250S4У3 (75 kW, 380 V, 135.8 A, at 1500 rpm.).
Were obtained transient response AM for different laws of frequency control and a variety of load torque. An example illustrates the transient process of torque, angular velocity, stator and rotor currents by frequency control and time of the start is 1.5 sec.
Transient process
Figure 2 - Graphs of transients in frequency starting AM according to the law U / f = const and reactive load at Mc = 0.5 * Mn, tr = 1.5 sec.
(This picture animated, made in gif-animator, 7 frames, 5 reps, 41 KB)
Figure 3 shows a diagram of a model experiment for the calculation of basic forms of electromagnetic losses in AM based on their description in the synchronous frame stator x, y for direct starting of AM and the scalar variable frequency. The model allows the selection of the necessary law of frequency control and analyze the effect of variable parameters of the AM on it work.
Figure 3 - A model for calculating the losses in AM in different modes
As an example, Figure 4 presents the dependences of basic electromagnetic losses in AM starting at frequency control according to the law U / f = const.
The values of energy losses during the start-up are listed in the function of a given length of acceleration (tp = 0 ... 1 sec) and the values of static load time (Mc = 0 ... Mn), where Mn - nominal torque.

б |
Figure 4 - Diagram of the total energy of electromagnetic losses in AM (a) and its components (b) at a frequency starting AM according to the law U / f = const
After analyzing the results, I note:
- improved model is more adequate, which is mainly determined by the influence of the effects of displacement current of the rotor, the saturation of the magnetic system, the main magnetic flux and flow of scattering;
- main contribution to the total energy losses make electrical losses in the windings of the stator and rotor, and the losses in the steel (energy losses from eddy currents and the hysteresis) are relatively small;
- decrease the losses during the transition from direct start (tp = 0) to the frequency control at different load engine.
Future research
- investigate the energy performance of the drive in steady-state conditions;
- analyze the results and develop energy-efficient algorithm for drive control;
- produce experiments confirm the results
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