Student of Donetsk National Technical University Bazarov Nikita
Bazarov Nikita
Short resume:


Average mark in the period of teaching in an university 4.82. Freely I own Russian, Ukrainian. In a volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, own English. I have an experience in the followings programmatic packages: Compass, Proteus, Sound forge, Adobe flash, adobe Photoshop, Electronic Work Bench, Mathcad, PCAD,Altium Designer, know programming languages – Delphi, Pascal, C++.





I, Nikita Bazarov, borned on May, 8, 1988 in Donetsk. Mother – Ira Bazarova (1966) finished the Makeevskiy build institute on speciality engineer-builder, now works as the accountant of cooperative store. Father – Bazarov Dmitry (1966) finished tekhnikum on speciality developer of mountain breeds, now works as the machinist of autotowers.

In childhood particular interest showed to constructing and different family to the logical tasks, loved hand labour. A lot of time conducted with a father in a garage, looking after repair of cars. Since then I was interested in mechanics and electronics.




When I was seven, went out into general school ¹ 58. Due to my preschool education, that my mother spared time enough successfully, problems with studies for me did not arise up. Most essential and interesting objects, related to exact sciences, became for me. My estimations was excelent to the six class, but in course of time, all more frequent reflecting about a future profession, began to spare basic attention only to the main for me lessons: algebra, geometry, physics, drawing and, strangely enough - biology.

In school years, as well as most my coevals, actively carried with sport, even went for sporting sections such, as carat, table tennis, basket-ball, track-and-field. Some times I was participated in district and city competitions, got digits on tennis and basket-ball. Interest to constructing also did not abandon me, therefore I found a way to his realization in an automodel group, where, however surprisingly, I drew a lot of useful knowledges and skills of working as not only a radio electronic apparatus but also different machine-tools for treatment of materials.

My next fascination was become by computer technologies and programming. Making off the courses of the computer operators, I was not stopped for attained and went to courses on the study of Turbo Pascal.

Not singly participated in district olympiads on physics, mathematics and informatics, where occupied prize places.




In 2005 I`ve finished a school. With the choice of institute it was not problems, because I knew already a long ago, that want to study in DonNTU. To the receipt prepared thoroughly, went for the courses of mathematics, that brought the results in the end. Acted on results rating in the Donetsk national technical university on the faculty of computer Information Technologies and Automation (CITA) on speciality scientifically-analytical and ecological devices and systems. 

In a group I discharged duties of proforg, therefore the always first was in a course most student pleasure measures, and sometimes even helped with their organization. It did student life yet more saturated and interesting.

Taught a four years, got the diploma of bachelor with a difference. In the process of writing of bachelor work printed a few articles in scientific collections.

In 2009 married on Krachulovoy Marina – student DonNTU, in a that year daughter Maria borned for us.

On results completion bachelor was included in a magistrture, where I am taught to date. Choice of theme «Working out of the device for the contactless express control of viscosity of the fused metal» is conditioned its actuality and presence of a few of developments in this sphere. I consider that introduction of such device in the process of study and development of new alloys of the coloured metals will increase the productivity and will bring large economic efficiency. My scientific leader is a candidate of engineerings sciences, associate professor of department ET Tarasyuk Viktoriya.


Plans on the future


Now a basic task is writing and defence of diploma project. Further, certainly, count on successful employment. Work, to my mind, must not only bring a sufficient profit but also enable for self-realization and further development. In year one I want to be professionally engaged in programming, therefore does not bind completion of university to completion of teaching. In future I bargain to get the second higher education, possibly, to pass internship abroad.

But life – it not only everyday, and in own time I dream to look the world and show it to my daughter.