Aleksandr Zhoga |
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Аleksandr ZhogaFaculty: Computer Inoformation and Automation (CITA)Department: Automation and Telecommunication (АТ) Speciality: "Telecommunication Systems and Networks" (ТSN) Theme of Master's Work: "Research and development the combined system of telegraph messages transfer in the general using networks" Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D. (in Engineering), Associate Professor of AT departament Vladimir Turupalov |
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ABSTRACTof Master’s qualification thesis on
“Research and development of the combined
system of transmitting telegraphic messages in general use networks”
With the
advent of telephone connection, telegraph had to make room; however, it still
has irrefutable advantages. Telegraphic services are still popular among both
private and legal persons. These include banks, insurance companies,
governmental institutions and organs of all levels – from regional
administrations and courts to ministries and presidential administration.
Telegrams may contain diverse information, any message requiring documental
confirmation of being sent and received, which may be further used in legal
cases. Advantages of telegrams are not restricted to their “judicial power”. For
official messages they mean the fastest and guaranteed way of delivery with
various means of sending. Relevance of the subject
messages interchange sooner or later there arises a problem of transmitting
information to different networks, e.g. between Internet and Telex networks
users or between facsimile and telegraphic networks. Also each Internet user
encounters a problem of guaranteed delivery of the message to recipient’s
mailbox and read message receipt. However, there’s a possibility to send
messages by means of special electronic mail which is capable to send an
electronic message not only to e-mail address but simultaneously to fax, telex
and to postal address where it would be delivered in the form of telegram or paper
letter, send a message in the form of SMS to mobile phone subscriber, receive
and read a telegram, fax, voice or SMS message. But for all that codes
converting problems may arise as users may use different mail clients.
Therefore, research of the message conversion algorithm will help solve the
problems arising at message transmitting to different networks.
Relation to scientific programs, plans,
This qualification
Master’s thesis has been written within 2009-2010 in accordance with scientific
direction of the Automation and Telecommunication Chair of the
The aim of
research and development of the combined system is organization of various type
messaging (fax, telex, e-mails containing text and any files, typical postal
messages) between subscribers with different equipment, which would allow for
integration of all possible data processing technologies on one working place
(telegraphic terminal, postal client, Internet access). Prospective scientific novelty
This work
is not absolutely new in its subject area as these problems are dealt with by a
number of Russian companies. On the
meaning of the research is defined by the fact that the proposed system will
enable its subscribers to interchange messages of different types using various
technical means and connection channels for this aim. Overview of researches and development of the
REX400 is
one of the similar developments. REX400 is a domestic system, developed by CJSV
Club 400 in compliance with international standards for open systems Х.400, which supports the majority of
standard data transmitting protocols (Х.25, TCP/IP, Х.28, Х.400, UUCP and other), which provide for compatibility with the majority
of modern systems, above all Х.400 and Internet. Problem statement
![]() E-mail There are
many computer networks which are not part of Internet but currently connected
via gateways allowing for e-mail transfer. - From: postal electronic address – sender of the message - To: postal electronic
address - addressee - Cc: postal
electronic address – other addressees - Subject: subject of the message (free
form) - Date: date and time of sending
the message The title
lines From: and Date: are, as a rule, formed automatically by
program means. Beside these lines the message may contain other lines, for
example: - Message-Id: unique message
identificator, attributed by mail machine - Reply-To: usually,
subscriber’s address to which the reply is sent Let us
consider an example of a postal message: Received:
by; Thu, 20 Dec 90 13:51:59 MSK Received:
by; Thu, 20 Dec 90 12:52:17 MSK Received:
from CS.ORST.EDU by with SMTP id AA15539 (5.65+/IDA-1.3.5 for; Thu, 20 Dec 90
08:19:05 +0200 Received:
from jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU by CS.ORST.EDU (5.59/1.15) id AA19981; Wed, 19 Dec 90 22:19:59 PST Received:
by jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU (5.54/1.14) id AA02240; Wed, 19 Dec 90 23:19:35 MST Date: Wed,
19 Dec 90 23:19:35 MST From: Harry
Brooks Message-Id:
<9012200619.AA02240@jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU> To: Subject:
Re: wondering if you attended? Status: RO "Text of
the message" The massage
consists of a text, which has to be transmitted to the recipient, and a title,
which is stated at the beginning of the message and separated from the text by
an empty line and contains several lines about this message: date of sending,
address, return address, subject and other. title: text The title
lines stand for:
