DonNTU Master's Portal English Ðóññêèé Óêðà¿íñüêà
Student of Donetsk National Technical University Chudinova Martha

Chudinova Martha

Faculty: Computer information technologies and automation

Department of Automation and Telecommunication

Speciality: Telecommunication systems and networks

Theme of master's work:

Research of a Telecommunication Network of a Mobile Connection with Maintenance of Services at Temporary Abrupt Overloads of a Network

Scientific adviser: Turupalov Viktor



I have received bachelor diploma in area “Telecommunication systems and nets”, average degree of which comprises 4,749. I have got work experience in university for four years with such programs as: SystemView, Microwave office, Packet Tracer 4.1 (Cisco), Algorithm Builder, NetCracker, Boson NetSim, MathCad, MatLab, LabView, MS Visio, Êîìïàñ 3D 5.11. Pascal and C++ were learned during the time of education. I speak fluently Russian and Ukrainian as well as English on the upper intermediate level. Also I’ve learnt Polish language for a year.



I was born in a bright and sunny spring morning on 10 of April. That day was really important for Christians in our country – it was an Easter Day and 2000 year anniversary of Kyivan Rus’ christening. My mother Elena Chudinova and father Oleg Chudinov is not very religious but still they realized that it was a good sign. Name for their first child my parents chose almost immediately in spite of its unspreadness in the Ukraine. My childhood I’ve spent with my younger brother Alexander.

At age of 2 I was taken to nursery for the first time. I loved spending time in nursery playing with other children. Only one thing that I disliked in it was sleepy hours, I was full of energy and I didn’t want to sleep at afternoons. In kindergarten I was learnt to read easily and I still love reading very much. Also I loved singing songs.

School years

At age of 7 all children in the Ukraine start studying at their local school and I was not an exception. After some kind of interlocution I was enrolled to 1-B class at school ¹25. I finished first year of studying with excellent in all subjects, but since then I always had one mark B for my native language – Russian. During my school years I was involved in such a big number of different activities: from ball dances to beads wicker-work, fashionable at that time. After the 7th form I’d passed an exam at mathematic and entered the Donetsk Technical Lyceum. By my own wish I’d chosen studying all subjects in an Ukrainian language. It was a bit difficult at first because, as I mentioned my native language is Russian, but I got used to it. Studying in lyceum was really interesting. There was lots of entertaining, such as mind and sport competitions, little performances for our teachers and another pupils and plenty of other gripping things. There I’ve made many friends, with part of them I’m still studying the same subject at university.


Last school year make us to do some very important decision – what subject do you prefer to study for the next five years. It was not difficult to choose the university – Donetsk National Technical University is the biggest and the most popular in our region. But I didn’t know for sure what do I actually want to study? At first I wanted to be an economist. This job became really popular in our country a few years ago and mostly there was not any budget, only paid places. So, I chose telecommunications and went to preliminary examination. Successfully I passed math exam on the thirteenth place and entered the university. Furthermore, I’d entered university before I graduated from school.

Five years at the university passed by me very quickly. The distance between my fist lecture and today seems maybe like one year but not like five years at all. By the beginning of the next year I’ll have graduated from my lovely university.

Besides, on the fifth year I made a decision to continue studying English language. In the next December I’m going to pass an important for me exam in English – an FCE exam (First Certificate in English).

An idea about master degree is quite new in the Ukraine and no one knows for sure where the difference between master and specialist is. But because of our integration to European countries master will be more claiming and respectable soon. That’s why I decided to get a master degree.

To choose the theme of a master’s work “Research of a Telecommunication Network of a Mobile Connection with Maintenance of Services at Temporary Abrupt Overloads of a Network” was not difficult, because I was helped by my scientific adviser Viktor Turupalov.

In the end I would like to express my gratitude to all lecturers in DonNTU and especially for each lecturer from department of Automation and Telecommunication. Separately I’d like to say thanks for a dean of our faculty and my scientific adviser Viktor Turupalov.

Future plans

My near future is connected now only to successful defense of master’s work and finding an interesting job. My dream is to try how it to be a space tourist or traveller, I find it absolutely awesome!