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Master of DNTU Shalskaya Elena

Shalskaya Elena

Faculty of engineering mechanics and mechanical engineering

Speciality: Technology of mechanical engineering

Theme of master's work:

"Increased processing efficiency and quality of machine parts due to the choice of rational conditions for the use of modern tools of materials"

Scientific adviser: Ivchenko Tatiana



In 2009 I graduated from Donetsk National Technical University with a degree in Manufacturing Engineering with awarding the bachelor's degree with honors (middle mark - 4.89) and entered in master’s course. I have experience with the following systems: Compass, Àâòîïðîåêò, SolidWorks, Âåðòèêàëü, ÒåõíîÏðî, Gemma3D, Ansys, CosmosWorks, APM WinMachine, Mathcad. Freely speak Russian and Ukrainian languages, at a basic level at English.

Short biography:


In the 20 of March in 1987, on a spring day,in the village Iultin, Anadyr district of Magadan region, in the family manager of the village airport - Shalskiy Eugeniy Timofeevich and operator of the coal boiler - Shalskaya Ludmila Vasilievna there was a second long-awaited daughter. My sister Anya, at the time of my birth turned 5 years old, she became an invaluable assistant to the parents in my upbringing.


In 1990 I was sent to kindergarden "Çîëîòîé êëþ÷èê". About the kindergarten I remember many positive points, there was very interesting: I remember the birds and rabbits living in the corner, trips to the swimming pool, gym, holidays, games. Good and attentive teachers taught count, read, and one of the kindergarten teachers taught us German language. I was very happy to the first success in my study.


In 1994 I entered the first class Iultin secondary school ¹ 1. In 1995, our family moved to the Gorlovka city Donetsk region of Ukraine. In Gorlovka I entered the second class "B" secondary school ¹85, where I was studing for 7 years. I remember that it was difficult to me to learn Ukraine language, because before that I didn't heard while living in Russia. My favorite subjects were history, geography, Russian language and literature in school. At this time began to show such character traits as diligence, commitment, sense of duty. I found reading the books, of various genres from classics to science fiction. I was actively involved in cultural activities in school . I was engaged in dances in school days . Liked to dance on stage. I participated in concerts of our team, participated in competitions in various areas of dance «HIP-HOP», «Disko», «Tehno», and latter took the prizes in this competitions. I decided to go to another school number 14 in Gorlovka, after the ninth class, where I spent my last school years. I graduated school in 2004 well.


After school, I passed the interview, and entered on second course studying of Gorlovka engineering college (GEC) at specialty "Materials handling machines and automatic lines”. New subjects for the specialty were quite interesting.Continued to participate actively in the cultural life of GEC, took part in all activities carried out. During training in GEC graduate courses and received a diploma of junior specialist with a degree in Business Enterprise. Just got experience and a second level during the milling-machine manufacturing practices, which took place at the plant "Universal". In college, together with the accumulated knowledge has made many new acquaintances and real friends.


In 2007, I graduated college with honors and entered a 3-d course of Donetsk National University, and continued learning in the specialty "Technology of mechanical engineering" The new situation, new friends, new life outside the family home - that's expected ahead. Studying in DonNTU required cost some effort, but it seemed very interesting. We had a lot of work independently, a more responsible approach to learning. In studies participated in the cultural life of our faculty, participated in scientific conferences held by the department "Technology of mechanical engineering" In 2008 I successfully graduated from the bachelor with an average of 4,89, and decided to do a master's degree work and continue learning. There are currently beginning work on the master's work, whose theme is "Enhancing the productivity of processing and quality of machine parts due to the choice of rational conditions for the use of modern tools of materials”. I believe that this theme is very relevant in today's engineering and requires more detailed study. The scientific leader of my master's work became associate professor, Ivchenko Tatiana.

Future Plans

In the most immediate future plans include writing and defense of master's work. Also, I would like to find decent, interesting and well-paid jobs in their field, which would give the opportunity to learn, to develop further. I would like to learn English and get a second degree - legal. I think if you set goals, and go to their implementation, it will succeed.


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