Received: mark upon passing through the machine (postal stamp). This message has five such marks which means that it passed through five machines on its way and each of them marked the time of passing. Date: date and time of sending; they are indicted in standard format as the majority of postal systems can sort messages by time. From: name of the sender and return address <divided by angle brackets>. Message-Id:: internal message identificator: attributed by postal service of the sender. Each message is attributed a unique – the only in the world – identificator. It may be used to refer to the message as outcoming number. To: recipient address. Subject: subject of the message. Remark Re: means that this message is a reply to another message. The original message and reply have the same Subject: line. When the author sends a reply, the mail service automatically takes subject form the original message. This is convenient when a long conversation on one subject takes place. Status: status of the message; read receipt. There may be some more types if title lines. Not all of them are obligatory. Some lines are added automatically by postal services (Received:, Date:), the others are defined by the author (To:, Subject:). Postal electronic address may have different formats. The most widespread system of address formation is DNS (Domain Name System) used in Internet network. Address decoding and its interpretation to the necessary format is made by integrated program means used in the given electronic network. From the logical point of view, in order to make the address informative it has to contain the following: - subscriber’s
identificator (analogous to the line TO:
on the envelope); - postal coor Postal
electronic address has all these components. In order to separate subscriber’s
identificator from his postal coor User_name@name_computer When
non-text data are transferred (program, graphics) the re-coding of messages is
made by respective program means. [3] Telegram Telegraphic
connection, long distance transmission of the messages – telegrams – conveyed
by electrical signals transmitted through wires or radio waves. Any text
containing letters and digits is discreet: irrespective of its content it may
be expressed by a final, comparatively short set of characters – letters,
digits, punctuation marks. Therefore,
the telegraphic connection system components, namely telegraphic devices,
designed for transmitting a definite, pre-defined number of different
elementary signal combinations. Figure 2 – Types of
binary telegraphic signals: a – single-pole signals of direct current; b –
double-pole signals of direct current; c - frequency-modulated signals of alternating
current; u – voltage; t- time; f1 and f2 – frequency values of alternating
current binary signals. Direct current signals (single- and double-poled) are used at message transmitting to comparatively short distances (usually, not exceeding 300-400 km) by cable and air lines (physical chains). On main lines transmitting is carried out by frequency-modulated double-pole signals of alternating current, using telephone channels as lines. This enables receiving up to 44 independent channels in one telephone channel. Tonal telegraphing equipment is used with this aim. Technical characteristics include: telegraphy speed, reliability, breakdowns rate. Telegraphy speed (transmittance speed) is measured in quantity of elementary signals transmitted per second. Table 1 - Speed transfer
Number of
symbol transmitted in a minute is calculated by formula:
where V — transmittance
speed in bod; n — number of elementary signals
per one symbol. Number of words transmitted in an hour is calculated by
Values V, W and QT for
transmitting by telegraphic code № SMS
SMS stands for Short Message
Service. This is a technology which allows sending and receiving messages by
means of mobile telephones. SMS first appeared in - 160 symbols, with the
7-bit encoding (the 7-bit encoding is suitable for encoding of the Latin alphabets,
such as English alphabets); SMS supports languages
on international level. It perfectly copes with all languages, supports
Unicode, including Arabic, Japanese and Korean. One of the main advantages of
SMS is that it is 100% supported by GSM in mobile phones. [4] At the same time
problems may arise with reading messages on some outdated models of telephones.
In this case transliteration is used. Transliteration is indigested
transmittance of Cyrillic text in Latin letters, sometimes even digits and
other symbols. Usually, transliteration is based on phonetic correspondence of
Cyrillic and Latin letters. It is actively used at communication via SMS, as a
message written in Latin may contain twice as mush letters than in
Cyrillic. [6]
Let us analyze in general all the transformations a message undergoes on its way from sender to recipient. After a subscriber created a message text and filled in all service fields, a message is sent to the postal server from which it is redirected to a special server with a gateway to another network. Initially, we will proceed from the fact the server has an installed driver which records all the incoming messages to file. Further with the help of software sender’s and recipient’s addresses and other service data are read. Then a message is re-recoded and service information is added depending on the network type in accordance with the written above standards. After that a message is transmitted to network. The research work further assumes realization of the program code on message transformation and improvement of message processing methods. Conclusion
The research work
analyzed existing message types and their description. The realization
of the code to transform the messages and improved methods of processing
messages is based on these data. This will reduce the cost of providing
traditional services of the telegraph.
Bibliography1. Система REX400. [Electronic Resource] – Mode of access: Ассосциация CBOSS. Шлюз преобразования SMS-сообщений в факсимильные. [Electronic Resource] – Mode of access: 3. Cервер информационных технологий. [Electronic Resource] – Mode of access: 4. Основные этапы развития телеграфии. [Electronic Resource] – Mode of access: 5. SMS. [Electronic Resource] – Mode of access: 6. Что такое транслит? [Electronic Resource] – Mode of access: 7. Структура электронного сообщения. [Electronic Resource] – Mode of access: 8. Что такое телематика? [Electronic Resource] – Mode of access: 9. Электронный документооборот в арбитражном процессе: статус электронной почты и перспективы использования сети Интернет. [Electronic Resource] – Mode of access: 11. Коханович Г.Ф., Чуприн В.М. Сети передачи пакетных данных . [Text]. — К.:"МК-Пресс", 2006. — 272 с. At the moment this abstract writing the Master’s thesis is not complete. Date of completion is December 1, 2010. Unabridged text of the work and thematic materials may be obtained from the author or his supervisor after the stated date. |
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