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Popov Eduard

Popov Eduard

Faculty: Electrotechnical

Speciality: Electromechanical equipment of power-consuming industries

Theme of master's work:

Substantiation of the parameters of magnetic friction brakes trolleys for transportation of people for slope

Scientific adviser: Shavlak Victor

About author

Summary of research and developments


The role of industrial development in developing countries is very important. At the present time, the extensive development of industry on coal, ores and non-metallic minerals as raw material base of heavy industry.

In these industries, transport is a crucial link in the overall mining. This is because large cargo flows, broad and significant long roadway, which made transportation of extracted minerals. A large amount of transport operations contributes to the high percentage of transportation costs in the cost of minerals and has an appreciable effect on overall productivity in the mining industry.

For further development of the mining industry must be widespread adoption of new productive vehicles. One such area is the improvement and introduction of trucks to transport people for drifts. "Safety Rules coal and shale mines" requires mandatory carriage of people in the horizontal mines, if the distance to work more than 1 km, and the slope is the exit between the horizons, regardless of their length.

By means of transporting people highly demanding, safety and comfort of carrying passengers. Transportation of people by mines is of great importance for the safety and productivity miners.

The purpose and problems of the develoment

Currently in mines used a large number of trucks to transport people for slope. These cars are designed to work with angles from 6 to 80 degrees. Brake systems cars do not always satisfy all safety requirements. Parachute devices are characterized by high complexity eliminate the effects of post-accident situations, and large dynamic loads during braking.[1]

In parachutes cutting is impossible to accurately determine the resistance to cutting wood, geometric parameters and the number of teeth of incisors. Parachute systems can not be controlled, because after each braking wooden bumpers should be replaced with new ones. Rope dampers, used in the cars, although it possible to check the work of a parachute, but have some drawbacks: the instability of work; rapid wear. Firing the parachute system cars entails the destruction of rails, there are cases of derailment, overturning cars. Existing deficiencies in the operation and repair of the parachute system led to the need to create new designs parachute system. [2]

Disadvantage of these cars can be avoided if we apply the magnetic friction brake devices, components which interact directly with the heads of rails due to attractive forces. Application of this type of inhibition would reduce the dynamic loads under braking, eliminating labor post-accident situations, the use of standard methods of laying the track, the use of concrete sleepers, the decrease deceleration during braking and simplifying service trolleys. Domestic and international experience confirms the possibility of using magnetic forces in the braking devices of various machines.

Goals and objectives

Aim of this work is the development of magnetic friction brake devices trucks to transport people for drifts at an angle of 6 degrees to 30 degrees.
To achieve the above objectives should be to solve the following problem:
1) a theoretical study to determine the main parameters of inhibition of mine trolley human;
2) to conduct theoretical studies on the characterization of the magnetic system, a braking device;
3) develop a design cars to transport people for slope with a magnetic clutch brake mechanism.

Main planned results

One of the main kinematic parameters during transportation of persons for drifts is the speed of lifting vessels. Increased speed reduces the transport of people, but with increasing speed of transport need to be increased and the allowable deceleration when braking, otherwise the value of the stopping distance will be too high [1]. At those speeds, which is resledge people for slope, instantaneous stop, or overly dramatic inhibition of lifting the vessel with people is unacceptable, this mode of inhibition is dangerous for human health. In this paper, the object of study is the braking system VLN1 cars, which are for today's date widely speeding Ukrainian mines.

In the process made the following calculations:

1.Opredelen maximum emergency braking distance trolley, which amounted to 5m;

2.Opredeleny allowable deceleration for slopes trolley from 6 to 30 degrees, according to which the constructed graph of slowing down the slope of the production.

Picture 1-Graph of slowing down on the slope vyrabotki

3.Opredelenie of required braking effort. The magnitude of the braking force depends on three variables: the force of gravity, which varies from a minimum value if a trolley is one person to the maximum value if the car is fully loaded, tilt output, which varies from 6 ° to 30 °; by slower cars. The values of minimum, and limit the maximum braking force to the tilt angle generation from 6 to 30 degrees are shown in table 1

Table 1-Brake effort developed trolley

According to table 1, constructed a graph of the braking force in the slope of the output.

Graph of braking forces on the angle of making

Picture 2-Graph of braking forces on the angle of making

Animated drawing, made in gif animator, the number of frames - 6, the number of repetitions - 4, volume 30.9 кб

To determine the maximum braking force necessary to take calculated for the case when the trolley is loaded and the minimum is on track segment with a minimum angle. Otherwise, the deceleration would be unacceptably high for a man. Given the above, for the maximum braking force for developed trolley taken Bmax = 70629 N.

The minimum value of braking cars selected from the condition that the truck is fully loaded and is in the making with a maximum for this type of trolley angle. Consequently, this value is Bmin = 23,872 N. Thus, the range of values for the braking forces developed trolley is: 23872N <= B <= 70629N

Conclusions and future research

1.Develop theoretical studies of magnetic systems by the interaction of brakes and rails.

2.Run calculation unit of the magnetic system.

3.Develop designed trolley for transportation of people for slope with a magnetic clutch parachute device.


Creating cars for transportation of people for slope with a magnetic clutch brake mechanism will reduce the dynamic loads during braking, eliminating labor post-accident situations, the use of standard methods of laying the track, the use of concrete sleepers, the decrease deceleration during braking and simplifying service trolleys. In the process were calculated as the braking forces which are the source data for the design of magnetic friction brake devices, a value is: 23872N <= B <= 70629N

At the time of writing autosummary master's work is not yet completed. The final version of the study results will be available from me or my supervisor after december 2010.


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