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Traditional techniques and models used to determine the availability and failure rates of telecommunications networks are based on classic failure models such as Mean-time between Failure and Mean-time between Service Outage predictors. Network failures occur for many different reasons and occur in many different forms. These classic models only assume that the failure is caused by a hardware component of the network. With the widespread deployment of Internet technologies other factors that cause or contribute to failure in a telecommunications network must be explored. Two additional failure modes to existing published failure models, failure from Denial of Service Attacks, and failures due to Catastrophic Events have been identified and defined along with an initial outline of a generalized prediction model based on Dynamic System Theory.
For over thirty years the US Department of Defense Specification, MIL-HDBK-217F, has been a standard measure for estimating the intrinsic reliability of electronic equipment and systems. It is based on an analysis of the average time, in hours, for electronic components to fail called Mean-time between Failure (MTBF). Several similar standards, such as Bellcore TR-322, as well as many modifications and derivatives have been used to predict the behavior of telecommunications equipment that is currently in production. Even though MTBF determination is well established, the application of this reliability predictor in telecommunications network design is "frequently misunderstood and misused". Research has shown that overly optimistic failure predictions result from misunderstandings and misapplications of MTBF assessments.
Despite the misunderstanding and misuse of these predictors, the telecommunications industry is still very much focused on their use. A search of technical documentation at leading telecommunications hardware manufacturers (Cisco and Juniper Networks) shows extensive documentation for failure prediction based on the MTBF and Mean-time between Service Outage (MTBSO) standards and little on other causes of network failures. This collective mindset extends throughout the telecommunications industry where one finds an abundance of information on the use of MTBF predictors and little information on other categories of network failures.
Kyas (2001) has identified five categories of errors that can lead to general system failure in data processing systems that are considerably beyond the MTBF failure predictors. These are:
1. Operator Error
2. Mass Storage Problems
3. Computer Hardware Problems
4. Software Problems
5. Network Problems
This research paper reviews the five categories proposed by Kyas (2001) with the view to determine if additional categories are required or, if there in an opportunity to express a general failure predictor model. Categories of Network Failures
Category 1: Hardware Problems
Telecommunications equipment suppliers have focused on Kyas's (2001) category of hardware problems as the main predictor of network failure rates. Approximately 25% of all failures occur as a result of hardware problems such as computer failures. To improve overall hardware reliability in telecommunications products, vendors build redundancy into their product offerings. A network designer can select and deploy equipment with a wide range of redundancy options ranging from having no redundancy to the complete duplication (or more) of equipment and links. When applied in this narrow context, the US Military and Bellcore standards are useful predictors. Today, it is common to have individual hardware components of telecommunications equipment have MTBF's ranging from 80,000 hours to several hundred thousand hours.
In the actual deployment of the networks there are variations in more than just the hardware components that are selected. These variations include the quality of equipment, the quality of network planning and design, the complexity of the implementation, the interaction and interoperability of components. Many networks are exceptionally complex systems - it is amazing that they show any stability at all!
Mission critical networks are designed to have "five-nines" availability (i.e. 99.999% availability) and are required to meet that performance criteria based on an MTBF assessment. However, there are four other important categories of failure identified by Kyas (2001) that contribute to the other 75% of network failures not identified through an MTBF analysis of hardware problems. These other contributors to network failure rates (or correspondingly availability) must be considered to accurately assess and predict network availability. MTBF analysis is not an appropriate measure for three of these categories.
Category 2: Operator Error
Operator Error (OE) as defined by Kyas (2001) as those failures caused directly by human actions. Operator error is further subdivided into intentional or unintentional mistakes and as errors that do or do not cause consequential damage. Kyas (2001) suggests that OE is responsible for over 5% of all system failures. This figure typically varies from enterprise to enterprise based on the level of training and other factors such as corporate culture and procedures.
This type of error is useful in examining possible types of network system failures. An operator error that affects the network reliability can arise from people’s interaction with networking equipment, physical cables and connectors as well as from events by other IT devices result from user actions. Other IT devices such as database servers and e-mail servers can produce broadcast storms and duplication of network addresses due to the actions of individuals operating the various devices within the network.
Category 3: Mass Storage Devices
This category is defined as the failures associated with mass storage devices. Failures of these devices have been studied by various manufacturers as well as by users of these devices. Although high performance hard drives can achieve exceptionally high MTBF values of 106 hours (almost 114 years); many organizations who employ banks of hard drives often experience higher failure rates simply due to the large quantity of drives in use.
Furthermore, environmental factors such as: temperature variation, physical handling or mishandling combined with the frequency of certain drive operations such as nonstop seek operations will affect both the MTBF as well as its statistical distribution. The failure analysis can consider these factors into reliability planning of a network.
