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Donbass is a major industrial region of Ukraine where you can find some thousand of large enterprises. The acutest problems of the region are air, water and soil pollutions.
Coal industry is the greatest polluter of Donetsk-Makeevka district. In connection with this fact the study of peculiarities of environmental pollution by coal mining is very important nowadays. It closely connects with coal output, coal-cleaning, coal processing, industrial and domestic coal firing.
Density and pollution composition may change according to mining and geological conditions of one or another mine. And so, to determine the factors which influence pollution density is very topical now. The investigation of environmental situation of a specific enterprise allows to find out and estimate main factors of pollution spreading in the environment, introduced by mines.
The study is connected with research scientific work of the department of the minerals and ecological geology N8-07 "The study of geological peculiarities and structure of ecological risk areas of Donetsk region and elaboration of the method of its prognostication".
The aim of my work is to investigate quantitative and qualitative composition of pollution of mines of Donetsk-Makeevka district.
The above goal set in my research is achieved by carrying out a number of the following tasks:
- analysis of map material for studying of geological structure of the district;
- to calculate statistic characteristics of pollution index;
- to find out main factors of pollution spreading;
- to work out the guidelines on suppression of pollution sources.
The object of my research is the mines of Donetsk-Makeevka district.
The subject of my study is ecology of coal industry.
The methods used in my work include system analysis of the structure of the body of interest, the method of statistical treatment, the method of spatial measurements testing, the method of logical analysis.
Scientific novelty of the research lies in separation of natural and anthropogenic impact on the environment of the mines of Donetsk-Makeevka district and also in ascertainment of the factors of its spatial distribution in the environment.
The practical value of the given work is that the findings may be used to solve environmental problems which related to detrimental effect of the collieries on the environment.
Geochemical samplings of soils, contained coal rocks and coals, were selected to assess the nature of pollution at the field of "Lidievka" mine.
The homogeneous sample was formed at the first stage. According to its results, the assessment of statistic characteristics of soils pollution and cumulative index of soil pollution with toxic elements were calculated. Then the cumulative pollution index chart was drawn (Zc). The main sources of pollution were detected upon further analysis of the chart.
Geochemical samplings of soils, contained coal rocks and coals, were selected to assess the nature of pollution at the field of "Lidievka" mine.
The samples of waste dumps and air pits were distinguished to reveal the differences in the composition of pollution.
The composition of chemical elements in coal rocks and coals was compared to composition of pollutant in soils.
There weren't any As, P, Sb, W, Sr and Cd in the samples of coal rocks and coals.
Maximum permissible concentration of the elements (MPC) in the soils and the clarke of chemical elements (according to Vinogradov) were used to standardize the toxic elements content at the field of mine.
It was found out that the content of the elements of the first class of danger like Pb and Zn was 1,7 and 2 times as much as in MPC accordingly. The content of Be was at the level of clarke of the chemical elements. The content of the elements of the second class of danger were established as Co - 3 times as much as in MPC, Li - 1,7 times, Mo - 1,4 times, Ni - 1,3 times; the content of Cr and Nb was within the range of permissibility. The clarke content of Ba in the soils was 1,5 times much among the elements of the third class of danger. Accept toxic elements there were also found Ge and Sn which also exceeded the permissible contamination standards 1,4 and 1,1 times as much as in the clarke accordingly.
The content of Hg, that was determined with the help of 10 atomic absorption analyses, twice as much as its normal background.
Concentration factor (Kc) of the polluters and the cumulative indicator of their soils pollution (Zc) are used to assess the level of chemical pollution of the soils.
Zc=sum[Kc - (n-1)]........(1)
Where n - is the number of cumulative polluters; Кс - concentration factor of every i polluter.
The quantity of Zc was not higher than 16 and it is correspond to maximum permissible concentration of the elements in the soils.
The zones of cumulative pollutions on the chart of environmental threat of the soils of the "Lidievka" mine satisfy air pits and waste dumps.
Pollutions, produced by satisfy airs, conditional on high concentration of fine-dispersed carbon dust, which supply the soil with toxic elements.
The reason of pollution nearby the waste dump s is that the ejection and accumulation of the toxic elements happen because of ablation and wind erosion.
Component analysis of the samples, taken nearby pollution sources, allowed to find out that exact range of polluters are peculiar to waste dumps and air pits. So Hg, Pb, Zn, Cr, Co, Li, Ba and Sn concentrate close to waste dumps and Ge, Be, Ti, Nb, Mo - close to air pits.
The elements that concentrate near waste dumps are connected with organic matter of coals (Yudovitch, 2005). The elements that concentrate near air pits are connected with mineral matter of coals or there are a lot of them in coal rocks.
As concerns mean cell chemical elements in the coals (according to Yudovitch) in the coals of "Lidievka" mine it was established that Hg 1,1 to 3,5 times much as mean cell chemical elements in the coals, Be - 2,4 to 3,3 times, Li - 1,8 to 2,1 times, Ba - 2,5 to 3,8 times, Ge - 1,8 to 2,5 times, Sn - 1,5 to 2 times, Zr - 1.3 to 1,5 times, Ti - 1,4 to 1,8 times, Zn - 1,5 times much as mean cell chemical elements in the coals and Сr - 1,9.
There are zones of rare elements concentration in the coal beds near the soil, tops and intrastal slabs. Low-power formations are always richer than power formations.
Clarks of chemical elements in sedimentary rocks (according to Vinogradov) were used to standardize the content of chemical elements in the coal rocks. The following was found out for these coal rocks:
- contain of Pb (20 gram/ton), Cr (100 gram/ton), Co (20 gram/ton) at the level of clarks;
- the maximum exceeding of the content in comparison with the clarks belongs to Mn 1,5 times as much as the clarks and Ti - 1,1 times.
According to the results of the soil pollution of the "Lidievka" mine with toxic elements it was established:
- Investigating cumulative rate of the soil pollution of the "Lidievka" mine it may be treated as permissible category of pollution;
- Pb, Zn, Co, Li, Ni, Ba, Mo, Be exceeded maximum permissible concentration of the elements or clarke of the chemical elements, but Cr, Nb, Be, B are at the level of background;
- Hg, Be, Bi, Ge, Pb, Cr, Co, Bi, Mn, Ti exceeded the concentration in the coals or coal rocks;
- The zones of cumulative pollutions satisfy air pits and waste dumps.
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