Kubatin Denis
Faculty: Electrotechnical
Speciality: Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption
Theme of master's work:
Research of electromagnetic compatibility of lamps is after the dose of pulsation
Scientific adviser: Kourennyi Eduard
Materials on the theme of master's work:
Middle mark in the period of studies in university is 4,7. I can fluently speak Russian and Ukrainian. I can read and correspond in English.
I have skills in the using the next programs:
- mathematical programs (MathCAD, MathLAB);
- office programs of company Microsoft;
- engineering packages (AutoCAD, Ascon Compas).
I have an experience in a network the Internet, and also experience on creation of sites by the specialized programs (Adobe Dreamweaver).
Also I have an experience of programming on languages: Basic, Pascal è C/C++.
Short biography:
I was born on December, 15th, 1987 in Donetsk in the International day of tea and Day of formation of radio engineering armies of the Air Forces the USSR. On an unbelievable coincidence, tea is my favorite drink since the childhood, and my military speciality (received on military department DonNTU (Donetsk national technical university) in 2009) – the signalman (radio engineering). My father – Kubatin Gennady (miner) and my mother – Kubatina Elena (the engineer chemist-technologist) were engaged in my education. The brightest impressions of my childhood are connected with a kindergarten «Kalinka». I loved it: permanent games, drawing, singing, dances and many other things. The quiet time was the only thing that caused my discontent. I didn’t love sleep in the day-time, that is why it was necessary to be constantly turned and the same cause dissatisfaction of educator. Also there were many impressions out of kindergarten walls: travel to Sochi, on southern coast of Crimea and sea of Azov. My favorite child's toy was child's «railway». That is why on an immemorial question «Who do you want to become?» answered without vibrations: – by a machinist!
On September, 1st, 1995 I went to the first class. Russian school ¹ 6 became my first school. The new life has begun. As well as all my contemporaries I have got used to school quickly and studied with the great pleasure. Unfortunately, at my native school ¹ 6 I was studied only 1 year. I lived my school because I have moved to new house. Russian school ¹ 122 became my new school. At new school I have quickly got new friends.
I studied on «excellent» from 1 to 6 class. My favorite subjects in first classes were natural study and mathematics, and also physical culture. Our school was the best in Budyonnovsk district of Donetsk, that is why the decision to create on its base a profile gymnasium was accepted. At the age of 13 years I have appeared before the necessity of choice of further type of education and entrance examinations. I have made a choice in favour of an economic-legal profile and have successfully passed entrance examinations.
Time 8–11 classes – one of the brightest and unforgettable in a life of each person. Such it was and for me. In 9 class I have passed school examinations on «excellent» and have decided not to arrive in technical school, and to continue studying in gymnasium. The history became my new profile. By the way, history, along with geography, were and are one of my greatest interests.
… Has come 11 class and time of a choice of the future profession. There were variants:
1) The electrical engineer;
2) The engineer-programmer;
3) The historian;
4) Various specialties from Donetsk railway institute;
5) The lawyer.
I have chosen electrotechnical faculty DonNTU where I have arrived, successfully having handed over rating tests. I have passed school examinations on «excellent».
I wish to thank all without an exception of the teachers, teaching at schools, where I studied.
Having got to the university has naturally gone deep into study. I have studied day and night, after all it was necessary to sustain the most difficult in a life of the student – 1 course and 1 session. All difficulties managed to be overcome. After 1st course I have successfully handed over entrance examinations on military department, which has finished in 2009, having received a rank of the second lieutenant of a stock. In a public life of university actively didn’t take a great interest because of the phlegmatic temperament.
In 4 years I have successfully passed the state examination on «excellent» and have received the bachelor's degree. After that I have decided to arrive in a magistracy. The theme of my master’s work: «Evaluation of electromagnetic compatibility of lamps is after the dose of pulsation». My supervisor – Kourennyi Eduard – the professor and Doctor of technical Sciences.
My future plans
On the near future I am planning nothing especially grandiose. Firstly I want to defend my master’s work successfully. I want to find an interesting work, which would allow me to realize not only knowledge, but also creative abilities. In addition to this I want to create a strong and amicable family.