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Êuzmin Alexandr

Êuzmin Alexandr

Faculty: Engineering Mechanics and Engineering

Speciality: Metal-cutting machine tools and systems

Theme of master's work:

Ensuring the quality of the surface layer of processed holes in the internal grinding hard alloy tool steels and constructional circles of the SHM

Scientific adviser: Poltavets Valeriy
Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


     The average greade in the period of studing at university is 4.5.

     Freely speak Russian and Ukrainian languages. English speak in volume sufficient for reading and translation. I have experience in the following software packages: Compass 3D, Ansys, Microsoft Office, Pascal, AutoCAD, T-Flex CAD, APM Win Machine and MathCAD.

Short biography


     I, Kuzmin Alexander, was born March, 27th, 1987 in Gorlovka of Donetsk region. All my childhood can be divided into two periods:

1. From morning till evening (excluding weekends), I was in the care of grandparents.

2. In the evening, when my parents returned from work, I take them home.

And so it went to my seven-year period, when it was time to go to school.


     September 1, 1994 I went to grade school ¹ 40 in Gorlovka. In elementary school, I diligently studied and had a small problem with the behavior. Starting with the fifth grade, I started well in subjects related to mathematics. In high school, especially fond of history, geography and foreign literature, several times participated in school competitions in history and Russian language. In parallel studies, active in sports and participated in school running races and football.

     In 2004 I was well passed final exams and received a diploma.


     After high school I wanted to do in Kharkiv fire academy, but did not pass medical examination. Then decided to enter the Gorlovskij Engineering College (GEC), because my parents work in the field of mechanical engineering. In 2004 I entered the second course of GEC on the specialty "technologist". In the GEC, I made some new friends and acquaintances. During training, I often participated in the entertainment and sporting events held in college. In the fourth year student, do practical work at OOO Gorlovskij repair plant, after which he became a mechanic, repairman third level.

     Upon graduation in GEC, I decided to continue her studies at the Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU).


     In 2007 I graduated from GEC and received a diploma. Passed interview and went to the 3rd course DonNTU on the specialty of machine tools and systems.

     A new stage of my life: study at the university, meeting new people, the beginning of my adult life.

     At first, the fourth course was held technology practice at OOO “Gormash “city Donetsk.

     My greatest achievements during this period of life - participating in competitions, writing scientific articles, academic success, and what I found real friends.

     In 2009 I graduated with a bachelor DonNTU average score for the entire period of study 4.5 and defended his thesis on the fine.

     In the same year I was enrolled in the master DonNTU on the specialty of “machine tools and systems ", where I'm studied and now. I am currently working on his master's work. The head of my work - docent Paltavets Valeriy. The subject of my master's work - to ensure the quality of the surface layer of processed holes in the internal grinding of complex-and structural steel wheels made of super hard materials. This topic is particularly relevant in today's industry.

Future plans:

     I'm going to successfully get a master's degree, get a job in their field and to address management of their personal lives.

DonNTU > Master's portal || Abstract