In Donetsk the atmosphere air quality is changing for the worse. The urban-industrial environment gets pollutants of broad spectrum including lead.
In recent years the analysis of the atmosphere air pollution with lead compounds has become more and more important because in spite of the fact that lead amount is relatively small it causes great derangement in the complex of functioning of organism.
Lead belongs to the list of main pollutants as well as mercury, cadmium, arsenic, selenium, zinc and it presents the greatest danger to the health of man and animals.
The importance of the subject under investigation
The problems considered in the paper are important because the comparative analysis of the influence of stationary and mobile emission points upon air bottom layer pollution in the centre area of Donetsk was taken and measures to reduce lead emission were suggested.
Subject of inquiry
The subject of inquiry is the atmosphere air of Donetsk.
Methods of testing
The following methods of testing are used in the investigation: collecting, systematization and statistical analysis of data about urban-industrial environment pollution with lead, mathematical modeling methods and also regressive and experimental analysis.
The aim of the investigation
The analysis of the atmosphere air condition of Donetsk, exposion of the main polluting sources of the air bottom layer with lead and estimation of changing of the atmosphere air condition after taking measures proposed in the investigation.
Scientific novelty
The scientific novelty is the development of mathematical models to forecast further levels of the atmosphere air pollution with lead compounds and the construction of the maps of dispersion of that pollutant in the air bottom layer of the central area of Donetsk.
Practical importance of the obtained data
The obtained data can be used while developing the programme for improving the atmosphere air condition of Donetsk.
Lead contained in the environment
The main sources of air pollution with lead emission are processes where coal combustion takes place (enterprises of heat-and-power engineering, metallurgical and by-product coking industries), and especially the enterprises of motor transport (70% from all emission), production of accumulators, dyes and lacquers
In soil lead inflow is taking place from natural sources as a result of human activity. Anthropogenic ways of lead inflow into the environment are burning of special additives to automobile transport; melting of copper; production of cast iron and steel, primary zinc and cement.
A picture is animated 7 shots time-lagged 70, permanent repetition, size 220 KB
– city, 2
– are industrial flows, 3
– aerosols extrass, 4
– aerosol, 5
– metal occlusioned, 6
– pollution, 7
– sinking, 8 – a metal is occlusioned the surface of the ground deposits, 9
– metal in the ground deposits, 10
– are soluble forms of metal.
– Rotation of lead in an environment
Natural sources of lead inflow into superficial water are processes of dissolution of endogenous and exogenous minerals. Great increasing in superficial water level is connected with the usage of tetraethyl lead in engine fuel, with dumping into water bodies of waste dumps from metallurgical works, chemical productions, mills etc.
The main source of lead inflow into plants is nutrient medium, i.d. solutions from soil. The absorption of metal ions by roots of plants can be metabolic and non-metabolic. In the first process there is an ion diffusion from soil to root, in the second process expenditure of energy is necessary for biological process. The absorption of metals by leaves also has practical importance, especially when leaf-additional fertilizing takes place, for example, with iron, marganese, zinc, cobalt, copper. Then the redundant quantity of metal goes in store, and a part of metals from leaves is washed by rain.
The analysis of the atmosphere air pollution with lead compounds in Donetsk and the forecast of its further condition
Nowadays lead concentration in the atmosphere air of Donetsk is analyzed at two posts of Donetsk regional centre in meteorology.
Dynamics of average annual concentration of lead compounds in the atmosphere air of Donetsk is shown in pic.2
Pic.2 – Dynamics of average annual concentration of lead compounds in the period of 2003-2009
(Q is a dependence of lead concentration to MPC).
The analysis of the diagram permits to make a conclusion that since 2005 there was an increase of lead concentration following small decrease in 2009 (this fact can be explained by the introduction of Programme of step-by-step stopping of usage of leaded gasoline and by the economical crisis).
By method of simple regression the equation of dependence of lead concentration in the atmosphere air (C) upon the intensity of lead emission from stationary emission points (M) was obtained.
