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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Alexander Belous

Alexander Belous

Faculty of mechanics and engineering

Specialty: Computer control of hydravlical and pnevmatical systems

Master's work theme: Studing Workflow ram pumps in order to select rational parameters.

Leader of work: Tatyana Ustimenko

ABSTRACT of the Master’s Qualification Work

The relevance, scientific significance topics and practical value of the work

Traditional sources of energy include power generation, operating in oil, coal and natural gas. All this - non-renewable sources. The planet has limited their stocks. And it challenges facing mankind in search of new ways of energy production, because after a while these stocks may run out. Energy-saving technologies and conservation - a key aspect in the industry а future.

The depletion of oil, coal and gas threatens global energy catastrophe. To prevent its being the development of alternative energy sources.

Mankind has used for centuries by falling water in the various mechanical devices, and including, for electric power. Hydroelectric power stations, built on some rivers, continuously working for many years. However, the nature of the incident that gave us the water is not only a source of free energy, but also the easiest way to convert natural gravitational energy.[1]

In this connection, I began to study the phenomenon of water hammer and use it to get cheap energy. One mechanism is a hydraulic ram, in which the processes occurring when water hammer is used for lifting water.

Thus, the relevance of the study of water hammer as an energy source lies in the fact that develop devices based on it can work without burning fuel or consuming electricity, as well as be simple in operation and design.

Water hammer

Water hammer - is a complex phenomena occurring in the droplet with a sharp decrease in its speed, allowing the liquid appears oscillatory decaying process, accompanied by alternating booms and busts of pressure. Beat happening and when in a quiescent fluid in the pipeline, closed only on one side, suddenly created pressure at the open end. This applied pressure in the form of impact is distributed by pipeline. In the initial stage of shock, while distributing the length of the pipeline pressure applied in motion due to compression of pipeline encased in a liquid. The secondary rise in pressure occurs after fluid came in motion, would be forced to stop due to the fact that the pipeline at the end of the impasse blocked. Such a case is hit in the pipes of supplying fuel from the fuel pump to the injectors or natural pressure engines in dead-end pipes of water supply systems.[5]

Water ram pumps

Water ram pumps is hydraulic pump based on water hammer effect. The hydraulic ram pumps is a water source 1, the food pipeline 2, a body 3 with two valves 4 and 5, air cap 6, discharge line 7 and the receiving tank 8 (pic. 1). [7]

Water ram pumps scheme
Picture 1 - Water ram pumps scheme.
1 - water source, 2 – food pipeline, 3 – body, 4 – drive pipe, 5 – waste valve, 6 – air cap, 7 – discharge line, 8 – receiving tank. (Animation, sizr - 12,3 kB, frame number - 7, frame latency - 0,5 s, number of repeats - 6)

Direction for further research

  • Creating water ram pumps for water supply facilities.
  • Development of a computer program for the studing of water hammer.
  • Development of a technique based on the developed computer program for designing hydroimpulsive mashines.
  • References

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