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Vaskovtsov Konstantin

Vaskovtsov Konstantin

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology

Speciality: System Programming

Theme of master's work:

The mapping of virtual parallel network simulation models of dynamic objects in the target reconfigurable architecture

Scientific adviser: p.D. V.A. Svyatnyj

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Short biography:


I was born at 1988 in the Donetsk. My mother Vaskovtsova Valentina and father Vaskovtsov Andrei just finish study in the university and educate my brother Vaskovtsov Aleksey. That’s why I bring less problem as my brother. Main part of childhood I spent in the kindergarten. There I acquired antipathy for this establishment. In this age I like broken all what in my hand felt. I have not many memories about this time, but I remember, that my parents have many complaints about me. In this time I acquired hatred for others and love for solitude.


My school… I remember this period of time with some warm. I entred in the school ¹70 with heavy education and some experiments with school kids. I don’t understood the word “experiment”. My parents don’t want to know, what does this experiments means. These experiments taught me calculate in different number systems, but I can’t write and read. In 5 class my new class teacher Tregub N.L. call me in a class with study of mathematical science. In 6 class I met with a first computer POISK 2. At this time I received my first computer AMD486DX4. I understand, that I more like this coffin than another people. I finished school with a gold medal. I want to say “thanks” my teachers and some music bund, that makes me so I now.


When I finished school, I don`t know, what I want to do. Many knowledge and ambitions say me right way – I choose “System programming” in Donetsk National Technical University. After first course I taught to don`t trust to different opinions and ratings. University was a waste of my time. Almost all subjects are outdated and do not need to practice. I understand this when I want to find some work. Employers need some other knowledge, that in university not taught. But I will must finish university and I done it with a good diploma. I got a place in the master budget and decided to go further on a freebie. In March 2010 I had the Leonard Euler stipendium. My future is dark and an indefinite, but I think that I found some work in other country, where I fill myself like a man.

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