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ABSTRACT Research and development system of vibrodiagnostics for mine winder machine |
1 Introduction Urgency. A mine winder machine is a part of the stationary hoist unit. The mine productivity depends on good functioning of the hoisting system. Nowadays the park of winder machines is out of date. It leads to the occurrence of more and more breakages. Therefore development of vibration monitoring system for mine winder machine is urgent [1]. The object of the research. The skip winder machine. The purpose of the research.ITo increase the life time of winder machine due to diagnostics of technical state of its mechanical construction units and aggregates. Tasks.Next tasks are to be solved to achieve the purpose: 1. Study and analysis of mine winder machine functioning. 2. Development of a mathematical model and analysis of results received by simulation. 3. Vibration monitoring system modelling and its efficiency verification. 4. Technical development of the vibration monitoring system. 2 Review of research and developments on the topic On the territory of Ukraine and former USSR countries the institute of mountain mechanics named by Fedorov (институт горной механики им. М.М. Федорова) explores problems associated with mine winders. The question of diagnostics of mine hoist mechanical units is interesting for B.А. Gradushiy, V.I. Dvornikov, V. Е. Zdanevich, А.N. Koval, V.A. Pristrom, V. A. Tribuhin, В.A. Yacenko. The question of vibration monitoring engages a great number of organizations. In Ukraine [2]: 1. «Promvitex» («Промвитех» Kyiv, Ukraine). Production of measuring equipment for controlling vibration parameters. 2. «Vibrodiagnostica» («Вибродиагностика» Severodonetsk, Ukraine). Develops and supplies vibration sensors. 3. «SED» («ЦЭД» Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine). Estimation of industrial mechanism’s technical state. Russian enterprises and organizations: 1. «VAST» Association (Ассоциация «ВАСТ» Saint Petersburg, Russia). Development and production of the vibration-based diagnostics systems. 2. «Diamex 2000» («Диамех 2000» Moscow, Russia). Development and production of the vibration-based diagnostics equipment. Enterprises and organizations of the near and distant abroad: 1. «Aura» (Milevsko Czech Republic). Development and delivery of control systems and diagnostics systems for industrial facilities. 3. «RK-SYSTEM» (Grodzinsk-Mazovetsky, Poland). Development and production of the vibration diagnostics systems and balancing measuring diagnostics systems. There is a lot of diagnostics equipment. It is divided into groups: 1. Portable devices. These devices are used by repair services in order to receive information. 2. Analyzers. Analyzers allow performing the detailed analysis of vibration parameters. These devices require high qualification of maintenance staff. 3. Embedded systems of diagnostics. Real-time monitoring of the technical state of equipment. 3 Construction of the vibration monitoring system for mine winder machine Spectral analysis is one of the methods for exposure defects in mechanical joints [3]. The method’s substance is to decompose a signal into Fourier series. In order to do this we may use next formulas [4]:
For two random processes of Fourier transform we will define [5]:
Designed device thus allows diagnosing components of mechanical units and warning the machinist about the origin and development of possible emergency situations. 3 Bearings – elements of the winder machine shafting Bearing units are used in almost every machine and mechanism. An urgent task is diagnostics of rolling bearings. And among methods which allow doing this there is a vibration-based diagnostics. The defects of rolling bearings are divided into 4 groups [8]. Rotation frequency of the bearing cage is determined by the next expression:
Rotation frequency of rolling elements:
Flicker frequency of rolling elements on outward bearing ring:
Flicker frequency of rolling elements on internal bearing ring:
Vibration frequency of defects in rolling elements:
d – rolling elements diameter, D – a circumference diameter, α – a contact angle, z – a number of rolling elements [9]. Spectral analysis can determine the beginning of the defect development.
Figure 3 – Defect in the bearing cage (Gif-animation, size: 110 KB (bearing) and 78.5 kb (frequency spectrum), 16 frames, delay - 100 ms, number of cycles - 3) 4 Technical condition estimation for mechanical components and machine elements There are several methods for assessing the technical condition of equipment and vibration-based diagnostics is one of them [10]. There is an assessment criterion which is based on the vibration velocity measurement. It consists of 4 areas (Figure 2): Figure 2 shows four areas and a frequency range boundary. Area A – new machines. Area B – machines with small vibration values. Area C – average vibration, a maintenance is required. Area D – high level of vibration which leads to serious damage of a machine.
Figure 2 – General form of the assessment criterion Application of this criterion allows determining the technical condition of the machine mechanical units. Table of reference 1. Бежок В.Р. Шахтній підйом. / В.Р. Бежок, В.И. Дворников, В.А. Пристром // ООО«Юго-Восток, Лтд», Донецк, 2007. – 624с. 2. Международный научно-технический и производственный журнал «Вибрация машин: измерение, снижение, защита» [electronic resource]. 3. Сидоров В.А. Выбор средств технического диагностирования механического оборудования. Вибрация машин: измерение, снижение, защита.«материалы 2-ой международной конференции» / В.А. Сидоров, А.Л. Сотников // ДонНТУ, Донецк, 2003. – 248с. 4. Бендат Дж. Применение корреляционного и спектрального анализа: Пер. с англ./ Дж. Бендат, А. Пирсол //М, Мир, 1983. - 312с. 5. Корн Г. Справочник по математике. / Г. Корн, Т. Корн // М.: Наука, 1968. – 720 с. 6. Горелик А.П. Построение системы распознавания. / А.П. Горелик, В.А. Скрипник // М., Советское радио, 1974. – 222 с. 7. Ерохин И. И. Конспект лекций по дисциплине «Основы цифровой техники и программирования микроконтроллеров автоматики» для студентов специальности 7.09.2501 / И. И. Ерохин. // ДонНТУ, Донецк, 2001.- 53 с 8. БарковА. В. Мониторинг и диагностика роторных машин по вибрации./ А. В. Барков, Н.А. Баркова, А.Ю. Азовцев // Ассоциация ВАСТ, Россия, С-Петербург, 2000. 9. Балицкий Ф.Я. Виброакустическая диагностика зарождающихся дефектов. / Ф.Я. Балицкий // Наука, Киев, 1986г. 10. Сидоров В.А. Границы различения технических состояний машин. Вибрация машин: измерение, снижение, защита «материалы 2-ой международной конференции» / В.А. Сидоров, А.В. Сидоров // ДонНТУ, Донецк, 2003. – 248с. 11. ГОСТ ИСО 10816-1-97 Контроль состояния машин по результатам измерений вибрации на не вращающихся частях [electronic resource]. While writing the given abstract the master's work has not been completed yet. The final date of the work completed is December, 1st, 2010. The text of master's work and materials on this topic can be received from the author or her research guide after the indicated date. |
Autobiography | Abstract |
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