DonNTU Master's portal |
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Faculty: Electrotechnical Departement: Supplying by electric energy of industrial cities Speciality: Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption Theme of master's work: Estimation of fire safety of underground system of an electrical supply 6 kV a colliery Scientific adviser: Viktoriya I. Jakimishina |
- Average mark in the period of teaching at the university was: 4.65. - Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English (reading and correspondence). - Skills: working with MathCad, Microsoft office. - Hobbies: studying psychology,I skated. - Personal qualities: sociable, cheerful, responsible, fair and purposeful. - The marital status - not married. |
I, Korolyova Olga Jurevna, was born on February 22th, 1987 in the Artemovsk city. Father – Korolyov Jury Evgenevich, Manages department visit. Mother - Korolyova Alla Nikolaevna, works as the younger inspector. Brother - Korolyov Vyacheslav Jurevich, he works driver. In my childhood I went to kindergarten "Kolobok". I did not liked porridge, and sleepy hours but I liked to embroider and read. My father read me stories at bedtime and I remember those moments till now. Due to my father I learned to read the first words in 5 years. The most vivid and bright memories are connected with my childhood. In 1994 I went to the first class of the school ¹ 22 of Artemovsk. My first teacher was Svetlana Dyachenko. She taught me to be capable and responsible. My second teacher Ljubov Kindjakova taught me to love Ukrainian, because it is the most beautiful and melodic language. I participated in olympiads, sports competitions, played in drama section. The school gave me not only valuable knowledge, but also many good and faithful friends. I graduated from school 19 June 2002. In 2002 I entered the first course of Artemovsk’ industrial technical school on a specialty «Installation and operation of civil buildings and constructions» which has ended in 2006. The main achievement during the studing in technical school was the Honours degree. I entered the Donetsk National Technical University in 2005 on the faculty of Electrical Engineering on the specialty "Electrical system power consumption". I chose this profession because members my family were also studying at the electrotechnical specialties. I think that electricity is very important sphere of our lives. The most important subjects for me were Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering, Electrical appliances and machinery, Eectrical supply, electrical installations, Electrical Systems and Stations.During the period of studying I was interested in the calculations of the modes of networks and their planning that influenced at the choice of the theme of master's work and scientific leader. I would like to thank for the knowledge that I’ve got such teachers of our faculty: Yakimishina V.V., Chernikov Y.V., Chursinov V.I., Larina I.I., Kourennyi E.G., Kovalev A.P. My scientific leader became Viktoria Yakimishina. The theme of the master's work: "Estimation of fire safety of underground system of an electrical supply 6 kV of the colliery". Students’ years have taught me to be independent, not to be afraid of difficulties and always move forward towards its goal, despite any obstacles. In the nearest future I’m planning to write and publish a scientific paper in the master's work, finish the master's work and successfully defend it, finish university and get highly paid job. In future I’m going to marry and create a sturdy family. In far future I’m going to travel different countries, but at the same time work for the benefit of my country. |