Computer Science and Informatics
System Programming
Graduate's work topic:
Calculation of coordinates of a moving object
Krasichkov Alexey
Scientific consultant:
Krivosheev Sergey
Computer Science and Informatics
System Programming
Graduate's work topic:
Calculation of coordinates of a moving object
Krasichkov Alexey
Scientific consultant:
Krivosheev Sergey
Calculation of coordinates of a moving object
1. Introduction
2. Actuality of topic
3. The scientific importance of the work
4. Practical value of job performances
5. Types of Navigation Systems
6. Summary
7. Literature
Rapid development of technologies in the last decades leads to appearance of new
navigation systems. During many ages term «navigation» meant an aggregate
indicated values. In our time the concept of navigation got the following
character: «navigation»
— science section about the methods of leadthrough of marine, air and space ships from one point to another.
This task is to reach by methods and devices of marine, air and space navigation, which allow to define a location and orientation of moving object relatively accepted system of coordinates, size and direction the rate of movement, direction and distance to destination et cetera.
To the tasks of navigation we can add a determination of optimum route of motion under which also
the requirement of providing of maximal safety and economy of conclusion of object in
set point of space in certain moment of time with the set exactness is understood.
Actuality of topic
The task of calculation co-ordinates of mobile object has it's actuality, because in present it must be high exactness and authenticity of position of the object. The researches about improvement of navigation systems and conclusion them on new, more high level are running now.
The scientific importance of the work
The scientific importance of this work is to develop a more accurate method of determining the coordinates by using several types of navigation systems.
Practical value of job performances
During implementation of work after the leadthrough of design with the improved methods
it is assumed to get more optimum and reliable method of determination of co-ordinates for
mobile objects.
Types of Navigation Systems
—Doppler systems of navigation : they could be counted to the class of autonomous, I.m. such systems, in which necessary navigation information could be get just per bort mashines, without using some surface facilities.[1]
—Inercial navigation systems : they are exact automatic devices, based on
using measuring devices of accelerations, stabilizators for withholding
akselerometers in certain position in relation to the inertia system of co-ordinates (ISC),
countably-decision devices for the calculation of site of mobile objects and indicative
INS on the method of determination of co-ordinates of location could be counted to the number of
way navigations systems.
They are used for the decision of the followings navigation tasks:
— continuous measuring of the accelerations of centre-of-mass under an action of
active (ungravity) forces;
— design of navigational coordinate systems (NCS);
— calculations of constituents of speed by single integration and co-ordinates
locations of centre-of-mass by two-time integration of the measured accelerations.
— Satellite radio navigational systems : based on the use of co-ordinated to motion and radiation of signals of network of navigational space satellites (NSS). [1]
—Satellite RNS provides a continuous and practically instantaneous position-fix
and speeds of user in swingeing majority of districts of earth (global systems) with
by exactness, on an order exceeding exactness of RSDN. For work of SRNS frequencies are selected in
range of decimetrovykh waves, near to optimum from point of minimum absorption
signal at distribution and sizes of aerials, in-use for a transmission and reception. Functions
supporting stations NSS execute in SRNS.
It's possible both active with an active answer and passive SRNS. Majority of SRNS
are the multiposition passive systems, having unlimited passthrough ability.[1]
A series of satellite radio navigation systems have broad application in many fields of science and technology.
At present an analysis of existing systems navichatsii, but has not yet chosen the best system on the basis of which will be achieved the necessary results. When writing this Autosummary master work was not yet completed. Final completion: December 2010
1. А. А. Сосновский, И. А. Хаймович. Радиоэлектронное оборудование летательных аппаратов. Справочник. М. Транспорт. 1987 г. с. 3-5.
2. Серапинас Б.Б. Глобальные системы позиционирования: Учеб. изд. - М.: ИКФ «Каталог», 2002. - c. 106.
3. Б. К. Леонтьев GPS: Все, что Вы хотели знать, но боялись спросить.Литературное агентство «БукПресс» 2006 с. 11-16.
4. GPS [Электронный ресурс]/ — Электронные данные — Режим доступа: GPS , свободный — Загл. с экрана.
5. Глонасс [Электронный ресурс]/ — Электронные данные — Режим доступа:Глонасс,Глонасс свободный — Загл. с экрана.
6. Galileo [Электронный ресурс]/ — Электронные данные — Режим доступа:, Galileo свободный — Загл. с экрана.
7. Навигация [Электронный ресурс]/ — Электронные данные — Режим доступа:Навигация, Навигация свободный — Загл. с экрана .
8. Кривошеев С.В. Особенности реализации интеллектуальных тренажерных комплексов на основе интегрированной навигационной системы [Электронный ресурс] / Кривошеев С.В. — Режим доступа к статье:
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10. Аноприенко А.Я., Кривошеєв С.В. Информационно-программное обеспечение интегрированной навигационной системы. Збірка наукових праць міжнародної наукової конференції «Інтелектуальні системи прийняття рішень та прикладні аспекти інформаційних технології ISDMIT’2006». Т.3. Євпаторія, 2006 – с. 90-93.
11. Святный В.А., Кривошеев С.В. Автоматизация судовождения на основе интегрированной навигационной системы для речных судов. Збірка наукових праць міжнародної наукової конференції «Інтелектуальні системи прийняття рішень і проблеми обчислювального інтелекту ISDMCI’2008». Т.1 (ч.2). Євпаторія, 2008 – с. 60-63.