Development of control systems is one of the most important theoretical trends in digital technology.
This section of science is ever evolving and changing, thanks to the fact that the products are manufactured
using advanced technologies have the widest application in industrial production, especially in control systems
by a variety of objects and processes. Digital systems are introduced almost in all areas of production.
Many modern processes are very demanding service systems management. Some of them require a high speed, others - low cost.
This necessitates the development of new methods of synthesis of control devices to optimize their performance.
The whole principle of microprogram control a digital system can be represented as a set of two machines -
an operational automaton (OA) and control automaton (CA). OA is designed to store information for calculating the logical conditions,
perform a set of micro-, and others. OA, in turn, generates a sequence of control signals, which is determined by the firmware, and
corresponds to the values of logical conditions by operating the machine. Collectively, these machines is the so-called microprogram control
unit (MCU), is used to coordinate the work of all the blocks of any system. Two main classes of MCU are machines (IPA) with "hard" logic, firmware,
algorithms which can be conveniently presented in the form of graph scheme of algorithm (FSA) and the automatic "programmable" logic-based operations
and address the representation of information stored in the special control memory. Both of these classes have their shortcomings, but using
both machines with the "hard" and "programmable" logic can achieve significant progress. This "symbiosis" was the name of compositional
microprogram control unit (CMCU).
Figure 1. The block diagram of
compositional microprogram control unit. (Animation. 7 personnels. 10 cycles)
Hardware, and as a consequence, and financial costs are
a major problem in implementing any device. It need better optimize the structure of the machine for reducing costs at the manufacturing stage devices.
For this purpose, circuit machines, allowing reducе the following parameters: the number of inputs, by changing the logic, the number of outputs, by encoding
sets of micro-operations, the number of inputs and outputs by encoding a string of direct structural table.
Master's thesis devoted to the study of compositional microprogram control units with the aim of reducing hardware costs, and thus the cost of implementing the logic circuit device, while maintaining performance. Optimization schemes of the control automaton are executed taking into account the feature of the control algorithm given by FSA, and elemental basis.
Connect with scientific programs, plans, themes
Master's work is done during 2009-2010 under the scientific direction of the department of electronic computers.
Aims of research
Aim is to reduce cost and increase the speed of the synthesized MPA, by minimizing the logic circuit.
To achieve the goal in the research process should:
1. To consider and examine existing methods of synthesis CMCU;
2. To perform analysis of algorithms to optimize devices
3. To perform analysis of the existing element basis FPGA; 1.Rassmotret and examine existing methods
4To design the ways of optimizing CMCU on inputs and outputs;
5. To estimate complexity of implementing the developed structures, and identify areas for their effective application.
Subject of investigation: composite structures Microprogram controllers.
Object of research: control automaton, implemented in the basis SPLD and CPLD.
Methods: The studies were used: the formal apparatus of finite automata, set theory and Boolean algebra, probability theory, graph theory.
Scientific novelty
Scientific novelty of the results of master's work is to develop a framework CMCU focused on minimizing the cost and increase the speed of IPA.
The practical significance of the results:
The practical significance lies in the development of new structures Microprogram control devices, or modifications of traditional structures in the
basis of programmable
logic devices, with the aim of reducing hardware costs in comparison with trivial schemes of control automata.
Testing of the work
The main results were reported and were based on international scientific conferences, students, graduate students and young scientists "Information and computer technologies - 2009"
(section "Design of computer and digital devices, FPGA-technology") and "Information control systems and computer monitors - 2010'' (section "Computer Engineering").
In the process of research is planned to solve the following tasks:
Analysis of the methods of synthesis of microprogrammed controllers in programmable logic devices;
Research and development of two-level structures Microprogram control devices to optimize the hardware cost for implementing the logic circuit;
Analysis of the elemental basis - SPLD, CPLS, FPGA;
Assessment of the complexity of the developed structures, and determination of their effective application.
Important annotation
When writing the Autosummary master work was not yet completed. Final completion: December 2010 Full text of work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after the specified date.