In God we trust
In modern marine traffic infrastructure increasingly important role have GIS and GPS technologies, today there is the opportunity for direct participants in the movement and control of all levels of transport systems with necessary speed and quality of space-time information. Global satellite positioning system "Navstar" (NAVSTAR - Navigation Satellite Providing Time And Range) or short - GPS (Global Positioning System) let quickly determine the location of coordinates of moving objects in virtually anywhere in the world and at any time, and geographic information systems (GIS) provide the location of objects displayed on electronic maps modeling and planning of traffic flow, traffic monitoring systems in space and time. Existing technologies are implemented in system of modeling and teaching the use of integrated navigation systems for navigators, pilots, etc. By modern methods of calculation, as innovations in digital equipment emulation it is possible to build such a system, which is called multifunctional navigation simulator.
It is necessary for achieving defined goal to: Perform analysis of existing similar systems, algorithms and implementation. Develop algorithm for physical and mathematical model of the ship. Build the architecture for software. The subject of design and research: distributed computing. The object of research: navigation simulator. Methodology and research methods. In the process of exploration the series decay theory, graph theory, engineering analysis, Java Swing are used.
The practical significance of the results lies in the development of the cross-platform software, which implements the model of developed navigational simulator.
In the introduction of master's work are the purpose and objectives of investigations, the idea of work and its scientific novelty formulated .
This chapter reviews existing technologies. Existing technologies are implemented in system of modeling and teaching the use of integrated navigation systems for navigators, pilots, etc. With modern methods of calculation, as innovations in digital hardware emulation it is possible to build such a system, which is called multi-navigation simulator.
Multifunction navigation simulator allows training skippers and pilots in the following areas:
-control and maneuvering the vessel;
-organization of running navigational watch;
-radar and lining;
-use of electronic cartography;
-conducting rescue operations.
Multifunction navigation simulator consists of a workplace instructor and employment of persons, who study any functional configuration of these modules and some functional trainers (FT).
The second section is devoted to physical and mathematical model of the vessel. Mathematical modeling module of the vessel: A mathematical model based on vector-differential method modeling of the vessel, which accounted for 50 environmental parameters environment that dynamically changing (sea, current, wind, depth, impact channel interference) and vessels (hull geometry, weight, type and number of engines, propellers, Features steering mechanisms). Thus, the possibility of simulating the movement of vehicles in six degrees of freedom was achieved.
The third section is devoted to training and development architecture of the software simulator. Software Instructor: Software allows the instructor to create an instructor, modify the terms and options exercises, track progress of each exercise, make errors of the equipment that simulates. Software Instructor saves implementation exercises for their subsequent playback and analysis. Multi-purpose navigational simulator - automated, controlled by an instructor teaching practical skills in assessing radar data, the simulated on the external surface environment, to manage the radio, navigation and shipping facilities that located at the bridge of the ship./p>
FT of the vessel and navigation tools. FT ship means, that a steering simulator complex includes the possibility of using the automatic steering. Simulator engine control and steering devices, status indicators and modes of the engine of screws steps governed. Governance lights that distinguish the signal, sound signals. Indicator emergency warning signal. Navigation means operating with such systems as GPS / DGPS, Loran C, and magnetic gyro compass, lag and echo-sounder. As the basis for existing integrated navigation system was taken the developed "Institute of System Dynamics and Control" University of Stuttgart. The project developed "DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft" within the SFB 228. Navigational simulator software will be implemented, all processes will be imitated realisticly. The main point is that this simulator can be applied to real vehicles, using its actual (Physical) parameters (length, width, etc.). The simulator will be a model for images . Fig. 1.
Figure 1 - Scheme of the integrated navigation system (simulator)
The main objectives of this simulator will be not only above mentioned thesis, but also the maximum automation of the vessel, as it will be able to perform calculation on the most rational construction of the course (for those conditions in which ship is).
Determination will take place on the following principle, the system collects all necessary information for automatic posting of the ship. First, the definition surrounding the situation with a view to the presence of radar interference. Speed on a log will show the actual bias against the soil or regarding the relative water. Principal GPS receiver will ensure acceptance of the actual coordinates (based on the absolute coordinate system). Gyroscopes will provide information on the value angle.
Then this information will be transferred to an electronic map, and treat current position.
And after this the direction will be determined again under certain conditions (obstacles, surface structure, other ships). Determining criterion course will be determine how differences vessels colliding with the help of Rules of MPSS. Implementation of such systems will help to reduce accidents in water (excluding the human factor), but it can not be the exception control by skippers. It is also a good educational tool in the design and development of certain situations. This simulator can simulate any model of the vessel in certain conditions. You need only specify the parameters of vehicles, electronic map and initial characteristics.
The fourth section is devoted directly to software development. It includes all the intermediate stages of modeling. Starting from the basic algorithms and finishing with software.
In the fifth section the effective practical application of the developed technology, and also effective evaluation of this approach is considerd.
Important Notice! This abstract work on master's thesis isn't completed yet. The end date is October 2010. For more information, contact the author or supervisor.
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