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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Artemjeva Anna

Master of DonNTU
Artemjeva Anna

Faculty: Engineering mekhaniei and engineers

Department: Mountain machines

Speciality: Computer designing of mechatronic mining equipment

Theme of Master's Work: « The choice of a rational structure and parameters of the сlearing combine for intensive mining seams 1,3-2,5 m »

Scientific Supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the department Mountain machines Vladimir Gulaev


of the qualification master’s work
«The choice of a rational structure and parameters of the сlearing combine for intensive mining seams 1,3-2,5 m»




Clearing combines of type 1ГШ-68Е and 2ГШ-68Б.


Increase in efficiency and intensity of mining coal seams capacity of 1,3-2,5 m, on the basis of improvement of structure and parametres of a clearing combine.


Tendencies of development of a coal mining on mines of Donetsk pool are characterised by complication of working conditions комбайновых clearing complexes. It is caused by that about 50 % developed шахтопластов are presented by layers of difficult structure with strong inclusions and pedigree layers. Increase of requirements to high-quality structure of coal has shown that its recrushing at extraction is caused mainly by imperfection of processes of branch of coal from a file and its loading on the conveyor. This problem has become the cause for more careful studying of such science, as the geotechnics, which object of research of a steel:
• the Estimation of coal layers and rocks as destroyed environments;

• the Establishment of laws of processes of cutting of coals and destruction of rocks by tools;

• Research of rational parametres of cutting tools and working out of scientific bases of maintenance of their reliability;

• Creation of rational schemes of cutting and arrangement of tools, and also effective ways of destruction of a file executive powers of cars;

• Working out of engineering methods of a choice of rational parametres and operating modes of executive powers of cars and calculation of loadings operating on it;

• the Establishment of laws of maintenance of rational modes of destruction.
To above told it is possible to add: for improvement of high-quality structure modes of power cutting with sm2 section 30 that demands perfection of a design of executive powers and increase of their installed power per employee to 250-500 kw depending on a standard size are recommended. With a view of satisfaction of growing requirements for coal including high-quality, expansion and modernisation of mine fund, and development of coal mechanical engineering on the basis of scientific and technical progress is provided. Thus the primary goal is creation of new effective technics for complex mechanisation of clearing works, including – combines of a new technological level. Creation and introduction of the clearing mechanised complexes has played practice of an underground coal mining an exclusive role in modernisation of the coal industry, has served as powerful stimulus for increase of a technological level of modern coal-mining combines. By a high technological level mean conformity of the car to requirements of the world standards, when its operational qualities and safety in operation not more low, than at the best domestic and foreign samples of similar cars in comparable conditions of service and operation. At definition of a technological level quality of the car is necessary for estimating according to two groups of signs:
Degree of perfection and perspectivity of the decisions put in the car;
The combination of these two groups of signs provides a high technological level of the car.
The basic signs of combines which are taken as a principle technological level estimations:

At the heart of resulted above the signs defining an estimation of a technological level of a combine, the basic indicators of quality of the clearing combines which nomenclature regulates GOST 4.434-86 are put. According to quality indicators resulted in state standard of GOST 4.434-86, allocate the main requirements to a technological level and quality of clearing combines. Increase of a technological level and quality of production of mountain mechanical engineering is among the most actual problems connected with development of the modern technics, its reliability and durability. The intensification of mountain works, increase of productivity of cars and the units, essential qualitative growth of mountain manufacture are impossible without increase of reliability of means of the mountain enterprises. Operating experience of the mountain enterprises shows that reliability of the mountain equipment while is insufficient and in many respects depends from mining, organizational, is suitable-klimaticheskih also operational conditions. The mountain equipment at the mountain enterprises of underground minings is maintained under trying conditions, therefore in relation to it the skilful maintenance and timely carrying out of preventive measures under the prevention of malfunction of mountain cars on the basis of dynamics of their technical condition is especially necessary. Necessity of maintenance of reliability of mountain cars is caused by high technical and economic requirements to productions at the mountain enterprise, and also safety rules of work of miners.


1. Novelty in the given work is the substantiation and a choice of rational structure, constructive and regime parametres узкозахватных combines fulfilling layers long lavas that promotes increase of their productivity.

2. For the first time in the given work researches are executed and dynamic processes in system of giving of the Window to a basis of real kinetic characteristics of a friction, for the purpose of decrease in non-uniformity of moving ОК at intensive working off of layers by capacity 1,3-2,5м are considered.


1. Гуляев В.Г., Жуков К.В. Математическая модель для имитационного моделирования функционирования системы "очистной комбайн-забой" //Горн. информ.-аналит. бюл.-М.,2000.- №4.-С.129-131.

2. Гуляев В.Г., Жуков К.В. Некоторые результаты имитационного моделирования функционирования системы "очистной комбайн-забой" //Наук. пр. Донец. держ. техн. ун-ту. -Донецьк, 2000. -С.84-91.- (Сер.: гірничо-електромеханічна; Вип.16).

3. Гуляев В.Г., Жуков К.В. Прогнозирование эксплуатационных характеристик очистного комбайна с высоким уровнем энерговооруженности //Горные машины и автоматика.-2001.- №6.-С.14-17.

4. Гуляев В.Г. Исследование и учет взаимодействия силовых подсистем комбайна при разработке математических моделей системы "комбайн-забой" // Горная энергомеханика и автоматика: Тр. междунар. науч.-техн. конф. - Донецк, 2003.- Том 2.-С.73-79.

5. Гуляев В.Г., Жуков К.В. Метод формирования математической модели функционирования системы "очистной комбайн - забой" // Зб. наук. пр. НДІГМ ім. М.М. Федорова. - Донецьк, 2003.- Вып.96. - С.179-186.

