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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Kozachok Darina

Kozachok Darina

Faculty of ecology and chemical technologies

Speciality "Management ecological safety"

Environmental problems of campus and way of their decision

Scientific adviser: profesor Panasenko Anatoliy



    The average mark during the education in the university – 4,9.
    Freely I know Russian, Ukrainian, English languages.
    I have skills of work with such computer programs as: Internet Explorer, MS Office, Opera, EOL +, Stat, Statgraphics, Visual Basic for Application.
    I have the bachelor's degree on a speciality "Management of ecological safety".
    Hobbies and interests: I love and know how to draw, play the piano, I love spending time with my friends. Generally in life, interested in little bit of everything.
    I am the citizen of Ukraine. Not married.

Short biography

     I am Darina Kozachok. I was born on November, 29th, 1987 in Kherson region in a village Chaplinka. My parents: father – Kozachok Vladimir – an engineer-mechanic, mother – Kozachok Irina – a teacher of piano playing in a music school. In my family I am a first child and grandchild. I can not forget of my beloved sister Alexandrina, which is younger than me only a year.
    In first class I went on September, 1, 1995, of secondary school ¹ 1. In music school I went in 1997 and was studying with great pleasure for seven years, playing the piano. A music school graduated with honors.
     My student years – this is the most happiest and funny period of my life. I enrolled in Donetsk National Technical University in 2005. My grandmother lives in the Donetsk region. And then I decided: "I will enroll in Donetsk"! All five years of my studies I lived in a hostel ¹ 9.
    The most striking and memorable moment of my student life is a Regional Landscape Park "Meotida". Practice in regional landscape park " Meotida" lasted for three whole weeks . Having received an excellent mark on the exam and the red bachelor's degree, I entered a magistracy where I am studying. My supervisor is Anatoli Panasenko – candidate of technical sciences, professor, Department of Applied ecology and environmental protection. The theme of my research work is: "Environmental problems of campus and way of their decision"
    My plans for the future. First and foremost, I would defend qualifying work to the excellent . Get a master's degree, find work. It is equally important to consider a family.

The bright future

    "The Future - is the amount of unknown possibilities" (Silovan Ramishvili).
    Indeed, nobody knows how things will come of this or that person and realized that he had planned ... Of course, very much like that all plans have been implemented, but a lot of them and for their implementation will require a lot of time ...
    First and foremost, I would defend to the excellent qualifying work. Get a master's degree, find work in their fields, perhaps graduate school.
    As I have said before – I can to draw, so I would very much like to enter the second education – related painting – namely, with the design.
    Also no less important, consider a family.

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