Short biography:
My Childhood:
I was born on the 4th of April, 1988 in Stakhanov, Luhansk region. Both parents are engineers. At the age of five, my mother, Rodchenko Natalia G. (1960), instilled in me the love for reading, music, needlework, and Dad, Rodchenko Gennady V. (1960), taught me a creative approach to learning. The diligence and patience of my parents during my childhood served as a strong foundation for further formation of a creative personality. With keen interest, i took classes in choral Art, English language courses and creative circles.
Schools attended:
From 1995 to 2001i attended school number 8, subsequently from 2001 to 2005 i studied at the Stakhanov multidisciplinary school, adhering to the most active positions. I took part in competitions like: vocal, visual arts, dance performances, All-Ukrainian competition in Linguistics, initiated by Yatsika. Also had competitions on mathematics, English language, Russian language and Ukrainian language as well as literature, physics, biology and anatomy. Participated in a city competition popularly known as "Zarnitsa." My hobbies includes the study of art, plants, graphics, mathematics and geometry. Motivated to complete computer courses like: 1C Accounting, Computer Graphics (Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, and Flash). Fruitful period of formations required the assistance of my high school teachers, which directed my fledgling identity into the mainstream of intellect and creativity. Special thanks to the school directors who helped me maintain a decent image at school.
After graduating from high school i had a open and a wide path to the university, all the complexities of which appeared in a variety of specialties at the universities. In 2005 i gained admission at Donetsk National Technical University, at the faculty of computer and information technology. To specialize on scientific, analytical and environmental equipment and systems (SAEDS). Student life served as a guideline for the formation of oscillating individuality. During the period of training i participated in Conferences on Innovations, diploma in physics (with scientific work as: "Living and dead water"), also at the English conference on economic and social progress of modern society which i emerged as the winner, as well as an International Conference: "PTO 2007 where i served as the official translator at the Conference. I studied the tactics of struggle in the sports section in the university. In 2009 i completed my bachelor degree, receiving a Bachelor of engineering.
In 2009 i entered for my master's program at DonNTU in the same direction, which motivated my interest in research activities. The theme of my master's work is the moisture meter of dough semi-finished products, which i had an agreement with my supervisor to make the research in the direction of his field in scientific researches.I enjoy learning foreign languages, reading fictious english literature and designs. I thank my teachers for their true contribution to the formation for my scientific and creative mind: prof., Ph.D. Chichikalo NI, Rusakova NM, Tarasyuk VP, Kabanets MN, Burkivchenko VI

The process of learning at the university raised a set of ideas to further the applications of acquired knowledge, one of the options for self-realization is the continuation of research, development and implementation of innovative solutions in the field of electronics.