In the global problem of natural environment control, a noticeable point covers contamination protection of the most important component of natural environment – open waters. Critically acute this issue appears to be for the mining engineering. Mine water treatment is most relevant for Donetsk region, that is based upon scarce water resources in the first place as well as of determining influence of region water objects contamination by the mine waters discharge. Mine waters discharge results in water objects condition and quality deterioration. Mine waters quality diagnosis is a central direction of analysis because this research conduction can reveal drainage mine waters chemistry regularities. The research data is important from ecological point of view, because there are problems, which deal with drainage mine waters usage for agricultural, cultural and general purposes.
There were set the following tasks:
- Research of natural environment control of the working area;
- Mine “Udarnik” waters chemistry peculiarities revealing;
- Sampler development of mine waters quality prognosis;
- Negative influence identification of mine waters discharge into the surface stream flows;
- Consideration of efficient methods system of mine waters treatment;
- Scheme checking at the specified objects.
The project’s concept lies in the following: mine waters quality prognosis can lead to waters more efficient usage within the object’s research in cultural and general and agricultural purposes, and also to offer most efficient methods for mine waters treatment.
Item of Research
The mine “Udarnik” of the mining enterprise “Snezhnoeanthracite”.
Subject of Research
Donbass mines waters chemistry formation.
Scientific Value (Novelty) of Results
Scientific value of work lies in variability factors prognosis of Donbass mines underground waters chemistry depending of parameters content in them.
Research Methods
- Analysis of available cartographic documents and reports;
- Sampling for the considered object research;
- Graphical analysis methods;
- Statistical analysis methods
Author’s Personal Input
Mine “Udarnik” of ME “Snezhnoeanthracite” waters chemistry data was processed, specified and systematized; dependence diagrams were plot of parameters content of mine waters depending on acquisition depth; there was developed mine waters quality prognosis model
The following regularities of mine waters chemistry formation were revealed, videlicet:
- Mine waters acidity is based upon free sulfuric acid content in them and is characterized by hydrogen ions (pH) content;
- Mineralization change happens through mine waters mixing with fresh water, some salts precipitation and others;
- Depending on partial pressure happens a turn of slightly soluble carbonates into soluble bicarbonates, what leads to ion HCO3-;
- Decrease in pH is accompanied by increase in general mineralization, magnesium, potassium, sodium ions concentration, sulphate-ions; decrease in general as well as abundance ratio of hydrogen carbonate-ions;
- Mine waters enrichment by sulphates happens by means of iron sulphide oxygenation.
As a result of the work fulfilled with the help of mathematical statistics methods regression equations were established of the following parameters:
Са2+п = 492.22+0.035*[рН]-68.08*[М];
Cl- п = 7510-18.47 *[Mg2+]-493.81*[рН];
Mg2+ п = 99.36-0.001* [Cl- ];
SO42- = 1764.18-0.104 *[М],
where М (mineralization), рН, Mg2+, Cl- - parameters content mg/l;
Са2+п, Cl- п,, SO42-, Mg2+- prognosis parameters.
There were considered some plans of mine waters treatment and one plan was offered taking into consideration mine “Udarnik” waters. The given plan allows in the long run for obtaining water, which quality will correspond to technical waters and this will enable to reuse it. By this, mine waters will stop polluting the environment and will bring benefits for further production.
Results of the conducted researches will be used further for estimated accuracy calculation of the established regression equations and parameters’ change prognosis of the above mentioned parameters of mine “Udarnik” underground waters. The research work is going to conclude in December 2010.
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