C = 0,0432+0,0012M, R=0,364
Low coefficient of correlation between the intensity of lead emission from stationary emission points and lead concentration in the atmosphere air permits to make a conclusion that tetraethyl lead from motor transport influenced much the forming of lead concentration in the atmosphere air.
Dispersion of emission of any pollutant is known to be depended upon meteorological conditions.
The annual variation of lead concentration was analyzed in the investigation. Picture
3 shows the annual variation of lead concentration in the atmosphere air of Donetsk in 2009.
Pic.3 – the annual variation of lead concentration in the atmosphere air of Donetsk in 2009.
The analysis of annual variation shows that the minimum of lead compounds concentration was in March, the maximum – in June. Such rate of concentration is conditioned by the influence of meteorological factors upon dispersion of emission from stationary and mobile emission points. The conditions for lead accumulation in the atmosphere air are wind speed 0-1 m/s, fogs, inverses of temperature, amount of precipitation lower than 0,5 mm/day.
To forecast further concentrations of lead in the atmosphere air by the method of multiple regression the mathematical models of dependence of lead concentration upon the temperature of the air, wind speed, intensity of emission and the coefficient of self-cleaning of the atmosphere calculated according to the procedure
[10] were obtained.
Given equations permit to predict the concentration level of lead compounds with changing intensity of emission, the temperature of the air, wind speed and the coefficient of self-cleaning of the atmosphere.
Measures are taken to remove the negative influence of lead
The analysis of sources of lead pollution, pollution rate of the environment, influence of this pollution on the health of population and possible ways of its reduction and removal of negative consequences permits to outline the following set of measures in order to solve the problem upon consideration:
– to activate fundamental and applied research of lead problem, to expand the extent and subjects of examinations which are in terms of references of proper ministries and offices;
– to provide the involvement of domestic and foreign investment for modernization, reconstruction and building of new engineering complexes of metallurgical, chemical and machine building enterprises;
– to organize a system of complex ecological monitoring of lead content in various components of the environment, especially in cities where there large lead emission points;
– to introduce the international standard EURO (EURO-0, EURO-1, EURO-2, EURO-3, EURO – 4, EURO – 5) permitting to control emission from motor transport by means of fines for exceeding confirmed standards;
– to develop the set of measures for utilization of lead secondary-raw materials, which particularly provides for regulation of gathering and redesign of shock-proof accumulators;
– to introduce two-step system of medicobiological monitoring of the population which includes finding of lead in hair while being screened and in blood (for high risk groups);
– to organize carrying out of medical-preventive measures to reduce the influence of lead pollution upon the level of health of children’s population, especially in cities with large lead emission points into the environment;
– to develop the list of lead-polluted territories which are especially dangerous for people’s health and also to introduce the register of stationary emission points of the environment with lead;
– to develop proposals of organization of analytical centers in identification of lead in the objects of the environment on the basis of existing laboratories;
– to prepare the decisions how to organize the system of people’s informing about lead pollution of the environment, which include the preparation of information publications about danger that lead presents for people’s health, measures of personal prophylaxis and compulsory informing of population about presence of lead in consumer goods [5].
While burning leaded gasoline almost 70% of the whole anthropogenic emission of this metal gets in the environment. The main sources of anthropogenic lead are melting and treatment of metals and also coal combustion.
Lead is highly
toxic metal for living organisms. Non-organic lead compounds are
known to disturb metabolism and act as inhibitors of enzymes
[4]. Long-term consumption of waters causes chronicle diseases and the ability of lead to replace calcium in bones causes their high fragility. Lead doesn’t have mutagenic activity but its high content in organism causes maldevelopment of fetus (deformations of skeleton); lead has the ability to accumulate and has extremely long term of partial ejection.
In the investigation the analysis of changing of the atmosphere air in Donetsk while polluting it with lead was taken. Statistical data-processing of lead concentrations in the atmosphere air in Donetsk was taken, the influence of meteorological conditions upon dispersion of lead emission in the atmosphere air was analyzed, the calculation of the coefficient of self-cleaning of the atmosphere was calculated, mathematical models to forecast the atmosphere air pollution with lead were developed.
At the present point in time the investigation is at the development stage.
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