Источник: http://www.accessmylibrary.com/article-1G1-12710889/world-cement-review-our.html
In this special May issue we once again publish reports, news and updates on major cement and lime plant contracts around the world. As usual we extend our appreciation and gratitude to the companies and organisations who have provided so much of the information outlined in the following pages, especially: ACC (Associated Cement Company), India Adelaide Brighton Cement Ltd, Australia Atkins WS, UK Blue Circle Cement, UK Cement and Concrete Association, Australia Cimenteries CBR, Belgium Ciments Francais, France CLE, France Consilium CMH, Sweden Fives-Cail Babcock, France Fuller Company, USA Fuller-Kovako, Netherlands Haver & Boecker, Germany Holderbank Management and Consulting Company Ltd, Canada Holtec Engineers Pvt Ltd, India KHD Humboldt Wedag AG, Germany Krupp Polysius, Germany Loesche GmbH, Germany Lurgi Energie -und Umwelt, Germany Maerz Ofenbau AG, Switzerland O & K, Germany Onoda Engineering and Consulting Company Ltd, Japan Presacementi Spa, Italy Rugby Cement, UK Siemens AG, Germany F.L. Smidth & Co, Denmark Solid Cement Corporation, Philippines Titan Cement Company, Greece Unicem SpA, Italy.
F.L. Smidth has supplied 3 TIRAX raw grinding mills for installation at the plants in Hamma Bouziane, Hadjar Soud and Ain El Kebira. Commissioning is scheduled for the first half of this year. The order placed by ERCE with FLS for the complete equipment for a new 1600 tpd plant at El Ma Labiod, is progressing. Plant start-up is scheduled for 1993. The contract signed by FCB and ERCE for the Hadjar Soud plant is under execution. It is expected that the equipment to be supplied from France will be shipped in July/August 1992. The rehabilitation of the No 2 production line will upgrade the clinker production from 1350 to 1800 tpd.
An order to increase the capacity of the existing rotary kiln system at the Hamma Bouziane plant from 3000 to 3600 tpd is being progressed by KHD Humboldt Wedag. The existing preheater is being modernised and a PYROCLON firing system installed. Modification started in February 1992, and at the time of going to press commissioning had begun. Enterprise des Ciments et Derives de I'Ouest (ERCO) is renovating its wet process plant at Zahana by replacing an old production line with new equipment which is supplied by F.L. Smidth. Commissioning is scheduled for 1993.
During the first year of industrial production, the El Minya White Cement Plant (turnkey contractor, Fives-Cail Babcock [FCB] France) has produced 205 000 tons of white cement (nominal output: 200 000 t) and up to 224 800 tons for the past 12 months. Tourah Portland Cement Company will expand its crusher capacity for limestone with a new 1000 tph one-stage crusher installation supplied by F.L. Smidth -- to be commissioned in 1993.
Ciments Francais is heavily involved in the modernisation and upgrading of the Agadir plant (an increase of capacity to 1.1 million tpy). The company is handling the environmental aspects of the plant antipollution systems, dust-free storage and architectural reshaping. At the same plant, a rehabilitation of the coal mill has been carried out and is now commissioned. FCB supplied the new internals for this project.
Societe des Ciments de Marrakech (ASMAR) -- Mzoudia Plant. The Contract to expand the burning line from 1400 to 3200 tpd (handled by the French Company, CLE) is progressing. Start-up is expected in September 1992. For the same plant Krupp Polysius is supplying a roller mill for raw material grinding (capacity 140 tph) as well as another for coal grinding (rated at 20 tph capacity).
Cimenterie Nouvelle de Casablanca, CINOUCA. The French subsidiary of Polysius is constructing a new production line for 1900 tpd of cement clinker in the Cinouca Plant in the vicinity of Casablanca. The production line will start operating at the end of 1992. Equipment supplied by Polysius includes: a round stock pile (81 m dia) for a capacity of 2 x 18 000 t of limestone; a roller mill with a SEPOL[R] high efficiency separator for raw material grinding; a multi-flow silo for homogenizing; a newly developed DOPOL[R] 90 preheater; a REPOL[R] cooler for clinker cooling and a POLAB[R] laboratory automation system. CINOUCA have also been supplied with a complete silo, packing and loading plant by Haver and Boecker.
CIMASFI: a subsidiary of Ciments Francais, is progressing according to schedule. The FCB finish mill started in April 1992 and the Polysius kiln and raw mill will be commissioned before the end of the year. This plant will have a complete Industar control room and expert system for kiln, finish mill and raw mix. Details of the FCB and Polysius equipment are given below.
FCB supplying one shoe-mounted cement mill:
Polysius are providing a 1600 tpd kiln line comprising of the kiln, a DOPOL[R] preheater and a REPOL[R] reciprocating grate cooler. The plant will be placed in operation in mid 1992. Societe des Ciments Artificiels de Meknes (CADEM) CLE is supplying the Cadem plant with a new 1200 tpd burning line (start up scheduled for March 1993). FCB is handling the installation of a new 18 000 t polar pre-blending area to replace the existing arrangement.
