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Maznichenko Helena

Maznichenko Helena

Faculty: Engineering mechanics and mechanical engineering
Speciality: Lifting-and-shifting, building, road, reclamation machines and equipment

Theme of master's work:

The Choice of rational characteristics mechanism for moving stockpiles

Scientific adviser:Vodolazskaya Natalia





1.1 The urgency of choosing rational characteristics of goods moving in warehouses

1.2 The purpose and objectives


2.1 Analysis of construction warehouse with overhead crane and forklift

List of used literature


Most of the activities are associated with stockpiling, retention and deployment of resources and goods needed for this storage. Warehouses are a basic element of logistic system.
One way to improve the efficiency of warehousing in terms of space utilization is the choice of optimal equipment moving inventory, which will increase the utility of warehouse space, increase productivity, cargo handling and optimization of staff.
The most common mechanized auxiliaries of moving supplies in warehouse logistics are forklifts and cranes, the use of which is beneficial for certain conditions.
Acceleration of cargo handling operations inside the warehouse transport, laying and selection of goods directly depends on the application of the most suitable for each kind of cargo equipment. Selecting of the equipment used in the warehouse depends on the turnover, size space, the height of the warehouse, the nature of the goods and the necessary level of mechanization.
The most convenient for cargo handling works are overhead cranes and electric forklifts. [1].


1.1 The urgency of choosing rational characteristics of goods moving in warehouses

The choice of rational characteristics of goods moving in warehouses was the question of investigation of such scientists as V.B. Pavlov, A.A. Saylin, P.A. Cybko and by the Ural Polytechnic Institute as well[3, 4, 5].
The research of this issue is very relevant, because the choice of rational mechanism for moving goods to the warehouse will influence not only on the improving the work of the warehouse operations, but also on the amount of costs the company will spend to purchase an overhead crane or a forklift.
Performing of this work will help to understand whether the overhead crane is the ideal choice for use in its using in the storage or imperfection of its design, gives reason for further research in this area.

1.2 The purpose and objectives

The purpose of this study is an analysis of mechanisms of movement of goods in the warehouse, the calculation of hourly productivity, the calculation of dynamic loading when lifting, lowering and moving cargo. The work has the following tasks:
    • analysis of the mechanisms of movement of goods when loading and unloading in warehouses;
    • calculation of hourly productivity of materials handling movement mechanisms;
    • research of effect of the dynamic loadings on the rope and crane metalwork with increasing of the weight of load gripping mechanism.


2.1 Analysis of construction warehouse with overhead crane and forklift

Overhead cranes and electric forklifts are the most convenient for material handling works. Choosing electric forklift truck model FB10KRT PAC from the manufacturer Mitsubishi[6].
Hourly capacity of electric forklift truck is calculated by the formula where:

Тц – the number of cycles per hour;
Q – the maximum weight of lifted load.

tп.х=0.05 min - fork lift without a load;
tз=3m - seizure of goods;
tоп.г=0.05 min - lowering the forks with the load;
tдв.г=2.62 min - movement of the goods;
tп.х=0.18 min - fork lift load;
tосв=3m - the release of the goods;
tоп.х=0.1 min - lowering the forks without cargo;
tдв.х=2.3 min - movemnt without load.

Figure 2.1 - Construction of a warehouse with the application of loader.
When using an electric fork lift truck frame racking shelves are needed with the height of 3 m SSSC 14757-81, which are used for cargo storage on pallets. Pallets used wooden euro pallet type P4 and 2P4 SSSC 9078-84.
The total warehouse area – 604.8 m2
The effective warehouse area – 132.8 m2
The auxiliary warehouse area – 472 m2
Net storage volume – 416.4 m3
Choosing bridge crane SSSC 22045-89 single girder supported by electric cable hoist TE 100-512 and special forklift load holder[7].
Hourly crane capacity:

Тц – the number of cycles per hour;
Q – the maximum weight of lifted load.

tз=3m – in seizure of goods;
tдв.г=1.3 min - movement of the goods;
tосв=3 min - The release of the goods;
tп.х=0.75 min - lifting hook without load;
tдв.х=1.3 min - movement without load;
tоп.х=0.75 min - lowering the hook without load.

Figure 2.2 - Construction of a warehouse in the application of the bridge crane.
When using an overhead crane is used to store shelving racks in height 5,1 m SSSC 14757-81are used to store cargo on special pallets.
The total warehouse area – 604.8 m2
The effective warehouse area – 249.6 m2
The auxiliary warehouse area – 355.2 m2
Net storage volume – 1272.79 m3
In accordance with the foregoing examples, the use of an overhead crane for loading and unloading operations in close storehouse has the following advantages:
  • the effective area of the warehouse increases almost twice;
  • non-stop work, unlike the loader, which must be charge which batteries;
  • a useful storage volume is increased by increasing the height of the shelves, almost 3 times.
  • Special forks holder has additional side forks, which compress the box with the load. The work of a special fork holder is shown in figure:
    The work of a special fork holder is shown

    Figure 2.2 - The work of a special fork holder is shown
    (аnimation volume - 92 KВ, it consists of 11 frames, 10 repetition)

    The Master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2010. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his supervisor after this date.

    List of used literature

    1. Дыбская В.В. Логистика складирования для практиков / В.В. Дыбская – М.: Издательство «Альфа-пресс», 2005 – 208с.
    2. Николайчук В.Е. Транспортно-складская логистика: Учебное пособие. – 2-е изд. / В.Е. Николайчук– М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и Ко», 2007 – 452с.
    3. Павлов В.Б., Выбор типа склада для штучных грузов // Основные средства №6 / В.Б. Павлов – М, 1998г – с. 35-36.
    4. Саулин А.А., Как увеличить пропускную способность склада // Основные средства №7 / А.А. Саулин – М, 2004г – с. 15-16.
    5. Цубка П.А. Мостовые краны и кран-балки для склада// Склад и техника №8 / П.А. Цубка– М, 2005г – с. 6-8.
    6. Электрический вилочный погрузчик Mitsubishi [Технические характеристики]/ Сайт компании ПиК
    7. Кран мостовой однобалочный опорный [Технические характеристики]/Сайт компании Альфа Сервис
    8. Александров М.П. и др. Грузоподъемные машины: учебник для вузов по специальности «Подъемно-транспортные машины и оборудование» / М.П.Александров, Л.Н.Колобов, Н.А.Лобов, Т.А.Никольская, В.С.Полковников. – М.: Машиностроение, 1986 – 398 с.
    9. Казак С.А. Динамика мостовых кранов / С.А. Казак – М.: издательство «Машиностроение», 1968 – 356с.