Irina Gaskova

Master of Donetsk National Technical University


Computer Information Technologies and Automation (CITA)


Automation and Telecommunication (AT)


Telecommunication Systems and Networks (TKS)

Theme of the Master's Work:

Research and development methodology of modeling processes in multiservice telecommunications systems

Scientific Supervisor:

Ph.D. (in Engineering) Associate Professor of the department AT Ilya Degtyarenko

Brief Resume

Date of birth: 29.03.1988

Average mark in bachelor's degree: 4.95

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian - fluent; English - at a basic level


  • Programming languages: Pascal, Algorithm Builder, C/C++
  • Web-programming: HTML, CSS
  • DBMS: Microsoft Access
  • Work with a drawing: Adobe Photoshop
  • Mathematical packages: Mathworks Matlab
  • Modeling packages: System View, NetCracker, Packet Tracer, OPNET, LabView
  • Work with OS: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP
  • Design of networks: NetCracker, OPNET
  • Office tools: MS Office 98/2000/2003, MS Visio, MS PowerPoint

Personal features: commitment, communicative, teamwork ability, assiduity, organization, ability to learn, responsibility

Additional information: diploma of bachelor on specialty "Management of organization" direction providing of low and organization activity in enterprise; diploma of bachelor with a difference on speciality "Telecommunication systems and networks"


I was born one spring sunny morning in March 29, 1988 in Kharkov. My dad Alexander Gaskov was studing at the Kharkov Guards Higher Tank Command School at that time, and my mother Natalia Gaskova taught at the Kharkiv Institute of catering. My sister was born three years later. According to the stories of parents I was an active, independent and sociable child, clever, but a little stubborn. My mother gave a lot of time for my education, so I soon learned to speak and read, easily memorized poems and songs. I especially liked playing games for logical thinking and collecting puzzles. I remember only one thing I was always delighted to participate in the children's performances. My mother and I prepared for them very carefully. I was very happy to have the big role.


Dad should receive new degree of energy because of the collapse of the USSR, we moved to live in Kurakhovo where we live today. We started talking about choosing schools when I was sixth, it was selected Kurakhov educational complex unanimously because it is the only institution of a new type in our town. Not all children can become pupils of this school, it was necessary to pass the exam. It was like a competition for me as a challenge to my abilities and knowledge. After the hard training I passed the exam, this was my first major victory. All differed from the usual school In the Lyceum. There were different curriculums, other books, English from 1st class, type 4 class, necessarily had to wear uniforms, but the main value - teachers.

I can easily and quickly assimilated and remembered learning material, because of this I leave out classes successful. My mother always told me that the main thing in life is to have a purpose and develop a plan for its implementation, then things will work out and I can achieve a lot. This advice becomes the rule for me, which I follow and now.

I started studying at a music school for piano, choreography, singing and painting from third class.

I went to Kurakhovskaya Polytechnic College at the end of 7th grade. I will remember all my life the dedication to students of the Lyceum. It was like a holiday, awarded badges of the schoolboy. We performed the national anthem and gave a sort of promise to be successful in study and I kept my promise.

The years flew quickly ... In the process of studying, I realized that from the all items I have a propensity for mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science. I participated in district and regional competitions and contests in these subjects. I would like to thank Helen Sadovnichenko (physics teacher) and Irina Kamchatnaya (teacher of algebra and geometry) for their professionalism and confidence in children. I would like to give the special thank for Tatyana Chelter who taught me to be creative person. She influenced on my hobbies today, and I have them a lot. Beloglazov Galina  — a teacher of English, without its rigor and discipline, I would not know so well that language. You can enumerate for a long time, almost every teacher knew their subjects perfectly and creatively present material, and most importantly they could bring it to students.

I was thinking a lot about my future profession in 11 class. Kurakhov Polytechnic High School is a branch of Donetsk National Technical University, so the question about university has fallen away by itself. The choice was ultimately due to several factors: the perspective of the specialty and scope of my knowledge and ability, the ability to open own business in the future, the demand on the labor market for specialists in the profession's prestige and wages. All these requirements are consistent with Department of Computer Information Technologies of special telecommunication systems and networks. Successfully passing rating and finishing a strong third place in the list of funds in the budget, I can calmly prepare to pass exams to obtain later a gold medal for successful learning.


The first course for me was a revelation. In the group there were only 6 girls other guys. Labyrinths of the 3rd Corps, large audiences, moving from building to building, a couple from 8 am to 5 pm, a lot of new people, new evaluation system, the new rules, stay in a hostel, and much more was unknown and did not fit into the rhythm of life in the past. But like any freshman adaptation was quickly and painlessly. With a good base of knowledge obtained in school, teaching at the university passed easily. I'm from the usual group of English transferred to the group with intensive study. For the second year I get together the second higher education degree in organizational and legal manager of the company. "The knowledge of economics, the foundations of legal support activities, construction and business administration will be useful to me as when you open your own business, and when the device performance and promotion ladder.

Subjects for the major field of study in the junior rates have been higher degree of general education. It started to clear by the third year, began to read special objects. Of the subjects most important to me are: "Integrated Systems and Networks", "Switching Systems, Network and Software" (Boiko V. V), "Teletraffic Theory" (Voropaeva V. YA), "Design of telecommunication systems" (Degtyarenko I. V.)

It was necessary to choose a theme and thesis supervisor in the 4 course. Designing multi-service networks is an interesting and urgent task, so far there is no specific methodology for their modeling.

Together with my head Ilya Degtyarenko was formulated theme of my master's work: "Research and development techniques of modeling processes in multiservice telecommunications systems." With this package, simulation study is planned multi-service networks and the development of algorithms for their simulation in the design.

Future Plans

The plans I can divide into short-term and long-term, in principle as well as my aims to life. I plan to make off the courses of driving, cutting and sewing, and main to get the certificate of FCE on English and certificate of Cisco for development of the skills of specialist in area of telecommunications.

The nearest purpose certainly is certified master's first class degree and certifieed diploma of specialist on specialty "Management of organizations".

I want to travel on the world, study French, continue designing clothes. That swings professional sphere: plan to find the high-paying working on specialty for a developing firm, related to planning of the telecommunication systems.

Well and as all girls certainly want to marry, to lead strong family, to have a child.