Master of Donetsk National Technical University Lubov Shevchuk

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Lubov Shevchuk

Lubov Shevchuk

Faculty: Electrotechnical

Speciality: Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption

Theme of master's work:

Saving electrical energy in the boiler room of the railway station «Mandrykino» Donetsk the application of a new generation of circulating pumps

Scientific adviser: Sergey Shlepnyov



Name:                                          Lubov Shevchuk

Date of birth:                              February, 7, 1988

Language skills:                         Ukrainian, Russian, English

Computer skills:                         MS Office, Visio, Autocad, Mathcad, Adobe Photoshop, Power Point,

Middle mark in the period

of studies in university               4.7


from september 2009                Donetsk National Technical University

Degree:                                      Master’s cours of Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption

2005-2009                                  Donetsk National Technical University

Degree:                                      Bachelor of Electrotechnical systems of a power consumption

1995-2005                                  Secondary School N110

Practical work:

2009                                            Donetsk Metallurgical Plant

2008                                             Donetsk Electric networks


         Music,dance,floristics .

DonNTU Master's portal Abstract