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Kornienko Yulua

Faculty of ecology and chemical technology

Department of Chemical Technology of Fuel

Speciality: Chemical technology of fuel and carbon materials

Theme of master's work:

Interaction karbazol with alkal in heterogeneous process

Scientific advisers: Butuzova Ludmila, Frolova Irina

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

About Me

An average grade 4,88. I am fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages, English (with dictionary). I have experience in working with the package Microsoft Office, MathCAD, skills programming in Turbo Pascal 7.0, a graphical programming environment Lab View. I have experience in chemical laboratory, working skills in analytical research. I had the training practice held at the «Yasinovskiy Cokechemical Plant». My hobbies are dancing and sports. I like to travel.

Short biografy


I was born on February 18-th, 1988 in Donetsk. My parents: Alexander Kornienko and Elena Kornienko. They work at «Donetsk metallurgical plant».

I remember my childhood as the most carefree time. As an only child, I got all the love and care of my parents and grandparents. Although I sometimes do not know where to get away from it. I liked to go to the kindergarten. All children in our group were friendly, later I studied with many of them in the same form.


In 1995 I went to the grade school ¹ 29. I remember my first call, a festive line and the first teacher - Aida Gurgenovna. Thanks to her ability of reaching out to each child, our class was the best among the juniors. In high school, our class teacher was Larisa Andreyevna, who has always defended us, for everything we had done. My favorite subjects were Russian literature, geography and chemistry. I participated in competitions in many subjects, but I achieved special success in chemistry – I took second place in district competition. Also, my hobbies were reading Russian classics, table tennis and dancing, which I attended about eight years. In our school we had a museum of the history of Ukrainian traditions and museum Baranovichi mortar artillery regiment, whose name our school was called. In these museums, we interact with other students for excursions.


The question about the future arose in grade 11. My chemistry teacher wanted me to enter Institute of Economics and Trade behalf Tugan-Baranovsky. Parents wanted me to take up my future with metallurgy, as almost all members of my family in some way connected with this industry. I chose chemistry, specifically chemical engineering. And now, after three rating on 1-st September 2005, I became a student of the Faculty of Environmental and Chemical Technology, Donetsk National Technical University in speciality of Chemical technology of fuel and carbon materials. And student life began: interesting and boring couples, the sessions, fun with friends. During the training my favorite subjects were «processes and apparatuses of chemical technology», «chemical products capture coking». I particularly liked the laboratory work on profile subjects. I would like to mention such teachers as Grebenyuk Alexander Fedorovich, Oshovsky Vladimir Vladimirovich, Grebennikova Svetlana Sergeevna. From the third year I am taking part in scientific student’s conferences. I was awarded a diploma of the winner at the second international conference of students, graduate students and young scientists in chemistry and chemical technology in Kiev.

Four years passed quickly and now I am in the magistrates. The theme of my work is «Interaction of carbazole with alkali in a heterogeneous process». I am helped in this by my supervisors: Doctor of Science of Chemistry, Professor Departmend of Chemical Technology of Fuel Donetsk National Technical University Butuzova Ludmila and Candidate of Science of Chemistry in Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry and Coal Chemistry behalf of Litvinenko National Science Academy of Ukraine Frolova Irina.

Future Plans

The most immediate plans - are to get a master's degree, to find an interesting well-paid job, to start a family. And in general, I want to get anything from life, because it is so interesting and versatile!

© DonNTU Yulua Kornienko, 2010

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