6. Гуляев В.Г., Кондрахин В.П., Тарасенко В.А. Совершенствование методов расчета на усталостную прочность редукторов горных комбайнов // Донбасс-2020: Наука и техника - производству, 3-4 февр. 2004, г.Донецк. -Донецк, 2004.-С.395-399.

7. Гуляев В.Г. Исследование и учет взаимодействия силовых подсистем комбайна при разработке моделей функционирования системы "комбайн-забой" //Вісн. Криворіз. техн.. ун-ту: Зб. наук. пр.- Кривий Ріг, 2005. -Вип. 7.- С.112-116

8. Гуляев В.Г., Потапов В.Г., Мотин Н.Н. Математические модели приводных асинхронных двигателей для исследования динамических свойств горных машин //Науч. тр. Донец. нац. техн. ун-та.-Донецк,2005. - С.62-70.- (Сер.: горно-электромеханическая;Вып.99 ).

9. Кондрахин В. П. Имитационная математическая модель динамических процессов очистных комбайнов высокой энерговооруженности с вынесенной системой подачи / В.П. Кондрахин, В.Г. Гуляев, В.Л. Головин // Наук. пр. Донец. нац. техн. ун-ту.-Донецьк, 2006.-С.123-130.- (Сер. : гірничо - електромеханічна; Вип.12(113) ).


Further, according to given themes, will be chosen optimum parametres of the basic subsystems of a clearing combine, type 2ГШ-68Б, for concrete service conditions for the purpose of increase of its basic indicators of quality. Are offered the description of the kinetic characteristic of a friction, for the correct analysis of dynamic processes system of moving and other power subsystems of the given clearing combine.


In work the analysis of structures of subsystems of the clearing combine working on layers as capacity of 1,3-2,5 m, with instructions of their lacks, and replacement with the most perspective structures which provide the highest values of the basic indicators of quality at the given stage of development mountain technicians is carried out.


1. Гуляев В.Г., Жуков К.В. Математическая модель для имитационного моделирования функционирования системы "очистной комбайн-забой" //Горн. информ.-аналит. бюл.-М.,2000.- №4.-С.129-131.

2. Гуляев В.Г., Жуков К.В. Некоторые результаты имитационного моделирования функционирования системы "очистной комбайн-забой" //Наук. пр. Донец. держ. техн. ун-ту. -Донецьк, 2000. -С.84-91.- (Сер.: гірничо-електромеханічна; Вип.16).

3. Гуляев В.Г., Жуков К.В. Прогнозирование эксплуатационных характеристик очистного комбайна с высоким уровнем энерговооруженности //Горные машины и автоматика.-2001.- №6.-С.14-17.

4. Гуляев В.Г. Исследование и учет взаимодействия силовых подсистем комбайна при разработке математических моделей системы "комбайн-забой" // Горная энергомеханика и автоматика: Тр. междунар. науч.-техн. конф. - Донецк, 2003.- Том 2.-С.73-79.

5. Гуляев В.Г., Жуков К.В. Метод формирования математической модели функционирования системы "очистной комбайн - забой" // Зб. наук. пр. НДІГМ ім. М.М. Федорова. - Донецьк, 2003.- Вып.96. - С.179-186.

6. Гуляев В.Г., Кондрахин В.П., Тарасенко В.А. Совершенствование методов расчета на усталостную прочность редукторов горных комбайнов // Донбасс-2020: Наука и техника - производству, 3-4 февр. 2004, г.Донецк. -Донецк, 2004.-С.395-399.

7. Гуляев В.Г. Исследование и учет взаимодействия силовых подсистем комбайна при разработке моделей функционирования системы "комбайн-забой" //Вісн. Криворіз. техн.. ун-ту: Зб. наук. пр.- Кривий Ріг, 2005. -Вип. 7.- С.112-116

8. Гуляев В.Г., Потапов В.Г., Мотин Н.Н. Математические модели приводных асинхронных двигателей для исследования динамических свойств горных машин //Науч. тр. Донец. нац. техн. ун-та.-Донецк,2005. - С.62-70.- (Сер.: горно-электромеханическая;Вып.99 ).

9. Кондрахин В. П. Имитационная математическая модель динамических процессов очистных комбайнов высокой энерговооруженности с вынесенной системой подачи / В.П. Кондрахин, В.Г. Гуляев, В.Л. Головин // Наук. пр. Донец. нац. техн. ун-ту.-Донецьк, 2006.-С.123-130.- (Сер. : гірничо - електромеханічна; Вип.12(113) ).

10. Гуляев В. Г. Тенденции и проблемы создания очистных комбайнов нового технического уровня для тяжелых условий эксплуатации// Труды 16-го Всемирного горного конгресса – София, 1994 г, том 2. С 24-32.

11. Позин Е.З., Глатман Л.Б. Этапы развития и предмет исследования горной науки “Геотехника”// в кН. Технология и механизация горных работ. М: изд. Академии горных наук – 1998. С 167-177.

12. Сидоров С.В., Козлов С.В., Крюков В.А, Полосатов Л.П. Силовые зубчатые трансмиссии угольных комбайнов. М: Машиностроение – 1995г. С 10-18.

13. Горбатов П.А., Петрушкин Г.В., Лысенко Н.М. Горные машины и оборудование /П.А.Горбатов, Г.В.Петрушкин, Н.М.Лысенко: Учебное пособие для вузов - в 2-х т. Т.2. - Донецк: РИА ДонНТУ, 2003. - 201 с.


At writing of the given abstract a master’s work has not been finished yet. Date of the work’s final end is on December, 1st, 2009. Full text of work and materials on a theme can be received from the author or her supervisor after the named date.


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