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Antonina Petrova

Antonina Petrova

Faculty: Electrotechnical (ETF)

Speciality: Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption

Theme of master's work:

Research of mathematical models for assessing the intrinsic safety of the inductances-capacitances circuits

Scientific adviser: Ilya A. Bershadskiy


Name:                                           Antonina Petrova

Date of birth:                                24 November 1988

Nationality:                                  Ukrainiane


from september 2009                                Donetsk National Technical University

                                                      Faculty: Electrotechnical

                                                      Department: the Electrical supply of the industrial enterprises and cities

                                                      Degree: Master’s cours of Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption

                                                      The theme of magistracy work: Research of mathematical models for assessing the intrinsic safety of the inductances-

                                                      capacitances circuits

                                                      Scientific leader:Ilya A. Bershadskiy

2005-2009                                                       Donetsk National Technical University

                                                      Faculty: Electrotechnical

                                                      Department: the Electrical supply of the industrial enterprises and cities

                                                      Degree: Bachelor of Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption

1995-2005                                                        Secondary school № 2


2008 july                                        "Aspect "

2007 september                              "Aspect"

2006 february                                  linguistic practice in Donetsk National Technical University

2005 july                                         “Smolyanka 35”, «Donetskoblenergo» Donetsk electrical nets.

Language skills:                                Russian, Ukrainian, French and English

Computer skills:                                Microsoft Office, Microsoft Visio, MathCad, MatLab, base of С++, Micro-Cap.

Interests:                                            museums, theatre, philharmonic society, traweling, embroidery, knitting.

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