In recent 2 decades a number of new terms entered scientific vocabulary: nanostructure, nanotechnology, nanomaterial, nanocluster, nanochemistry, nanocolloid , nanoreactor, etc. Series of new journals are dedicated deliberately to this subject area; monographs, containing ‘nano’ in their titles continue to come out; research of various types is carried out by nano-profiled institutes, departments and laboratories. In most cases the new names are given to long-known objects and phenomena. However, new objects still unknown to scientists 20 years ago, but which have contributed greately to the development of modern science, are discovered now. These are nanoparticles in all their variety, starting with fullerene, nanotubes, (archetypical nanotubes, scroll-like tubes, coaxial-embedded nanotubes, nanotube lines), nanocomposites with gigantic magnetoresistance, nanocables and ending with quantum dots and quantum corals[1].
Particle diminution to nanometric size causes occurrence of the so-called ‘quantum dimensional effects’ within them. That is the case when the size of the object under study is comparable to the length of electron de-Broglie wave, backgrounds, and excitons. By dimensional effects one understands the complex of phenomena connected with substance properties alteration as a result of particles size alteration itself, and at the same time with surface contribution increase into the general system properties.
The three-dimensional level quantization takes place in spheroidal nanoparticles. That enables us to speak about the formation of quantum dots, quantum crystalline particles and other objects with zero dimensions, depending on nanoparticle composition [2].
One of the reasons for alternation of physical and chemical properties of small particles together with their size diminution is the growth of surface atoms relative fraction, these atoms being in different conditions than the atoms inside bulk phase. By this we mean the coordination number, local environment symmetry, etc.). From energy view point the decline in particle size leads to surface energy role increase [3].
Currently unique physical properties of nanoparticles emerging as a result of surface or quantum-dimentional effects are the object of intensive studying.
All the above stated serves as grounding for heightened interest in nanoparticles among scientists of various specialization. Later I’m going to focus on the modern understanding of nanoparticle physics and chemistry, their studying and optimization methods, by which we mean opportunities of their application in nanotechnology for development of new appliances and devices of various intended purpose [1].
The aim of the present research is to study the influence of nanostructural dimensions on technological parameters and electrophysical properties of piezoceramic materials in order to optimize processes of manufacturing and production of high quality piezoceramic materials with persistent and replicable properties.
The present paper is aimed at production of LZT materials (in our case LZT-24) not only by means of ceramic technology, but also by means of coprecipitation and spray hydrolysis with variable conditions of technological processes implementation [4].
The LZT-24 materials have been selected due to the advanced research of its physical and chemical nature [5, 6]. Firstly, the material has proved to be easily-produced by means of mortar chemistry methods with the system not being multicomponent, which enables quantitative production of all the components in equal conditions. Secondly, LZT-24 segnetohard material can be produced by means of ceramic technology, namely manipulating different production stages to optimize technological production parameters and to improve its operational characteristics.
Since LZT electrophysical characteristics are very sensitive to molar proportion ZrO2/TiO2 [7], by this we mean their dependence on the condition in morphotropic area [8], the next crucial task to be set is to chose its optimal proportion. That follows the production of sintered material by means of ceramic technology [9].
Charge and the ready material itself have undergone various physical exposures in order to achieve different breakups. Microstructural analysis has been carried out with the help of metallurgical microscope with 30000 magnifications.
Optimal synthesis temperature has been selected by means of differentially-thermal analysis (DTA) and thermal-gravity analysis with the help of Paulic-Paulic-Erdey facility.
Measurements of electro-physical characteristics of sintered ceramics have been taken using the ‘resonance-antiresonance’ method in accordance with appropriate State Standards [10].
The present research has enabled to produce LZT-24 material of the following powder: when coprecipitation applied the particle size varies within the scope of 1-10 micron; and when spray-hydrolysis is used – the particle size is 1 micron, the result, which is practically impossible to achieve having normal conditions of metal production processes by method of ceramic technology.
Ultrafine dispersivity materials production (i.e. materials containing particles ~1 micron in size) is considerably important, because most of metal characteristics depend on reduction range. Synthesis temperature reduction is crucial for LZT materials taking into consideration the fact that lead volatility increases with the growth of temperature. In accordance with literary sources charge powder composition considerably affects synthesis.
It has been determined that material reactivity grows when the given powder is applied. To this fact also testifies the synthesis temperature drop by 100-200°C. However, despite the considerable influence dispersivity has on technological parameters, the fundamental improvement in electro-physical characteristics is hardly observed. By this we mean that there exist the optimal ‘golden middle’ particle size which enables material to obtain the best characteristics. If it was not true, initial powder dispersivity would affect the microstructure. However the analysis has proved the opposite (size of grains remained the same 1-3 micron).
The given problem is planned to be studied more thoroughly by means of further experiments aimed at clarification of influence of ready material dispersivity on electro-physical characteristics.
Despite significant achievements of numerous developments aimed at LZT materials quality increase, the progress in their improvement has considerably declined in recent years. It can be accounted for by the fact that piezoceramic electro-physical characteristics improvement opportunities by means of chemical composition alteration and modification are exhausted. Unfortunately, nowadays there exist a shortage of works devoted to the influence of dispersion on technological parameters and characteristics of piezomaterials. That is why the issue of new materials structure improvement methods development is all important. Quality improvement can be achieved by means of accumulation of positive effects at all the stages of technological process on the basis of advanced study and understanding of their physical and chemical nature.
The given problem can be solved by means of intensification of separate stages of technological process in general, and by means of reacting components activity increase in order to rise heterogeneous processes velocity, in particular. While selecting the method of piezoceramic materials production, the following questions should be answered: firstly, whether it is worthy to produce the material in question directly with nanodisperse structure, and secondly, how the material itself (its composition) or the method of its production can be changed so as to level complicity of the selected technology and to arrive at the desired results taking into account technological and economic appropriateness.
The master’s work do not complete at present, is conduct the scientific research and treatment of figures.