Nowadays for the industrial enterprises especially important power saving as in the conditions of constantly rising in price energy carriers and the developed financial crisis introduction of power saving up actions is one of the most effective ways of decrease in the cost price of production developed by the enterprise and increases competitiveness at operating market relations and monopolization by private proprietors of energetic sphere.
The most widespread and actual component of such power savings programme is decrease in losses of the electric power by means of indemnification of jet capacity as it provides small enough times of recovery of outlay, comparative simplicity of operation and service and enough high reliability of the equipment necessary for this purpose.
Indemnification of jet capacity – one of the actual problems by optimization of a mode of pressure and a power consumption for the purpose of decrease in losses and increase of indicators of quality of the electric power. Besides, indemnification of jet capacity allows reducing a payment of the industrial enterprise for jet energy. Hence, indemnification of jet capacity is very actual and economically justified, in particular for the industrial enterprises.
The work purpose is decrease in losses of the electric power industrial electric networks, expenses for their construction and operation by a choice of optimum places of connection and capacity of sources of jet energy.
The research problem is the further perfection and optimization the program developed on EPG DonNTU.
In work it is supposed leaning on available experience and algorithms to offer the new decision of a problem. As economic criterion pure current cost will be accepted. Besides, search of an optimum way of indemnification of jet capacity will be carried out as the whole for all network of an internal electrical supply of the enterprise, and for separate knots and network sites. The developed algorithms can be applied not only to optimization of indemnification of jet capacity, but also for a choice of the optimum scheme of distribution of the electric power on enterprise territory. The question of adaptation of the program for this purpose will be considered also.
The initial data necessary for the decision of a task in view, intermediate and definitive results of calculations will be stored in two files: the data on networks and the data on synchronous engines. These files are transferred in separate functions and come back them which are added by results of calculations. Thus, in them after performance of calculation and an optimization course contains the full information on a network, beginning by loadings of separate sites and knots contains, finishing by the chosen transformers, cables, electric power losses in them, cost of the chosen equipment, demanded capacities of condenser batteries by results of a choice of complete condenser settings [7,9,11].
The developed program allows carrying out calculation for the network of industrial enterprise of any configuration. It is reached the blessing-giving to the developed simple and evident way of representation of the scheme of an electrical supply and algorithm of its analysis. For representation of the scheme of an electric network the enclosed files are used. For this purpose the network scheme is set by a special matrix. This matrix consists of two columns and can contain the enclosed files [8,10].
Novelty of the given work consists in the complex approach to decision of task of indemnification of jet capacity. The technique and the program of a choice of optimum placing and a choice of places of connection of sources of jet energy in a network of an electrical supply of the industrial enterprise of any configuration are offered.
The made program provides a choice of optimum placing of condenser batteries in networks of the industrial enterprise and expedient level of compensation reactive power by criterion of pure current cost.
The program can be used for a choice of the optimum scheme of an electrical supply of the industrial enterprise taking into account the compensation reactive power.
At writing of this abstract of thesis master's degree work is not yet completed. Final completion on December, 2010. The complete text of work and materials on the topic can be got for an author or his leader after the indicated date.
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