Improving calculations accuracy is the problem in engineering and scientific calculations in various areas [1]: modelling in physics, chemistry, astronomy etc. Frequent practice problem is a choice between a values representation range and calculations accuracy. It is possible to tell today about correlation problem existence between calculated approximated and true abstract task results. There are two basic approaches solving the given problem:
- pointed or approximated approach - approaching by rational numbers is used instead of reals. The IEEE-754 [2] is the standard for floating-point numbers;
- interval approach - real number is represented as interval. The interval comprised of this number is represented by its edges in form of rational numbers pair [A, B].
Theme actuality
The question about reliability of computer calculations is repeatedly brought up in the literature. There are researches [7-9] which show that using of modern approaches for reals representing leads to:
- irrational using of the computing resources;
- poor reliability of the difficult mathematical calculations' results especially with error's accumulation;
- poor equivalence of reals representation model to real requirements of various knowledge branches.
Figure 1 (animation) demonstrates severity of these problems.

Figure 1 – Demonstration of the work's actuality
(Animation [56 KB]: 8.56 seconds / 25 frames per second / 214 frames / 2 loops)
Hence, researches within the limits of the correlation problem of calculated approximated result with the true abstract task decision are undoubtedly actual.
The objective and solved problems
The objective of the given work is researching the methods of high precision calculation over the multidigit floating-point numbers. Rational numbers are chosen as the research area.
The problems of this work are:
- Mathematical correctness' analysis of the existing rational numbers formats (including IEEE-754);
- Research of the methods improving calculations accuracy and corresponding data structures;
- Theoretical and experimental researches of the developed methods and formats;
- Practical implementation of the developed methods and formats in form of an executable library.
Prospective scientific novelty
The result of the given work's theoretical part will be mathematical fundamentals for the floating-point numbers representation as well as methods improving accuracy and stability of the calculations operations over these numbers.
Expected practical results
The expected practical result is the implementation of the proposed methods in the form of the software library of the rational numbers mathematics.
Review of researches and works of theme
Official standards for rational numbers representing and work with them are [2] and [12]. R. Moore's monography [4] is the fundamental document of the interval calculations.
It is possible to note [1] and [6] from foreign publications, and among the descriptions of the thematic software implementations - [8] and [9]. Also it is possible to note on the CIS territory: on interval calculations – [7], and on pointed calculations – V.M.Jurovitsky's criticising articles [13, 14].
In DonNtU were spent researches neither on the given theme, nor in the area of the rational numbers theory.
On this stage the theme actuality and objective is proved and problems are formulated and the analysis of the chosen subject area is almost finished. Also there has been begun the theoretical analysis of a subject area and article about the theory of rational numbers has been written. This article is prepared for publication in the collection of DonNTU-2010 proceedings.
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