Although the failure of these devices is not by itself considered to be a network failure, there has been a rapid growth in the deployment of Storage Area Networks (SAN) where large arrays of mass storage devices are directly connected to a network through high capacity channels. SANs do indeed classify as network devices since they are network-centric. From a computer hardware perspective, traditional MTBF evaluations are appropriate for these devices.
Category 4: Software Problems
Today, enterprise networks connect large numbers of servers that provide functionality to large numbers of users using a very large number of software applications. Widely distributed systems are common in enterprises that are geographically dispersed. The network provides all connectivity between various computer platforms and clients. In systems of such complexity, even with careful planning, monitoring and assessment, it is difficult to predict the service demands on the network. Failures can arise from insufficient capacity, excessive delays during peak demands well as a catastrophic failures arising from the loss of a vital component or resource.
Network software failures can be caused by faulty device drivers, subtle differences in protocol implementation and handling, and operating system faults and anomalies. According to Kyas (2001) software problems account for approximately the same number of failures as hardware problems (25%) and are important to any meaningful reliability analyses.
Category 5: Network Problems
Hardware and Software problems that are directly related to the Network are included in this category. These can account for more that one-third of IT failures [5]. To better understand the distribution and nature of these types of failures it is useful to discuss them in the context of the OSI model. Figure 1 shows the distribution of errors among the layers of OSI model in Local Area Networks.
Causes of failures within the lower layers of the model are often defective NIC cards, defective cables and connections, failures in interface cards in bridges routers and switches, beacon failure (Token Ring networks), checksum errors, and packet size errors. As Ethernet technologies have improved over time, there has been a decline in the failure rates within the lower layers of the OSI model but, there has been an increase in the failure rates in the Application Layer as software complexity continues to explode.
Many of the errors and failures as described here are often localized (usually to one computer or user) and not catastrophic in nature. Localized failures are very different from that defined by the US Military and the Bellcore models which allow for local failures to occur and not be considered a device failure. In understanding the contribution of localized failure to network reliability, it is important to consider the scale and size of failures that are caused by individual network components. For example, the failure of a NIC card will not likely result in a Single Point of Failure of the enterprise network. However, a Core Router failure without appropriate redundancy and switchovers can incapacitate an entire network.
Figure 1. Frequency of LAN errors by OSI model Layers.
Additional failures not categorized by Kyas (2001)
Although Kyas's (2001) five categories account for a large number of network failures, the following two additional categories merit consideration and discussion:
1. Failures due to Denial of Service Attacks (Worms, Viruses, Trojan Horses and Malicious software).
2. Failures from disasters such as fire, flood, earthquakes, outages and the like.
Category 6: Denial of Service Attack
Denial of Service attacks have been a major source of network failures since 2000. Today they are occurring several times a year resulting in service disruption worldwide. The frequency of this network failure is increasing at an alarming pace. Only private tightly controlled networks without Internet access are immune from this form of attack by deploying "air-gaps" in the network. Air-gaps are a physical gap with no connectivity and where data is manually transferred between nodes. This approach is not practical for the vast majority of networks today that rely on Internet connectivity.Category 7: Disaster Scenarios
The final category of failure considered in this paper is that of disaster scenarios which occur from a wide range of circumstances, many of them environmental and some synthetic. Environmental disasters include floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, long-term power outages, tornadoes and fires. Synthesized disasters can include: theft, vandalism, arson, war and acts of terrorism. In each of these disaster scenarios many more causes can be listed. In some cases there is regional occurrence that can be useful in predicting such an event. However, in many other cases no previous knowledge or useful means of prediction is possible. Disaster planning has only recently become a high IT priority as the collective mindset of the world has focused on dealing with the threat of widespread terrorism.
Developing a Comprehensive Failure Analysis Methodology
A number of categories have been introduced which identify the cause and types of failures that telecommunication networks can have. In some cases the estimation of the probability and nature of the failure are predictable and in many others any estimation would be only guesswork and thus be inaccurate. The question now and corresponding challenge is to determine how to proceed.
Clearly an assessment can be made in each of the seven categories and quantitative and speculative predictions can be made. These can be prioritized and used as input to the risk assessment of the telecommunications infrastructure. This approach can provide a methodology by which a corporation can assess and respond to a wide range of failures in the network. However, an alternative and perhaps less speculative approach, Dynamic Systems Theory, may be possible.
Dynamic Systems Theory first proposed by Thom describes catastrophes as bifurcations of different equilibria or fixed point attractors. It has been used to characterize a large number of natural and synthetic phenomena ranging from insect populations to the capsizing of ships at sea. Certain types of failures in telecommunications systems can obviously be described by this theory. Network failures such as route flapping are natural candidates that can be described by this approach to model the failure.
The open research question and challenge is to apply Dynamic Systems Theory to all different categories of network failures and compare the results with the existing models that use MTBF and MTBSO as predictors.