Order of managements project and research works are often produced for electricity transmission of high and extrahigh voltage.
Some divisions of design organization, as designing TL a labour-consuming task will be involved at once.
Linear subsystem:
- account on mechanical durability of wires and cables;
- account of crossings with engineering structures, artificial barrier and account of the large transitions;
- arrangement of support on a longitudinal structure of a line and arrangement in view of intensity;
- account of ice melting parameters on wires and cables.
Construction subsystem:
- account of loadings and choice of the bases to support;
- choice of the bases or typical fastenings of support;
- account and choice of devices, which grounded of a support;
- assembly sag of wires and cables are defined.
Documentary system:
- arrangement magazine of support;
- sheet of crossings;
- drawing of a longitudinal structure of a line;
- drawing of crossings;
- sheet of support and bases;
- sheet of devices, which grounded of a support;
- sheet of vibration suppressor;
- sheet of insulator chain;
- magazine of ice melting;
- assembly table.
The review of researches on a theme in DonNTU
On electrical systems department (DonNTU) is developed and used some kinds of the software about 30 years: for DOS and WINDOWS - 98.
However, they technically have become outdated and the modernizations at a level of modern operational systems, RDE-2006, programming languages, opportunities of PC and software packages require.
The review of researches on a theme in Ukraine
For today there is some successful software, which realize CAD of TL, which are used only in the scientific purposes and are not intended for use at the electric enterprises.
The review of researches on a theme in the world
The successful realization of CAD is the program complex EnergyCS Line (Russia) intended for automation of designing to a mechanical part of air transmission lines.
The most powerful program complex on today is CAD TL - 2008. It is intended for automation designing of air lines electrotransfers by voltage 35 kV and above.
The purpose of MPhil is the development of the modern CAD TL programs, which algorithms will answer all requirements of RDE-2006.
The basic idea of MPhil is the development of basic - new algorithms for CAD program modules, perfection of information maintenance of program modules as creation of new databases.
Subject of scientific work is the modern CAD TL software. Object is the system of automatic designing TL HV and SHV, its perfection.
The basic contents of work
At the given stage of work the program of intensity account of an electrical field under TL wires is developed. It allows to execute arrangement of TL support, to take into account the requirements of the normative documents concerning allowable intensity under TL wires.
The technique is based on the well-known theoretical approach, agrees to which TL wires are located near to a flat surface of conducting environment (ground). Therefore field of TL will be created not only charges of wires, but also charges of their mirror images.
Let's consider a line from 3 rather long wires with a charge, on unit of length (the index in a charge corresponds to number of a wire), stretched in parallel surface of ground. The electrical permeability of environment known also.
Let's take M - random point. Potential of a point М will be equal to the sum of potentials, which are created by each wire and its mirror image. Сomponent of potential of a point М from wires and its mirror image possible to write down as follows:
where - distance from a point М up to the mirror image of the first wire;
- distance from a point М up to the first wire.
Component of potential of a point М from the second wire and its mirror image:
Algorithm for the program of potential account in random point М
1. Knowing the initial data: coordinates in space, radius of each wire, electrical permeability of environment - we receive matrixes A and B, where the distances from a point М up to each wire and their images, and also between wires and images contain. The block diagram which realizing given algorithm submitted on a fig. 1.
Figure 1 - Block diagram which realizing algorithm of distance finding from М to each wire and their images, and also between wires and images
2. The potential factors calculate:
where - distance from the first wire, where the point М is placing , up to its mirror image,
- distance from the first wire up to second.
The matrix is formed
The algorithm of account is submitted on fig 2.
Figure 2 - Block diagram which realizing account of potential factors
For a finding determinant of a matrix the programm of a Gauss method "Opredelitel" is formed, the block diagram is submitted on fig 3.
Figure 3 - Block diagram of Gauss method
where - the algebraic addition, which turns out from the determinant of system
For account of capacitor factors we address to the "Opredelitel". Minors and determinant of a matrix are calculated. The block diagram is submitted on fig 4.
Figure 4 - Block diagram of capacitor factors accounting
4. We are of opinion that the potentials are known and are equal to rated voltage of network:
We solve system of the equations which named like second group of the Maxvell formulas:
The algorithm of account is submitted on fig 5.
Figure 5 - Block diagram of charges accounting
5. We find potential in the given point М:
The algorithm is given as the block diagram in a fig. 6.
Figure 6 - Block diagram of definition of potentials
The important part of work is the program which creat the the large transitions air TL accounting.
One of the basic tasks is the definition parameters of these transitions: sags and lengthes of a wire on transition.
With the purpose of reduction of errors use the theory of a circuit of equal resistance is expedient. The given theories stricter, allow to receive the simple decisions of account tasks of wires of the large transitions TL in view of the various factors.
The algorithm of the program is constructed on the new form of equation record condition of a wire TL with use of the theory of a circle of equal resistance.
The educational variant of the parameters account program of the large transitions represents software, which is written in language DELPHI.
In the program, which is developed, are used a tangent method for the basic equation decision of wire condition and half division method at definition of parameter Х0.
For control variant with the purpose of debugging the program and check of accounts correctness select the large transition TL 150 kV through water spaces.
We allow, that is necessary to determine a dimension on transition at temperature 40С for wires АС-400/93, mounted through the navigable river with flight 700 m and difference of point of suspension of a wire on support of 67,73 m.
Climatic conditions the following:
- maximum temperature of air 400С;
- formation temperature of ice - 50С;
- IV ice area;
- III wind area.
The interface of the program and the results of control account of the large transition are given on fig 7.
Figure 7 - Step-by-step performance of control account of the large transition (animation: volume - 67,1 КБ; the size - 800x570; quantity of the staff - 5; a delay between the staff - 300 ms; a delay between last and first staff - 350 ms; quantity of cycles of recurrence - 10)
By results of accounts it is possible to approve, that the settlement dimension 35,34 м does not contradict the specifications given in RDE
A list of the main results and prospectives
Mechanical calculation is a basic method of air transmission line designing. At the moment of writing the author's abstract there was a program developed with the use of the Delphi programming language. Today one of the most essential disadvantages is a development DOS – interface, that’s why the main task for today is a development of Windows – interface, program work visualization and database modernization.
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5. Шпак Ю.О. Delphi 7 на прикладах/ Ю.О. Шпак, Ю.С. Ковтанюк//К.: Юніор,2003 – 384с.
6. Ильичев Н.Б. Программный комплекс «EnergyCS Line» V 3.5 . Руководство пользователя./ Н.Б. Ильичев//Иваново, 2007 – 79 с.
7. ЛЭП 2009 - «Розрахунок навантажень на опори та фундаментів»[Электронный ресурс].-Режим доступа: ссылка, http://www.bsapr.ru.
8. Матеріали Другої всеросійської науково- практичної конференції 2006г[Электронный ресурс].-Режим доступа: ссылка, www.ohl.elsi.ru/2006.
9. Доклад Молчанова О.В., Титенсккого К.С.[Электронный ресурс].-Режим доступа: ссылка, http://www.ohl.elsi.ru/sbornik_trudov/6.pdf.
10. Електроний журнал[Электронный ресурс].-Режим доступа: ссылка, http://www.sapr.ru.
An important remark!
While writing the current author's abstract the master’s work is not finished yet. The final completion will be by the 1st December 2010. You may obtain the full work’s text and all the materials from the author or his supervisor after the stated date.