Abstract-Introduction -The aims and the tasks of the research -The topicality of the investigation -Supposed scientific novelity -The survey of the investigations of the given topic in DonNTU -The survey of the investigations of the given topic in the Ukraine -The survey of the investigations of the given topic in the World -A short account of the results of the author’s own investigation, by the moment of finishing the abstract. -Conclusion -Literature IntroductionTelephone communication is the main way of telecommunications, which uninterruptedly and quite intensive by grows as the basis for many other types of communication. That’s why a particular attention is constantly devoted to development, improvement, planning, projecting and forecasting of telephone communication nets. Consequently, it is very important to correctly debug all the regimes of active state of the equipment, which works in real-time, with regard to complex telecommunicational nets of especially large size. The aims and the tasks of the research The aim of this research consists in the formation of the algorithm of prognostication of telecommunications equipment failures. To achieve this aim the following tasks are to be solved: The topicality of the investigation During the analysis of the legacy of automatic telephone centre equipment failures, the failures can be classified in accordance with the technical equipment of the automatic telephone centre itself. Modern automatic telephone centres equipment can be divided into three principle groups: the equipment of the station, carrier with subscribers, carrier within the automatic telephone centre. Supposed scientific novelityAutomatic telephone centre is a large and complex system, which requires appropriate modern process of administration and control. The net of the automatic telephone center of Donetsk is one of the biggest in our country, accordingly the load to the net is very large and the breakdowns are unavoidable, that’s why the process of failures registration needs a separate automatic system of control. One of the most important arias of work within failures registration and elimination system is the department of the repairing bureau, which directly concerns itself with the registration of the requests, determination of the type of the breakdown, sending of the foremen, accounting reserve equipment. Namely this department is an exchange, owing to which automatic telephone centres of the whole town never loose contact with each other. Recently as a result of appearance of the great number of new means of information exchange, such as global net of the Internet, mobile communication, load to the telecommunicational equipment has considerably grown. Correspondingly it is possible to draw a conclusion; that development of this system of repairing control is one of the most important trends in the modern sphere of telecommunication The survey of the investigations of the given topic in DonNTUThe topic “The Investigation and development of the mechanisms of support of reliability in transportation communicational network for the big cities” was considered in V.S. Chepak’s Master paper. S.V. Kotov dealt with the topic “The investigation of the methods of formation and optimization of the regional telecommunicational net structure” D.V. Tkachenko researched the questions of information security reliability in his Master paper «The investigation and development of technical security of the information at the transportational ATM net” The survey of the investigations of the given topic in the UkraineThe questions of prognostication were considered by the following experts: A.B. Bondarenko, S.A. Koshechkin, I.Yu. Sofijskiy. The methods of elimination, failures diagnostics and reliability were investigated in the papers of Igor Panov, A.N. Berlin, Yu. P. Kosinov, I. N. Lipatov, A.A. Romanov. The survey of the investigations of the given topic in the WorldPrognostication systems of appearance, diagnostics and elimination of failures are covered in the papers of foreign authors A.G. Kagramanzade, Dr. Rajender Thusu, Team Leader, and Robert Hundyma. And foreign firms also develop software products for failures prognostication of telecommunicational equipment. The largest of them are “RAM Commander” and “iManager”. A short account of the results of the author’s own investigation, by the moment of finishing the abstract. In order to choose and realize the method of prognostication it is necessary to analyses the failures process. In this connection the statistic data about failures from several automatic telephone centres in Donetsk for 5 years were used, wich contain the number of failures per month. 1) Holt’s model; where s is the period of seasonal prevalence, 4) The method of exponential smoothing. Conclusion The results of the investigation of bugs of telecommunicational equipment failures enable us do draw the foolowing conclusions: Literature
1. Гуров С.В. Основы теории надёжности. - СПб: Издательство БХВ – Петербург – 2006. – 560 с. ©DonNTU 2010, Тaranenko V.V. |