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Shigimagin Alexander

Faculty: Computer Science

Speciality: Computer systems and networks

Theme of master's work: «Development and research of methods and structures of hardware analysis of FPGA based analog test reactions.»

Scientific adviser: Zinchenko Yuriy


Average mark in bachelours degree – 4.83

Native languages: Russian, Ukrainian
English – fluently  (Upper–Intermediate 2009 y.)
Programming expierience(Ñ\Ñ++,C#,Delphi,ASM) 
Îïûò ïî íàñòðîéêå ñåòåé Ethernet, è èíòåðíåòà (IDSL)
Qualified user: MS Office (Word, Exñel, Visio, Power Point, Outlook, VBA-macroses development)
and Internet (MS Explorer, Opera, FireFox)
Basic skills in working with (Photoshop, Paint, MathLab, GPSS, SQL)
Basic skills in WEB-design (HTML, Java Script, PHP,Flash)

Short biography:


I was born on Octobers, 23, 1988 in Donetsk city. My father, Shigimagin Vladimir, was born on February, 6, 1965. A mother, Shigimagina Svetlana, was born on October, 26, 1966. Childhood will always remain in my memory carefree, iridescent and complete new openings. Playing football with friends, picnics and other great deal will always warm my soul. Every summer I spent at the village with my grandmother and grandfather. Being a restless child, all day long I traveled on a bicycle on environs, read books and helped my grandparents. In general, comprehensively developed and cognized the world. In child's garden I went in age of two years. There I got acquainted with many children. Most of them became my class–mates afterwards, as in first class I was studying while being at the garden. Socializing and game with other children brought me lots of pleasure.


In September, 1994 I took a backpack in hands and went to the first class of general school ¹2 with the deep study of English. While studying
I took part in school olympiads on an informatics, mathematics, physics, and to other objects and often occupied prize places. Becoming interested in an informatics, in 2002, I visited a computer group in a center child's and youth creation. Exactly at this time my first acquaintance took place with programming, what engendered a desire to get busy these and farther. In 2003 I decided to enter the Donetsk lyceum «Intellect». Passing through the examinations on mathematics, physics and ukrainian, I entered the lyceum, to what, certainly, I was unspeakably glad. I developed a small project, which won the third place on the city competition of the computer programs, developed by scholar of establishments of city submission, and also won the third place in the second stage Allukrainian competition–defence of research works of students–members of the Small academy of sciences of Ukraine. However a lyceum justified my hopes, and I decided to go back into native school to the better teachers, where and made off the secondary education. In school hours I had many different fascinations, such as reading of books (from detectives to the reference books on physics), football, gymnastics, swimming and other great deal.


In 2004, as early as time of studies at school, I went on preparatory courses in the Donetsk national technical university. It was needed to participate in ratings on two objects – mathematics and informatics. The study of these disciplines was given me easily and to beginning of ratings, it was 2005 year already, I went out on a high level and successfully entered the Donetsk national technical university. In April, 2008 in Kharkov city the Allukrainian olympiad on the system programming passed. The team of our university won the second place. A deep study of English at school and, afterwards on the initial courses of university enabled me to read labours of foreign authors while studying of profiling objects without the special efforts. The university helped me to purchase new knowledges, grasp much new and interesting and developed a capacity for self–training. By the end of fourth course, passing through the state examinations, I graduated and got bakalavr diploma and also got a certificate on English of level of Upper–intermediate. I've chosen the theme of the master's degree work such as: «Development and research of methods and structures of vehicle analysis of analog test reactions on a base FPGA».

Plans for the future

I plan in the future, above all things, not to decide on attained, as life it is motion. I already attained certain successes in development and writing of user applications, work with graphic arts and animation, however aim to be and farther engaged in the increase of the qualification, as a limit is not present perfection. I plan to have a perspective work in the sphere of IT, visit abroad, to look the world, and maybe even to open the business.

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