Currently, the activities of enterprises are widespread automated process control systems. The very concept of automation allows for a number of factors needed to accelerate the process of production, cost savings and improved working conditions. Naturally, the process of automation can be of different nature, depending on the conditions and possibilities of production. Depending on the level of service production processes in the enterprise is the system or its components (subsystems) can be assigned different classes.
development of computational tools and empowerment are the main factor in the increasingly widespread adoption of them in various areas of scientific and practical activities. Very rapidly developing area of computer image synthesis. We can assume that at present has formed a new branch of science - the three-dimensional (or 3D) computer graphics. It can be defined as the science of mathematical modeling of geometric shapes and properties, and methods for visualizing and managing [10]
Scientific significance
This work aims to develop the system design of the mountain vyrobotki. Particular attention is devoted to the calculation and visualization parameters sverdlovinnih charges for the technology explosion. Extraction of minerals directly from the earth's surface is to prepare the ground (mainly in the removal of fertile layer, the withdrawal of surface water), drained (if necessary) of the deposit, its disclosure (the construction of the trenches), performing raskryvnyh works (including dumping papers) and mining operations - separate minerals from the array. By means of open pit virobok. This technology is widely used in Ukraine, the United States, Australia, Russia, Canada, China, in some European countries (Germany, Poland, Czech Republic) [8].
Openly call the collection carried out from the earth's surface mining operations for the extraction of various rocks and the creation of artificial cavities and pits. The largest scale open-cast mining are related to mining. When underground method of mining minerals mined using underground facilities virobotok [9].
Structure of operating costs includes the cost of the general processes: buropodryvnih work (10 ... 15%) and excavation (15 ... 25%), transportation (40 ... 60%), vydvaloobrazovaniya (15 ... 20%). At a total cost of the construction career in mining and capital works accounts for 30 ... 40%, and equipment 20 ... 30% [5].
Practical value
Developed system will allow to design technology parameters of entry and split the trenches in the implementation of explosion, which will reduce the use of vehicles and thereby reduces the cost of mining.
Simulation of the system must show:
The study will use the following methods: analysis of literary sources, the development of tests to verify system performance and capacity for work methods, modeling to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of technology and identify its bottlenecks cities.
Scientific novelty of these results is the method developed in parallel dimensioning sverdlovinnih charges while controlling the volume podrivaemoy explosives, which are necessary to meet environmental requirements and safety standards.
Effective management of an enterprise under modern conditions is impossible without the use of computer technology.
Today in the activities of enterprises have widely automated process control systems. The very concept of automation turned up a number of factors needed to accelerate the process of production, cost savings and improvements realized work. Naturally, the process of automation can be of different nature, understood from the reservoir and production capabilities. Deposit on the level of service production processes at the enterprise system or most of its components (subsystems) can be assigned different classes [7]:
Class A: System (Subsystem) management of technological objects and / or processes.
Class B: of the system (subsystem) the preparation and production records of the company.
Class C: of the system (subsystem) planning and analysis of the production of the company.
Ukraine has quite a few of these developments, coupled with poor (or no) funding. In the CIS, one of the most successful companies to develop simulation systems of this type is the company «AMACOR engineering» [1]. This company is development, not only for quarrying, as well as:
• pipelines, other handling equipment
• lifting Equipment
• automation Systems Food Industry
• automation of the chemical industry
• automation pharmaceutical industry [1].
Most of the material on «AMACOR engineering» are copyright materials of the company's employees AMACOR engineering. Exclusive rights to copyrighted material owned by AMACOR engineering.
No part of copyright material may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of AMACOR engineering [1].
also very active in the development of systems design and simulation of the mining industry is a Russian group of companies "Lex. The group of enterprises "Lex" is a company "Project-Service" [2], which works in architecture and construction, engineering and technological design of housing and civil and industrial purposes, as well as implementation expertise and engineering work for environmental and fire security, protection of population and territory of the Russian Federation of emergency [2].
And yet the most successful to date from the system - a system «Mineframe», produced by the Mining Institute of Kola Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences [4].
The system is designed to comprehensively address a wide range of geological, surveying and engineering problems encountered in the practice of mining enterprises, scientific and planning organizations (see Fig. 1). The system contains an extensive set of tools to work with three-dimensional models of objects of mining technology, has a stream of data presented in Figure 2. Among them, geological samples, ore bodies and layers, surveying points, mining, excavation units, structural elements and components of the system development, natural and technological surface (including career and dumps), storage (stacks) and disintegrated rock.
The system includes software products [3]:
The main objects are modeled [4]:
• geological samples
• ore bodies
• beds
• surveying point
• underground mining
• excavation units
• structural elements and components of systems development
• natural and technological surface
• career and disintegrated rock
• trenches and embankments
• dumps
To achieve this goal in the work planned for the following tasks:
Ukraine has explored 20 thousand rodovisch and displays 111 species of minerals [6] (according to UNIAN - 200 kinds of minerals, 120 of which mankind is using today). Of these 7807 fields 94 kinds of minerals have industrial importance and accounted for Reigning balance zapasіv. Greatest economic importance are coal, oil and gas, iron and manganese Rudy, brimstone, rock and potassium salts, non-metallic building materials, mineral waters. Their deposits are located in different geological regions of Ukraine. For proven reserves of some minerals Ukraine ahead of Russia, the U.S., Britain, France, NGF, Canada, etc. In particular, reserves and production of iron, manganese, titanium, zirconium ores, many non-metallic mineral Ukraine in the late twentieth century. took the leading place among the CIS, Єvropi and peace.
Analysis of the mining complex of Ukraine, indicates a further increase in demand for mineral extraction and, thus, the relevance of issues to improve the technology of mining virobotok.
To improve the technology of mining facilities virobotok in the quarries of Donbass Donetsk National Technical University scientists have introduced the use of an explosion, yaks have the following advantages:
- ensure compliance in a short period of large volumes of work;
- no need for its implementation of a large amount of preparatory work and reduce the number of used vehicles;
- using robots in public massive lateral blast can be constructed parallel to access communications, industrial and residential construction, which greatly reduces the time for delivery to the quarry operation.
For calculating the parameters of the proposed technology is necessary to use parallel obschityvany taking into account the limiting conditions, such as the amount of explosives, which undermined at a time, etc.
The results of the automation design process of mountain virobotok for selection of efficient technology in a particular company was allowed to be "narrow" theoretical propositions and establish directions for further research:
Ukraine has explored 20 thousand rodovisch and displays 111 species of beneficial resources [6] (according to UNIAN - 200 kinds of minerals, 120 of
which is used by mankind today.) Of these 7807 fields 94 kinds of minerals have industrial importance and accounted for the balance of Sovereign stock. Greatest economic importance are coal, oil and gas, iron and manganese Rudy, brimstone, rock and potassium salts, non-metallic building materials, mineral waters. Their deposits are located in different geological regions of Ukraine. From the known reserves of some minerals Ukraine ahead of Russia, the U.S., Britain, France, NGF, Canada, etc. In particular, the stockpiles and production of iron, manganese, titanium, zirconium ores, many non-metallic mineral Ukraine in the late twentieth century. took the leading place among the CIS countries, Europe and worldwide.
Analysis of the mining complex of Ukraine, indicates a further increase in demand for mineral extraction and, thus, the relevance of issues to improve the technology of mining virobotok.
To improve the technology of mining facilities virobotok in the quarries of Donbass Donetsk National Technical University scientists have introduced the use of an explosion, yaks have the following advantages:
- ensure compliance in a short period of large volumes of work;
- no need for its implementation of a large amount of preparatory work and reduce the number of used vehicles;
- using robots in public massive lateral blast can be constructed parallel to access communications, industrial and residential construction, which greatly reduces the time for delivery to the quarry operation.
For calculating the parameters of the proposed technology is necessary to use parallel obschityvany taking into account the limiting conditions, such as the amount of explosives, which undermined at a time, etc.
The results of the automation design process of mountain virobotok for selection of efficient technology in a particular company was allowed to be "narrow" theoretical propositions and establish directions for further research:
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