Українська Русский
Dasha Baeva
Faculty: сomputer and information sciense (CIS)
Department: automatet control systems (ACS)
Speciality: specialized computer systems (specialization:computer systems of medical and technical diagnostics)
Theme of Master's Work: Development of the dedicated computer support system for making decision on treatmant of urolithiasis
Scientific Supervisor: profesor Vladimir Adamov


Birth date: 12/06/88
Languages: Ukrainian, Russian,colloquial English, technical English with a dictionary, French in a sufficient volume for reading and translation with a dictionary, Spanish at the level of novice.
Programming languages:
ActionScript 2/3, С++, Pascal, Delphi, Assembler.
Web-programming: CSS, HTML
DBMS: Microsoft Access, FoxPro
Work with grafick: CorelDRAW, Microsoft Flash
CASE-means: ERwin, BPwin
Work with ОS: Linux, Windows 98/XP/7
Network design: NetCracker, Boson NetSim



Borned on June, 12, 1988 in Sumy. When I was three years ago our family moved in a city Gorlovka the Donetsk area.
My parents are Baev Sergey Nikolaevich and Baeva Svetlana Vasil'evna. A dad works as a manager, and mother teacher-speech therapist.


In 1995 I went to the first class of ukrain gimnasy #20. And in 2005 I already was a graduating student of school #1, in which passed after a second class. At school I liked to participate in musical concerts, theatrical performances and even dreamed to become a producer. My class leader Lidiya Ivanovna instiled me love to the Ukrainian culture and Ukrainian language. I studied in a class with the deep study of foreign languages, therefore finishing school, I already well enough knew English, due to my teacher to Victor to Ivanovich. I am very thankful all teachers, which, not looking on the restlessness of my creative nature, was able to give me knowledges, that were necessary in order to enter an university and continue to develop spiritually and intellectually.


Technical Institute of higher was a spontaneous decision, as at school I knew mathematics and physics badly. But in a 11th class I was interested by technologies of informations and I decided, by all means to master them.
At first entered Gorlovskiy Road-transport Institute on speciality Economic Cybernetics, but at the supreme moment I arrived on examination in DonNTU, which wrote on 8, and it was enough, that to get on a budget. Doubting not longer than three seconds, I decided that will study here. First pair of years studying wasn’t easy. Objects were easier than all given me, was computer graphics or programming on Visual Basick. Also I liked to study disciplines related to the medical side of our speciality.
Leader of my master's degree work Adamov Vladimir Grigor'evich. A theme of work is "Development of the dedicaded computer system of treatment and artificial of jaw-facial traumas perception".

Plans for future

After the receipt of diploma of master's degree I would like to find itself job on speciality and like, work which would be of use society, bringing me the same pleasure.
Now my vital principle can be described words from a book "Peg at a moon, even if will miss, however will appear among stars".
DonNTU Masters of DonNTU