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![]() Miroshnichenko OlgaFaculty of engineering mechanics and engineere Speciality: Technology of mechanical engineer Theme of master's work:                  Technological providing of making elements of propeller of the opened transmissions                            Scientific adviser: Gorobets IgorMaterials on the theme of master's work: About author INTRODUCTION      History of development of technique is indissolubly related to the incessant searches of the most effective methods of movement. Idea about a device which would set in motion of machine, not using muscular force of people and animals, energy of wind and locomotive water, first arose up in India in XII age.      Propeller device for transformation of energy of natural source or mechanical engine in useful work, providing motion of transport vehicles.       The basic type of propellers for land transport vehicles is a wheel, interactive with linen of road (in cars, motor cycles), or with track (in streetcars, locomotives). For motion on soft soil and lack of roads apply caterpillar motion (in tractors, tanks, snowmobiles). Moving of the large masses on insignificant distances can be carried out by stepping propeller (for example, in power-shovels).       Propeller, transforming energy of wind, is a sail; for the use of energy of ascending currents of air a soaring plane (in gliders) or flexible dome is used (in parachutes). For motion in mid air, overland and on water apply an airscrew (in airplanes, helicopters, zeppelins, hydroplanes, courts on an air pillow). For motion of courts apply oars, screw-propellers and paddle-wheel and also jet propellers. For moving in an air environment and space widely apply äâèæèòåëè as a reactive nozzle.       On the volumes of world consumption of power mediums coal occupies the second position after oil and considerably passes ahead atomic energy, and similarly natural gas. Coal industry of Ukraine is presented mainly by enterprises Donetsk, Lvov-Volhynia and the Dnepr pools. The basic base of anthracite coal of Ukraine still is Donbass. Used everywhere on mines the method of serve of cleansing combines in lava by means of flexible hauling chain possesses the serious failings: and) the proper safety is not provided for an auxiliary personnel, from the possible break of hauling chain) application of supporting winch (at the angles of incidence 9o and higher), set on an overhead drift is required, from which rove to the combine, that complicates the conduct of stopping and worsens safety of labour. Measures on strengthening of hauling chain decided this problem only partly, and native decision it lies in the complete deleting of chain from lava, I.e. in creation of the chainless system of serve (CSS) of cleansing combines.       On the modern stage in the construction of in feeds of cleansing combines as propeller primary distribution was got by the opened wheeled-lath transmissions which plug in itself: drive electric motor, reducing gear of in feed with ïðèâîäíûìè gear-wheels (propeller) and brake device. Basic dignities of CSS, confirmed by the accumulated experience of exploitation, it is been increase of strength of auxiliary personnel security due to the exception of source of traumatism – hauling chain; creation of possibility of working off sloping layers without preventive winches due to building of brakes in an in feed and presence hard sending – hauling organ, located along all length; increase of loading on the complex-mechanized cleansing coalfaces due to the decline of dynamic efforts during work of combine, growth of hauling efforts, speed of serve, and also increase of its coefficient of evenness; possibility of mechanization of end operations in lava and row other.       On a picture 5 animation of model three-dimensional model of motion of wheel is presented on a lantern lath. ![]()
ACTUALITY Of THEME      In connection with the present tendency of increase of loading on the complex-mechanized cleansing coalfaces the special actuality is acquired by creation of the mechanized complexes advanced-technology, possessing enhance able descriptions of reliability, having the considerable productivity. Most value the question of mechanization of hollow works cleansing combines with CSS acquires on the thin layers of the declivous falling, industrial supplies of which are 78% their general amount in a country and 85%, - in Donbass.       Gearing, in which the gear-wheel (or asterisk) of in feed is included in hooking with (lantern) a rack-rail, placed along ñòàâà of conveyer, is fixed in basis of the chainless system of serve. Technology of making of elements of propeller of cleansing combine with CSS has the features, which are related to the type of production, construction.       The great number of variants, related to the features of construction of wheel, his material takes place at treatment of points of ïðèâîäíîãî gear-wheel of propeller of CSS. Presently a choice of optimum variant of treatment, strategies of motion of milling cutter or additional measures, is actual on treatment of points. PURPOSE AND TASKS OF MASTER'S DEGREE DISSERTATION      The purpose of master's degree dissertation is an increase of the productivity of treatment of details of propeller due to optimization of strategies of treatment.       The tasks of master's degree dissertation is: