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Master of DonNTU
Faculty: Mehanical building Department: Power Mechanical Systems Speciality: Power Mechanical Complexes Theme of Master's Work: « Optimization of parameters of working process of a hydraulic jackhammer » Scientific Supervisor: Ph. D., senior lecturer of the department PMS Tatiana Ustimenko |
Abstract |
BRIEF RESUME A middle point in the period of teaching in an university was 4,38. Freely I own Russian, Ukrainian languages. In a volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I own English. I have an experience in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, MathCAD, MatLab, Compass, FluidSim, Automation Studio, Curve Expert, Photoshop, CorelDraw, SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Microsoft Access, FoxPro, Microsoft SQL Serve, Macromedia Flash. I addict to football. |
Childhood | School years | University | Plans for the future |
AUTOBIOGRAPHY On July, 26 of 1988ã. it is a long-awaited day of addition to family of Pakin - a heir bore! Igor heads family of Pakin 1959 of birth. Finished Selidov's mining technical school on speciality "Mining electromechanics", worked 16 years on the mine "Selidovcoals" of Kurahovka , now builder. For a comfort in a house responsible Pakina Helen 1958 of birth. Finished technical school in Kurahovo on speciality "Industrially-civil building". Worked many years on plant of reinforce-concrete constructions in Kurahovo, now trade worker. Brightest remembrances from little up are favourite grandmothers and grand-dads. Learned to ride a bicycle, swimming, chop firewoods, fire, to fish are all the merits of father and grandfather. The first friends appeared in kindergarten. Some of them friends until now. Somewhere in 6 years began and love proceeds to football. I remember on August, 31, 1995, day before first in my life a bell. Came as usual from a morning to the grand-dad with a grandmother. I look, and for a grandfather in hands new, with the specific smell of skin soccer ball. Here and school, closely casebound with football, began! "Welcome, guys! It is Your first step in the surprizing and keen world of knowledge"! - these were the words of my first teacher Solod Galina. At school at once pleased me. To my surprise, studies and sport I succeeded to combine. From the beginning proved as an active, responsible student. From a 5th class there was the physical organizer and simultaneously had time to participate in municipal olympiads on mathematics, history and geography. Yet my achievement, no less for me meaningful, is the prize of the best player of soccer tournament the name of Moscvichev. Remembering school years, it is desirable to express gratitude to the remarkable teachers: to the class supervisor Utesheva T., to teacher of geography Gurba H., teacher of history Meregko L. and by a great deal other. Here I got the "certificate of maturity". The difficult choice of further fate coming. It was decided to enter a few Institutes of higher. I entered the State academy of management on speciality "Management of unproductive sphere" and National university of trade of name of Tugan-Baranovskiy on speciality "Finances", but, knowing about put in the Donetsk national technical university on the faculty of engineering mechanics and engineer (and then yet energymechanics and automations), a question at once was decided. As the saying goes went in footsteps of father. So, on September, 1, 2005 I became student DNTU on speciality "Power Mechanical Complexes". Stormy student life began! But as all know: a student not living in a hostel is a not student! Settled me in a hostel ¹9. On the second course I decided to repay debt to Motherland. I acted on the military department of DNTU on speciality "Zenithal-rocket complexes and options". On the third course I decided to get the second higher education on speciality "Management of organizations". To the got new knowledge and skills I, foremost, am under an obligation to the irreplaceable professionals of the business, teachers of DNTU, namely: prof. Grudachev À., senior lecturer Ustimenko Ò., senior lecturer Lebedeva I., prof. Potapov V., senior lecturer Yacenko À., Mizerniy V. and by a great deal other. I decided to get a maximum from an university and wrote a statement on entering city council. Entering city council, I with the scientific leader Ustimenko Ò. began to be determined with the theme of master's degree work. We were stopped for the issue of the day of the use of hydropercussion devices on miningenterprises. Theme of my master's degree work : "Optimization of parameters of working process of a hydraulic jackhammer". My plans on the nearest future - to write master's degree work and successfully to protect her, finish the second education and, uniting all technical and economic knowledge, to find prestige work. |
Abstract |
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