Alexsey Koptev
Modeling of the logical part relay-type protection of the block generator-transformer by power 300 MW
Donetsk National Technical University
This work about the creation a simulation program of relay protection unit generator-transformer. An algorithm for relay protection unit. Also, a simplified block diagram of the program.
Keywords: Differential relay protection, programming on C ++, relay protection, unit generator-transformer.
Among the many protection and automation unit to select bases-WIDE, for their simulation. According to the SEP for the generator-transformer units with generators of 300 MW shall be provided to re-lane protection against these types of injuries and abnormal operating modes:
1) earth fault on the side of the generator voltage;
2) multi-phase circuits in the generator stator winding and its findings;
3) circuit between the turns of one phase in the stator winding turbogenera-torus;
4) multi-phase circuits in the windings and the findings of the transformer;
5) single-phase earth fault in the winding of the transformer and its you-waters attached to the network with high earth fault currents;
6) circuit between turns in the windings of the transformer;
7) External short circuit;
8) overload the generator currents reverse;
9) symmetrical overload of generator stator winding and winding transformers,;
10) overload of the generator rotor winding current excitation (for turbo-generators with direct cooling of winding wires and hydro generators);
11) increase the voltage on the stator of the generator and transformer unit;
12) earth fault at one point the drive circuit;
13) asynchronous mode with the loss of excitation;
14) lowering the level of oil in the tank of the transformer;
Shows a simplified block diagram. After the data entry pro-gram examines the type and location of damage, and then selects and executes the required function of the program. As a result, will be made sim-Extrapolation of protection. |