Cimenterie de I'Oriental (CIOR)
Polysius Paris have supplied a DOPOL[R] preheater, two roller mills for raw material and coal grinding as well as homogenizing and metering systems, for the new 1200 tpd cement production line at Fez. The product line is scheduled for operation at the end of this year. A 400 tph double rotor, hammer crusher provide by FCB is currently being commissioned.
The contract for the re-starting of the Natola cement plant, signed by FCB and Ciments de Mocambique in September 1991 will commence soon. A planned clinker production target of 1700 tpd has been set. A specific European Investment Bank loan has been granted to Ciments de Mocambique to enable financing of this project.
Both principal shareholders of Anglo-Alpha Ltd -- Anglovaal Ltd and Holderbank Financiere Glaris Ltd -- have agreed to merge their controlling interests in Anglo-Alpha into Altur Investments Ltd. With this re-structuring, Holderbank secures control of Anglo-Alpha via its subsidiary Altur and at the same time, Anglovaal is able to increase its interests in Anglo-Alpha considerably. Haver and Boecker have supplied a ROTO-Packer line for Anglo-Alpha's Dudfield Works. Blue Circle Cement. In South Africa, in spite of a difficult economic climate, the Group's share of profits was 11.0 million [pounds], only 7% lower than in 1991, because of greater efficiency and cost cutting. Since the year end, the group sold its 42.3% shareholding in Blue Circle Limited to its former partners, Murray & Roberts Holdings Ltd, for approximately 71 million [pounds]. Pretoria Portland Cement Co. Ltd has ordered a roller press, type RP 03.6/100-40 from KHD Humbolt Wedag, for its plant in Port Elizabeth. The equipment will be supplied in mid-1992, erection and commissioning being scheduled for 1993.
Tunisia. Societe des Ciments de Gabes. Haver and Boecker are supplying the Gabes works with a new packing plant with 3 ROTO Packer lines and automatic truck loaders.
Expansion of the Colleen Bawn Plant is continuing. United Portland Cement should be in a position to export cement during 1992. All the units supplied by Krupp Polysius are sized for future expansion of the kiln line. With the installation of a PREPOL[R] calicing system, a capacity of 1800 tpd of cement clinker would be available.
CBR's Tilbury Cement, British Colombia. The expansion of the Delta plant (from 910 000 to 1 080 000 tpy clinker) was completed in October 1991. Polysius Atlanta supplied the equipment for the modification of the kiln/ preheater system. Federal White Cement Ltd. Polysius Atlanta are supplying the Woodstock plant with equipment to modify an existing white cement kiln. The modification will consist of the addition of preheater/dedusting cyclones and auxiliary equipment. St Mary's Cement Company at Bowmanville, Ontario, started their new 5000 tpd production line in June/July, 1991. F.L. Smidth installed the line on a turnkey basis.
Ash Grove Cement West Inc. As mentioned in our May 1991 issue, the installation of the new 2200 stpd cement plant at Seattle is currently on schedule (May 1992 -- start up). Blue Circle America. Construction activity in the United States declined further in 1991 and Blue Circle America's (BCA) operating profit was 11.5 million [pounds]compared with 18.4 million [pounds] in 1990. Demand for cement fell by 12% in BCA's markets. BCA's sales volumes increased by 3%, including sales from its Harleyville, South Carolina, works acquired in February 1991. Excluding Harleyville, the decline in BCA's cement volumes was less than that of the market, due to the strategy of maintaining high plant utilisation by displacing imported cement and increasing sales to its own concrete operations. Chemstar Lime Inc. Maerz Ofenbau are handling the engineering and the supervision of a new 500/600 lime shaft kiln for the plant at Ten Mile, Idaho, via the Chemical Lime Co., Texas. Commissioning is scheduled for the second half of this year. CBR's Calaveras Cement. The new expanded dry process cement plant (750 000 tpy) at Tehachapi, Southern California was substituted for the old Monolith wet process kiln in November 1991. Fuller supplied most of the main process equipment, this included a Loesche vertical roller mill for coal preparation, and a grate clinker cooler with a hydraulic drive system. CLE provided a new 2100 tpd burning line which started up on 14th November 1991. ESSROC Corporation. The Nazareth plant has been equipped with an entirely new control room incorporating Industar and two expert systems for kiln and cement mill operation. Holnam Inc. Holnam has contracted with Fuller Company to modify its clinker cooler system in order to improve efficiency of the system's heat recovery and to reduce the maintenance required for the older cooler design. The modification will be installed in the first quarter of 1992. Hercules Cement has ordered an Industar control command system from Toptools Automation Systems. Kaiser Cement Corporation has completed its upgrade of the cinker grinding facilities at the Permanente Plant. KHD Humboldt Wedag Atlanta supplied the equipment. Keystone Cement Company. A Fuller N1000 O-Sepa System has been installed at the Bath plant to support three existing 700 horsepower finish mills which operate in a parallel configuration. The O-Sepa circuit is set for product cooling with a system vent through a Fuller plenum pulse baghouse and induced draft fan.