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Master of DonNTUJulya EskovaFaculty: The engineering mechanics and mechanical-building
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Introduction |
IntroductionHigh productive and trouble-free work be mine the equipment can it is provided only by timely and qualitative carrying out of maintenance operation and repair. Elevating installations are the most power-intensive equipment and demand highly skilled service. In connection with manufacture growth there was a necessity of modernisation and increase in park of the industrial equipment. As have shown probes, the park of hoist engines has become outdated also their operation is carried out much longer established standard terms. Definition of a technical condition of all elements of hoist engines will allow to exclude emergencies.
1 Theme urgencyBasic knots of a radical shaft are the basic and most vulnerable part of mine hoist engines. The timely and objective information on their technical condition is necessary for effective operation of these elements. Necessity of probe of a condition of basic knots, influence of dynamic loadings on assembly of a radical shaft also define an urgency of the given work.
2 The purposes of scientific workWorking out of a method of an estimation of a technical condition and definition of admissible efforts of ladening bearing parts of a radical shaft of mine hoist engines.
3 The review of an existing condition of a problemBearings are, the most widespread and most vulnerable elements of the gear. They carry out spatial fixing of rotating rotors and perceive the basic part of the static and dynamic efforts arising in the gear. Therefore the technical condition of bearings is the major making defining working capacity of the gear as a whole.
4 Technical preliminary treatmentVarious service conditions and maintenance operation lead to that at the same operation time knots of mine hoist engines have a various technical condition. While in service it can lead to underexploitation of individual resources of elements or all car, or, than that is worse, to creation of emergency conditions. To reveal all it it is possible only by means of technical diagnosing with use of modern methods and means. Primary goal TD consists in condition definition in which there is an investigated system. Various methods TD are for this purpose applied. On the basis of the received data at diagnosing of technical objects decisions on necessity of carrying out of repair of the equipment and modes of restoration of its working capacity also are made. These actions can be realised highly skilled engineering shots.
ConclusionsAt the given stage of work external forces, the moments of the forces operating on assembly of a radical shaft are defined, and kinetic moments of inertia of its elements are defined. A task in view about a dynamic condition of radical shaft of shaft machines, as component of the general mechanical system (a radical shaft, an engine rotor, ropes and elevating vessels). Direction of the further probes:
List of used literature1. Дворников В.И., Яценко В.А.Разработка математической модели системы «Сосуды – Канаты – Машина – Трансмиссия – Двигатель» с учетом распределенных масс канатов. - Сборник научных трудов НИИГМ имени М.М.Федорова №101, «Проблемы эксплуатации оборудования шахтных стационарных установок». - Донецк, 2006.- С.140 – 152. 2. Барков А.В.,Баркова Н.А., Азовцев А.Ю. Мониторинг и диагностика роторных машин по вибрации.- Ассоциация ВАСТ, Россия, С-Петербург, 2000. 3. Яценко В.А. Обоснование силовых параметров нагружения опор коренного вала шахтных подъемных машин. Дис. канд. техн. наук, 2008 – 191 с. 4. Дворников В. И., Яценко В. А. Создание математической модели силовых факторов, действующих на вал подъемной машины. - Науковi працi Донецького Нацiонального Технiчного Унiверситету. Випуск 12(113), серiя гiрничо-електромеханiчна - Донецьк: ДонНТУ, 2006 - с.99-104 5. Пристром В.А., Трибухин В.А., Рубан В.Ф., Яценко В.А. Особенности определения технического состояния подшипников качения коренных валов многоканатных подъемных машин.- Сборник научных трудов ВНИИГМ имени М.М.Федорова №99 «Проблемы эксплуатации оборудования шахтных стационарных установок». - Донецк, 2005. - С.140-154. 6. Бежок В.Р., Дворников В.И., Манец И.Г., Пристром В.А. Шахтный подъем.- Донецк: «Юго-Восток, ЛТД», 2007. – 624с. 7. Бейзельман Р.Д., Цыпкин Б.В., Перель Л.Я. Подшипники качения, Справочник, М, «Машиностроение», 1975 г., 572 с 8. Диагностика подшипников качения шахтных подъемных установок. Яценко А. Ф., канд. техн. наук, доц., Еськова Ю. П., студентка, Донецкий национальный технический университет. 9. Обзор вибрационных методов и технических средств, предназначенных для диагностики подшипников качения [Электронный ресурс] Современное состояние виброакустической диагностики машин, Баркова М.А. [Электронный ресурс] 11. Балансировка машин в условиях их эксплуатации, Шаблинский А.Г., Баркова М.А. [Электронный ресурс]
At a writing of the given author's abstract магистерская work is not finished yet. A work date closed: on December, 1st, 2010. |
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